Chapter 10

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"Hello Matsuri. My name is Hojo Taniguchi. Nice to meet you" Hojo said walking up to her and bowed down
"Nice to meet you too Mr. Taniguchi" Matsuri said
"We've been wanting to talk about an arranged marriage. Your parents allowed it and you will be marrying one of my daughters" Hojo said
"Do I have to...?" Matsuri asked. Hojo smirked and pulled out a contract
"Your parents signed it" Hojo said. Matsuri grabbed the contract and read it
"So Mizusawa...which one would you like to marry? You can take them both if you want. At first we planned you'll be marrying Harumi but if you want you may have Mitsuko as well. Having two wives isn't bad is it? You get to do whatever you want with them. I don't care..." Hojo said. Matsuri looked up at them and smirked. She grabbed the contract and tore it apart. Hojo's eyes widen and gritted his teeth
"What is the meaning of this?" Hojo asked
"I'm not going to marry them. You just want me to marry them just so you can take my company. Guess what? You're not taking the company..." Matsuri said and looked at him. Hojo noticed Matsuri's eyes darkened and chuckled softly
"I see..." Hojo said
"And it's pretty pathetic...what kind of father would just give away their daughter like that to someone they barely know? Hehehe...why did Soha end up with someone like you...?" Matsuri asked. Hojo clenched his fists tightly and sighed deeply
"Mizusawa you got this all wrong. You see. I'm doing this for the future of my daughters. They deserve a happy and healthy life" Hojo said
"Hm? And Soha? I know she died but you were were the only one there. I heard about the said you got attacked and locked up" Matsuri said
"I did. I tried to rescue my beloved Soha" Hojo said
"Are you sure?" Matsuri asked
"What do you mean are you sure?" Hojo asked
"Your security camera...did they check it?" Matsuri asked
"What? Of course they did..." Hojo said
"Did they check the right film?" Matsuri asked as she pulled out a flash drive. Hojo gasped and stepped back
"Maybe the world must know the truth..." Matsuri said as she pulled out her phone and it was recording
"I think we're done here" Matsuri said ending the recording video. Hojo clenched his fists tightly and growled
"Mizusawa are you out of your mind?" Hojo asked
"Maybe...hehe. What do you think?" Matsuri asked looking at him
"Hmmm? Miaseakuu..." He mumbled and walked away. Mitsuko and Harumin followed him out the door. Hojo growled and stopped
"Sir u-uh what happened?" A Mizusawa asked
"Ask your little brat" Hojo said and looked at Harumin. Harumin nodded and walked the other way. Lina saw her and watch her head to the bathroom which she found odd. Matsuri came out trembling a bit and headed to the same way as Harumin but Lina grabbed Matsuri's wrist
"Matsuri what happened?" Lina asked
"Nothing important. Just business. I-I have to go and think" Matsuri said running away
"W-wait Matsuri!" Lina said. Matsuri ran to the bathrooms and walked inside trembling
"Miaseakuu wh-what happened back there?" Matsuri asked
"I just took over your body and helped you. Oh also someone is behind you" Miaseakuu said. Matsuri looked confused but gasped as Harumin wrapped her arms around her and covered her mouth
"Mmmmmpphhh!" Matsuri said
"Shhh..I'm not going to hurt you..." Harumin said and let go of her
"" Matsuri said but Miaseakuu did nothing
"I'm not going to hurt you so trust me. You don't have to be scared of me" Harumin said and smiled. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and nodded
"Matsuri-chan!" Lina said entering the bathroom and gasped
"Y-you..." Lina mumbled looking at Harumin
"I have to go now but here's my number..." Harumin said handing her a card
"Wh-what for?" Matsuri asked
"I think she'll tell you why..." Harumin said and walked away. Matsuri looked at the card and looked up seeing Lina
"M-matsuri? Who is she?" Lina asked
"J-just someone. Her name is Harumin" Matsuri said
"So it was that girl's name you said?" Lina asked
"H-huh? Oh that um...yeah but I didn't mean to. It just came out" Matsuri said
"Was that the girl you have to marry?" Lina asked
"Yeah but I got rid of the contract so I'm free" Matsuri said. Lina looked at her and smiled. Lina jumped wrapping her arms around her. Matsuri blushed and wrapped her arms around her
'Don't get so attached to her...'
Where the hell have you been? I called you!
'I'll tell you later but right're in danger'
What?! How!?
'I'll explain later!'
"H-Hey mind letting me go now?" Matsuri asked
"O-oh yeah sorry" Lina said pulling away from her. Matsuri walked away with Lina and Matsuri saw her angry uncle
"What the hell did you do brat!?" Her uncle exclaimed
"Father don't get mad at her" Nitski said
"Shut up! Explain yourself Mizusawa" Her uncle said sternly. Matsuri just trembled and gulped
'Walk away'
'Walk away. Trust me'
Matsuri just turned around and walked to the elevator
"Matsuri! Come here! Right now!" Her uncle said but Matsuri ignored him
"Matsuri where are you going?" Nitski asked
"None of your business" Matsuri said and pressed the button to go down. She looked down and held the card Harumin gave her. The doors opened and Matsuri walked out the building. The driver stood in front of the car and opened it
"No..." Matsuri said and walked away. She walked down the streets and gasped seeing the reporters
"Mizusawa what happened back there?"
"The Taniguchis seemed upset especially Mr. Taniguchi. Mind explaining what happened?"
"Please give us the whole detail"
Matsuri growled and pushed the reporters out the way then ran away. The reporters started chasing after her but Matsuri went into and alley then vanished. The reporters gasped and looked around trying to find her
"Where did she go?"
"What the hell happened?"
"Is that even possible?"
The reporters left and Matsuri opened her eyes seeing Harumin
"Gaaah!" Matsuri said and pushed her away. She fell down on the ground and glared at Harumin
"Hey calm down. I just helped you" Harumin said. Matsuri glared at her and shook her head
"Just leave me alone" Matsuri said and walked away
"Wait!" Harumin said
"Stay away! I'm not suppose to be with you or near you!" Matsuri shouted and ran away. Harumin tried chasing after her and the reporters were recording them. Matsuri gasped as Harumin grabbed her wrist as she pulled her back towards her. Matsuri panted heavily and looked up at Harumin who was holding her
"Get away from me!" Matsuri said pushing her and ran away. Harumin reached her hand out and sighed deeply
She won't listen...
'She will. Once we take her hostage'

Matsuri panted heavily and ran away. She suddenly crashed into someone who held her
"G-get away!" Matsuri said
"Matsuri! It's me! Calm down! It's me!" Yuzu said. Matsuri looked up and saw a blonde haired girl with emerald eyes
"H-huh? How do you know me?" Matsuri asked
"It's me. Yuzu remember?" Yuzu asked
"Y-yuzu? Huh?" Matsuri asked
"It's me Yuzu. We're childhood friends" Yuzu said
"We are?" Matsuri asked
"Yes. We are" Yuzu said smiling softly. Matsuri just trembled and pushed her out the way and kept running
"Matsuri! Come back!" Yuzu said. Mei noticed the pink haired girl who ran pass her and walked to Yuzu
"Is she the girl you're looking for?" Mei asked
"Yes. She's my friend but it seems she doesn't remember" Yuzu said
"And she looks scared" Mei said
"Why though?" Yuzu asked
"Yuzucchi!" Harumin said running up to her
"Harumin?" Yuzu asked
"D-did you see Matsuri?" Harumin asked panting heavily
"M-matsuri?" Yuzu asked
"Yes her. I need to talk to her" Harumin said
"About what?" Yuzu asked. Harumin looked at her and looked away
'You can't tell her...'
"I-I can't say" Harumin said
"Oh okay...then I'm sorry but I haven't seen her" Yuzu said
"You haven't? Are you sure?" Harumin asked
"Yes. I'm sure" Yuzu said and held Mei's hand
"Oh you two are in a date?" Harumin asked
"Yes and we have to go now" Yuzu said and walked away. Mei followed her and looked behind
"Hey Yuzu...what are you planning on doing?" Mei asked
"I don't know but Matsuri looked scared back there. I think Harumin had something to do with it..." Yuzu said
"Do you want to look for her?" Mei asked
"Not now. I don't want to ruin our date" Yuzu said
"But your friend" Mei said
"Matsuri doesn't remember me. Maybe giving her time will help her remember me but right now let's spend time together" Yuzu said and kissed Mei's hand making her blush. Mei just looked away and blushed. Yuzu giggled and wrapped her arms around her
"Y-yuzu" Mei said and blushed. Yuzu leaned in and kissed her softly. Mei blushed and kissed her back softly. They pulled away and smiled softly. They walked away heading to a small ice cream shop. They both bought an ice cream and ate. Yuzu looked to her side noticing some bitch she hated. Mei looked to her side and saw Kenia
"Yuzu...calm down" Mei said caressing her hand softly. Yuzu gritted her teeth and let out a low growl
"I swear if she gets near you...I'll fuckin kill her" Yuzu muttered. Kenia saw the two step sisters and smiled
"Hey Yuzu-chan. Hi Mei-san" Kenia said
"Hey Kouske-san" Mei said. Yuzu just gave her a glare and kept eating her ice cream
"What's wrong Yuzu? Not going to say hi? How rude..." Kenia said and looked at Mei
"So how you've been Mei? Anything new lately?" Kenia asked
"No. Nothing new" Mei said
"Really? Hehe have you heard the news about Taniguchi-san and her family?" Kenia asked
"What about her?" Yuzu asked
"Apparently her father seemed pissed off. The reporters tried to get some answers from him but he just told them it wasn't anything important and that he hates the Mizusawas especially Matsuri" Kenia said
"Matsuri? What did she do to make him hate her?" Yuzu asked
"Well the Taniguchi company is slowly breaking down. They are losing money somehow and I bet they want to use the Mizusawas company to help them out..." Kenia said
"But when did they start losing money?" Yuzu asked
"Ever since they lost the mother and the grandmother" Mei said
"That's true. Soha's death is a true mystery. They said she was all alone" Kenia said
"I heard she was with her husband" Mei said
"Huh? Wait but Harumin told me her mother killed herself" Yuzu said. The three girls looked at each other and Yuzu pulled her phone out contacting Harumin
"Oh hey Yuzucchi" Harumin said
"Harumin we must talk. This is serious. Go to the ice cream shop immediately" Yuzu said
"But aren't you and Mei on a-"
"Harumin there is something we figured out about the death of your mother" Yuzu said
"Yuzucchi...I don't want to talk about it" Harumin said
"Please! There is something you don't know!" Yuzu said
"...fine..." Harumin said and hanged up. Yuzu looked at her phone and sighed
So much for trying to have a simple date...
After a couple of minutes Harumin arrived at the ice cream shop. Harumin looked around and saw Yuzu with Mei and Kenia
"Hey everyone..." Harumin said
"Harumin please take a seat" Yuzu said. Harumin nodded and sat down
"So what about my...mother?" Harumin asked
"What did your father tell you?" Yuzu asked
"He said my mother killed herself. She began acting wierd lately. She usually smiles and enjoys being around me but whenever I got near her she just pushed me away...I never understood why but...when I got a call from my father about my mother. My father said he found a note from her..." Harumin said and clenched her fists tightly
"She hated me...she began getting sick of me...since she acted like that. She even said I was a disappointment for her..." Harumin said
"What about your grandmother?" Yuzu asked
"My father said she was sick and that the ambulance came in late...they couldn't save her" Harumin said. Yuzu's eyes widen and felt a headache through her head. She gasped and looked to her side seeing a girl who looked exactly like her. The girl had two wings behind her back and looked back at Yuzu
"Yuzu are you okay?" Mei asked. Yuzu snapped back to reality and breathed a little heavily
"Y-yeah I'm fine" Yuzu said and smiled nervously
What was that?

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