Chapter 29

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The girls ran outside and looked up at the roof. The demons were hissing and growling. Matsuri looked up and saw the demons
" we really have to fight these guys?" Matsuri asked. One of the demons launched himself towards Matsuri only receiving a punch from her
"Listen we really don't have time for this..." Matsuri said
"Those demons won't listen to you at all" Yuzu said
"Well of course they won't..." Matsuri said
"So what now? Should we fight back or something?" Shai asked
"Well duh. We need to get rid of these demons" Matsuri said. Suddenly they saw a lightning strike at the paralyzing them. The demons trembled and growled
"Shit...I thought that would get rid of them" Mitsuko said and held her wrist as she felt a painful sting
"Paralysis won't get rid of them that easily. It will weaken them" Harumin said
"Well start attacking while I recharge my skill" Mitsuko said
"You heard the bitch. Let's have some fun!" Matsuri said and transformed into a demon then flew up and landed on the roof
"Hey assholes!" Matsuri said and fought the demons. The rest of the girls followed her and began fighting them
"How can we get back to our normal lives!?" Yuzu asked
"We have to defeat the final boss! Defeating him will end this right away!" Matsuri said and blocked one of the attacks
"And who is this final boss?" Yuzu asked
"Harumin's father! He wants to kill me so I have to kill him first!" Matsuri said and eliminated two demons. The demons hissed and growled as they all ran up to Matsuri to attack her all at the same time but the girls surrounded her and fought the demons pushing them back
"Hey I can take care of myself!" Matsuri said
"If you go down we all go down!" Harumin said
"Yeah! Just don't get yourself killed!" Yuzu said. They grouped up the demons knocking them down onto the ground
"Sis! Now!" Harumin said and Mitsuko aimed at the demons to attack them but suddenly felt a painful hit on her side. She got knocked down and trembled on the ground
"Betraying your own father huh? I see how it is..." Hojo said as he was in his demon form. Mitsuko trembled and gripped her side tightly. She gritted her teeth and glared at her father. Hojo smirked as he raised his fists to attack her but when he was about to attack her Harumin came in blocking his attack then attacked him by lifting her leg and kicked him hard. Hojo was pushed back but he still was on his feet. He chuckled softly and looked up at her
"Hehehe protecting your big sister. Why bother? She wasn't there when I touched you" Hojo said. Harumin looked down clenching her fists tightly and teared up
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Mitsuko asked
"Hey Hamalie...want me to tell them what happened? Or would you gladly talk about our night?" Hirsh asked
"Shut up!" Hamalie shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Let me go! Let me go!" Hamalie cried and Hirsh threw her to the bed. He pinned her down and kissed her neck then sucked on it. Harumin cried and kicked doing whatever she could to get rid of him
"You look just like her. Those beautiful hazel eyes remind me so much of her. I love you~" Hirsh whispered and leaned in. Hamalie clenched her fists tightly and lifted her head fast then bumped her head against his nose breaking it
"Gah! You fuckin bitch!" Hirsh shouted and slapped her. Hamalie cried and trembled. Hirsh got off of her and grabbed Hamalie by her hair
"Father! St-stop! Please!" Hamalie cried but Hirsh didn't listen and threw her to the ground then kicked her hard on her stomach. Hamalie coughed out blood and held her stomach tightly. She cried and Hirsh just turned around
"Such a pathetic stupid bitch..." Hirsh mumbled. Hamalie cried and crawled up to her bed then pulled out a picture of her mother from underneath that was inside a box. She cried and held the picture closely
"M-mom...I miss you" Hamalie cried
End Of Flashback
"I-it's nothing..." Hamalie said
"What the hell? Why didn't you tell me?" Malori asked
"Shut up! It's nothing!" Hamalie shouted
"Nothing!? You should've told me!" Malori said. Hamalie trembled and teared up as she remembered what her father did to her. Meanwhile the others were shocked and terrified. Miaseakuu was hella pissed and couldn't control her anger
"YOU ASSHOLE!" Miaseakuu shouted running up to him. Hirsh smirked and dodged her attack then attacked her as well but Miaseakuu attacked him with a hard kick pushing him back almost making him fall
"Hehe seems you have improved" Hirsh said and smirked
"You fuckin asshole" Miaseakuu growled and glared at him
"Seems someone's mad. Anyways...I guess this seems familiar. In the middle of the night...fighting...death" Hirsh said
"That's not going to happen again!" Miaseakuu shouted
"Can you really change fate?" Hirsh asked
"I can because I'll protect them all!" Miaseakuu shouted
"Awww speaking like an angel. Do you really think you can go back up there after what you did?" Hirsh asked
"Yes I can. I won't let my friends die. I'll protect them..." Miaseakuu said glaring at him. Hirsh glared at her and snapped his fingers. The demons hissed and growled
"Maybe we should let them fight...without our help or guide" Hirsh said. Miaseakuu looked at him and clenched her fists tightly
"Very well" Miaseakuu said
"Hehe deal!" Hirsh said. Suddenly Matsuri came back in control and her eyes widen as Hojo charged up to her
"M-miaseakuu!" Matsuri said but nothing happened and Matsuri fell down with a hard critical hit. Matsuri groaned and clenched her chest tightly feel it sting her whole chest
"You're such a pathetic kid" Hojo said
" up..." Matsuri mumbled qs she stood up. She trembled and fell back but Harumin caught her
"Just leave us alone" Harumin said holding her closely. Matsuri blushed and wanted to stay in Harumin's warm arms forever
"Senpai..." Matsuri whispered and closed her eyes
"Hehe I would only do that if she can defeat me..." Hojo said
"Senpai...let me go. I have to fight..." Matsuri said. Harumin teared up and held her tightly
"I don't want you to leave me again..." Harumin whimpered
"Senpai I won't get killed this time. I'll be okay" Matsuri said
"Oh just stop this nonsene!" Hojo said and attacked them both but Harumin blocked it and kept holding Matsuri
"Senpai! Let me fight!" Matsuri said
"You'll just fuck up and end up getting killed again!" Harumin said
"But I won't fuck up this time!" Matsuri said
"Just let the girl fight!" Hojo said and ran up to them. Mitsuko raised her hand and attacked her father paralyzing him. Hojo fell down and trembled
"Damnit Mitsuko!" Hojo shouted. Mitsuko charged up her powers again and the two girls were still arguing
"Can you two shut the fuck up and fight!?" Mitsuko shouted
"I would but senpai keeps holding onto me!" Matsuri said
"That's because you're going to fuck up!" Harumin said
"We don't have time for this!" Yuzu said and ran up to the man. Hojo looked up and tried to activate his powers but he was paralyzed
"Shit!" Hojo said. Yuzu successfully attacked him knocking him back but he wasn't that injured. Hojo stood up and snapped his fingers then his friend demons hissed as they ran up to Yuzu but Mei knocked them back
"Thanks Mei" Yuzu said and hugged her
"No time to be affectionate" Mei said and the demons came back to their feet. Shai came up to the demons and with one hit she pushed them back
"Nice hit!" Yuzu said
"Th-thanks!" Shai said and smiled. Hojo groaned and got back up. Matsuri made her weapon appear then stabbed her thigh
"Gaaaaaaah! What the fuck!?" Hojo exclaimed and fell onto the ground with a wounded leg. He growled as he healed himself quickly and attacked with full power charging up to the girls. Harumin blocked his attack and Matsuri stabbed her hip
"Ggggggnnnnhhhhh! You fuckin bitch!" Hojo shouted and slipped a bit but he healed himself
"This asshole isn't going to quit" Matsuri said
"He won't stop until you're dead" Harumin said. Suddenly a demon attacked them from behind then tackled Harumin down
"Ugh! Get off me asshole!" Harumin shouted and punched the demon off of her. Matsuri groaned and Hojo grabbed her by her throat
"Hehe you're just like that Mizu're a PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH!" Hojo shouted and slammed Matsuri's whole body down on the ground hard. Matsuri yelped in pain and coughed out blood. Harumin growled and ran up to her father
"LET HER GO!" Harumin shouted and punched her father hard on his side then used her claws cutting off his arm that held Matsuri's neck
"AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!" Hojo shouted and fell on the ground bleeding. Harumin panted heavily and looked at Matsuri who was on the ground. She ran up to her and held her
"M-matsuri? Baby?" Harumin asked as she teared up. Matsuri was breathing slowly and teared up
"Ch-chest...hurts..." Matsuri mumbled. Harumin grabbed her and tore her shirt off. She gasped and her eyes widen seeing the young brat's chest. It darken with that scar she had. She could tell that her heart was darkening as well. Harumin began licking and sucking on her wound trying to heal her chest
Come on! Heal! Ugh please heal! I can't lose you! Not now! Not ever! Please Matsuri! Stay with me!
Harumin kept healing her wound but a demon hissed at her. Luckily Mitsuko knocked him back
"What the hell are you doing!?" Mitsuko exclaimed
"Healing her! Her scar will only weaken her and drain her life!" Harumin shouted and kept doing her thing
"Well hurry! These demons are getting stronger and stronger!" Mitsuko said and looked at her father then aimed at him as she used her paralyzing skills but her father blocked it and his arm grew back. He growled as he unleashed his powerful dark aura. He punched the ground hard as he used his aura pushing the girls back and attacked them giving them a critical and powerful hit
Shouts were heard from each one as they were in so much pain. Harumin held Matsuri and gasped as she felt a sharp pain on her stomach. She dropped Matsuri and Harumin coughed out blood. Matsuri groaned and held her chest as she regained conscious again. She saw blood drip onto the ground and her eyes widen seeing Harumin on her knees...bleeding. Harumin looked at her with her kind hazel eyes. She smiled softly and held Matsuri's hand
"Hehe...i-it seems that I fucked up this time" Harumin said
"S-senpai..." Matsuri mumbled and teared up. Harumin kissed her hand softly and coughed
"I'm s-sorry baby. I-I just wanted to help..." Harumin said weakly
"S-senpai? Senpai!" Matsuri said and Harumin fell onto the ground coughing
"Hehe...I love you Matsuri. I do go...out" Harumin mumbled and closely her eyes. Matsuri teared up and trembled
"S-senpai!" Matsuri shouted and looked around seeing the others. The sight of her friends bleeding and on the ground terrified her
"Mitsuko-senpai...Yuzu onee-chan...M-mei-san...Eyebrow-chan...Okogi-san...Glasses-senpai..." Matsuri mumbled out their names and tears rolled down her cheeks
"Wh-why...why did you h-hurt them? Th-they didn't do anything! They didn't deserve to get die like this!" Matsuri shouted
"You're right. It's your fault. Everyone here is dead because of you..." Hojo said
"N-no...they're not dead...shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Matsuri shouted as she activated her dark aura and released a powerful energy pushing Hojo back. Matsuri shouted as she turned into her true demon form with the help of Miaseakuu. Her body was consumed by darkness and so was her mind. Her whole body darkened as the dark aura was attached to her skin
"Haha! Time for round two Miaseakuu!" Hirsh laughed. Miaseakuu roared and her eyes glowed red then a shadow figure appeared behind her. It was her demonic beast friend. Her beast was made out of her pain and rage. Matsuri shouted and her beast roared
"I knew it! Haha! You inherited your powers from him! Zander Mizusawa the Demon King!" Hojo shouted and laughed. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and growled
"DIE! ASSHOLE!" Matsuri shouted

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