Chapter 14

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Harumin walked back to her place after having fun with the little brat. Still...she didn't felt satisfied yet. She walked down the streets heading home. She had many thoughts and if she wanted to ask her little demon friend she had to kill someone to get answers from her but Harumin couldn't...not now. She walked to the apartment she used to live with grandma but sadly she passed away. She looked at the empty house and teared up. Her grandmother would always wait for her on the couch and welcome her back home. Harumin felt her legs tremble and fell on her knees. She looked down as her tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't understand why she felt this way. She usually never fell into tears like this because of her grandmother or anyone. She covered her face and sobbed quietly all alone with no one by her side. Without her grandmother. Without her mother. Without her sister. Without her father. She was alone. Sure she enjoyed making her father proud and he was happy having her around but Harumin knew the truth. She knew very well what the truth was. After hearing the stuff from her friends it all connected to her now. Her father was the murder. It was him who planned to get rid of Soha. Maybe even the poor old granny. Why? To keep the company all to himself and not allow Soha to take the company away from him. He wanted all the money. He wanted all the power. He wanted everything in the world. Harumin wiped her tears and sat down on the floor. She couldn't do anything. No one would believe her and if she said something about it...Hojo would probably do something about it. It was best to keep her mouth shut and not say anything. Besides she had an important mission. Much more important than finding out your whole life was a lie and that your father is a murder and no one will believe you because he has a popular reputation that everyone loves him. They all think he is a perfect father and that he cares about his family a lot but nah. He is a murder who murdered his own wife and decides to marry their daughter with anyone who had money I guess. Anyways Harumin stood up from the floor wiping her tears and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face and saw Hamalie in the mirror which scared her a bit but eh. She looked like that everyday in the morning anyways
"What is it now?" Harumin asked
"What do you mean 'what is it now'? Have you forgotten what you're suppose to be doing?" Hamalie asked
"Feed my desires and seduce the young brat to keep fucking my ass. Also she is so cute and adorable. She also fucks very good. Too bad we didn't get time to start round 3. Maybe next time" Harumin said
"Such a dumbass..." Hamalie said
"Wouldn't you be calling yourself a dumbass too since you and me are one. I mean we both look alike" Harumin said
"But we act nothing alike" Hamalie hissed
"Yeah I understand. Anyways why are you her again? Is it about Matsuri?" Harumin asked
"Of course it is. Who else? Some fuckin asshole?" Hamalie asked
"Well you're a demon so I guess or I don't know what you demons do. Take souls and whatever" Harumin said
"Back to the topic. That Lina is going to do something us" Hamalie said
"Kill us for taking her girl. Yeah like she's able to kill me...and besides it's not my fault she was intrested in me. That brat couldn't resist my body" Harumin said and giggled
"Yeah well Lina will probably do something about it. She won't stop until she is able to convince Matduri" Hamalie said
"And you want me to do what?" Harumin asked
"Take Matsuri away and keep her in a room locked up" Hamalie said
"And this will help you get back with Miaseakuu? The one you're obsessed with?" Harumin asked
"Yes" Hamalie said
"Well I don't think I have time in my schedule. Hmm? Let's see" Harumin said and checked her phone
"Business, business, business, and some more business" Harumin said
"I'm going to fuckin add kidnap Matsuri and rape her" Hamalie said which made Harumin almost drop her phone
"Woah woah rape?" Harumin said
"Relax. She's just 14. She'll turn 15 soon. Hmmm? Actually...her birthday is this month. So if we're able to get her drunk and alone. We can take her. Besides she raped you. That's why you'll be returning the favor" Hamalie said
"Ah I see. This whole memory stuff is pretty much hurting my head. I can't think straight. But I don't think I should rape her just like that. Maybe something more like...hmmm?" Harumin said and thought for a moment
"You want to do something more like some kind of Fifty Shades Shit?" Hamalie asked rolling her eyes
"Exactly" Harumin said and smiled softly
"Go to the fuckin sex store and buy your tools. Your sister is coming home soon any minute now" Hamalie said. Suddenly the doors opened and Mitsuko came in
"Harumi" Mitsuko said. Harumin poked her head out of the bathroom and smiled
"Hey sis!" Harumin said and walked up to her
"How did the talk with the Mizusawa went?" Mitsuko asked
"Either good or bad" Harumin said
"How did it go?" Mitsuko asked
"I said either good or bad" Harumin said
"What's that suppose to mean?" Mitsuko asked
"I don't know" Harumin said. Mitsuko growled and grabbed Harumin by her hair
"Spill it you fuckin bitch" Mitsuko said sternly
"Fine. I had sex with her and we almost got caught" Harumin said. Mitsuko's eyes widen and let go of her hair
"Baka if dad found out he'd kill you...literally" Mitsuko said
"Hey sis...what do you think about what the Mizusawa said?" Harumin asked
"You mean if what she said is true?" Mitsuko asked
"Mhm" Harumin said
"I say it's not since she's trying to get rid of the contract and doesn't want to give the company to us with that arranged marriage but...I do believe...ugh it's stupid. The little voice in my head keeps bothering me giving me a headache. What about you? Do you believe in what she said?" Mitsuko asked
"Well...I believe it is true. Father just wants power...he could be planning something much more worse. That's why we should go with the plan and take care of the little Mizusawa" Harumin said
"I am not taking care of a kid...Hamalie" Mitsuko mumbled as looked up being possessed by Malori
"Listen Malori I had enough of your bullshit. I don't know how we both ended up becoming sisters" Harumin said as she end up becoming possessed by Hamalie
"Jeez you're just doing this to help Miaseakuu get herself back in heaven" Malori said
"I know I am. That was just a fuckin test to see if she truly loved me" Hamalie said
"Well she does and you ended up unleashing a monster in heaven now it's still alive all because of God letting her live again" Malori said
"Well I'm glad he did. I still need to get her back..." Hamalie said
"I have no clue how Miaseakuu fell for must've cast a spell on her or something" Malori said
"Hehe...our first kiss was magical. She couldn't stop thinking about me and kept following me everywhere like a cute puppy...sadly father had to ruin it all and killed her. So we must work together to protect and keep her safe...I can't lose her...not's been so so so long...the last time I touched her..." Hamalie said
"You have serious problems..." Malori said
"And you'll be helping me right big sis?" Hamalie asked
"Uh I have no clue" Malori said
"You will help me and don't get near her or touch her" Hamalie growled
"It's not my fault. She's the one who asked for a threesome" Malori said
"Yeah and you convinced her!" Hamalie said
"I have a sexy body as well Hamalie. She couldn't resist me either..." Malori said
"You know I wonder what would've happened if I just end your life here and now" Hamalie said
"Killing your own sister is a sin. You'd be burning in hell unless you want to end like a demon like Miaseakuu did for the past 100 years..." Malori said
"I'm already a demon dumbass but yeah it's not worth it. I'll change into an angel soon as Miaseakuu returns her feelings for me...hopefully this bitch doesn't decide for a threesome" Hamalie said
"Blame that on Miaseakuu if that happens. Anyways it's been nice talking to you sis but I have to go now" Malori said and stood up
"Where the fuck are you going?" Hamalie asked
"Just somewhere alright. We'll talk later" Malori said and walked out the door. Hamalie looked at her and shrugged
"Fuckin bitch..." Hamalie mumbled

Mitsuko gasped and shook her head
'Relax bitch it was only for a little while...'
Well don't do it feels wierd
'Jeez whatever...'
"Micchan!" Maruta said calling her. Mitsuko turned around and saw Maruta. Maruta waved at her and smiled
"Hey Maruta" Mitsuko said
"Hi Micchan. Are you free today?" Maruta asked
"Yes. I do have some free time" Mitsuko said
"Great. I want to spend time with you" Maruta said and held her hand which made Mitsuko blush slightly. Maruta smiled and took Mitsuko to her place. Mitsuko followed her and blushed. The two girls arrived at Maruta's place and they walked inside. They walked up to Maruta's room and Maruta couldn't help but blush seeing Mitsuko. Mitsuko looked at her noticing her stare which made her feel wierd
"Maruta why are we here?" Mitsuko asked
"I-I just thought we could watch a movie together...y-you know" Maruta said
"Oh sure and what about your parents? Aren't they here?" Mitsuko asked
"No...they're mostly out of town taking business trips" Maruta said
"So are you always alone?" Mitsuko asked
"You could say that..." Maruta said and sighed deeply
"Don't your parents take you with them?" Mitsuko asked. Maruta stopped and looked down
"I wish..." Maruta mumbled
"Huh?" Mitsuko asked
"I-I'm usually alone. I may seem like a normal and happy girl but...I'm usually upset at home. My parents just ignore me sometimes but they feed me and take care of me. The only thing they don't do is show me their love. They just work and work all day and night. They don't have time for me...they never had time for me" Maruta said and removed her glasses as she began to tear up. Mitsuko walked up to her and touched her shoulder
"I-I'm sorry...hehehe.. I shouldn't be c-crying" Maruta said and wiped her tears then looked up at Mitsuko smiling softly. Mitsuko looked at her and blushed as she wrapped her arms around her. Maruta's eyes widen and couldn't help but hug her back. Mitsuko blushed and felt her heart skip a beat.
I feel so wierd around her...
'Of course you do dumbass...'
'Why are you asking me?'
Because you're basically me and I guess you know what to do in a situation like this...
' are right about something. I was in a situation like this...I was in love with her after all but...I got killed. I was never able to tell her my feelings...and she ended up with someone else other than me' got killed?
By whom?
'You'll find out soon. She's a fuck devil just because she got dumped by my sister and decided to take all her rage out on other people and murdered them without showing mercy...'
Is she someone I know?
'Yes...she is'
'Miaseakuu Mizu...aka...Matsuri Mizusawa...'

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