Chapter 15

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Lina shouted and cried in rage as she hit the walls and destroyed everything in her room. She broke her phone, her laptop, and even gave herself cuts. All because of a little jealousy towards Harumin. Okay maybe not a little. She was definitely and completely jealous like crazy. She always thought of Matsuri like her only prized possession but now it's being taken away by a big tit sexy girl. Matsuri didn't mind being taken away except that your crazy ex girlfriend will try to do anything to get you back...and I mean anything. Crazy right? But Lina shouldn't underestimate a person who possesses demonic powers. Lina laid back down on the bed and cried
"Matsuri...why don't you remember me...? Why? Why!? Why!? Ugh you stupid little brat! I fuckin love you!" Lina cried and hugged a pillow as she cried into it. She heard a knock onthe door and she stood up. She walked up to the door and opened it seeing Sakira, Furto, and Asher. The gang lost their favorite member. Matsuri. She usually hanged out with them everyday going to someplace to drink or eat but now...the Matsuri they had doesn't even know them. She acted as if they were like strangers or something which they kinda were since she can't remember anything
"Lina!" Sakira said and hugged her
"Lina what happened?" Furto asked
"Yeah are you remodeling your room or something?" Asher asked
"No's Matsuri. She fucken left me for the big titty Taniguchi!" Lina cried
"Huh? But I thought you and Matsuri were going well. She ditched you for that slut?" Sakira asked
"Yes she did! I don't get why! She said we were dating right in front of her face but when she left she kissed me. We started making out but she looked at me and said her name. I bet if we had sex she'd be moaning out her name. Ugh! And that slutty bitch came back and this time Matsuri allowed her in. I don't know what the hell they were doing but I bet they had sex. They had fuckin sex!" Lina shouted
"U-Um Lina I think you should calm down first..." Asher said
"Yeah I'll make you some tea to think things through and to calm down" Sakira said and left the room
"I'm planning on killing her..." Lina said which made Asher choke on his saliva
"Woah woah Lina. You can't" Furto said
"Yeah it's crazy. What if you get caught?" Asher asked and Furto punched him
"Killing her won't solve anything. It'll only bring trouble. What if you're wrong? What if Matsuri and Harumi were just talking about business?" Furto asked
"Yeah what if...what if I killed her and get rid of her from Matsuri's life? Then Matsuri would probably pay attention to me instead of her" Lina said
"Jeez Lina don't go crazy over one girl. Matsuri is just one girl. There are plenty of girls out in the world. I don't think you should make a fuss over her anyways. If she doesn't love you back then she's not worth it" Furto said
"Oh come on Furto. It's okay to go a bit crazy and try to get them back. Have you seen exs getting back to together?" Asher asked
"Yeah but only normal exs not like crazy ex girlfriend or boyfriend. Those crazy people have been put to jail for the craziest thing. I don't want that future for you Lina. Please take my advice and maybe look for other girls. Maybe you'll find intrest in them" Furto said
"Thanks for the help Furto but...Matsuri is very special to me" Lina said
"Is it because she had a dick?" Asher asked
"No it's not because of's just when I was new to school Matsuri was there for me. She helped me out and was my first friend I ever made...but now this Matsuri doesn't care at all about me. The old Matsuri always cared for me that she even asked me if I was okay everyday which made me fall for her even more. I still remember the day she asked me to be hers..." Lina said
Matsuri looked at Lina during class and blushed. Lina turned to look at her catching her staring. Matsuri trembled and went back to work on the paperwork. Lina giggled softly at her reaction and went back to work as well. After class Matsuri walked over to Lina
"Hey Lina u-um...wanna hang out after school?" Matsuri asked
"Sure" Lina said
"Hahaha great u-um...I just wanted to know...if um...we could meet up at the park" Matsuri said
"Sure I'll be there" Lina said
"Okay. See you there" Matsuri said smiling softly and left to her next class. Lina blushed and giggled softly
'She's so cute'
After school Lina went to the park to meet up with Matsuri. She saw a pink haired brat sitting down in the bench and walked up to her
"Hey Matsuri-chan" Lina said
"Ah! Hey Lina" Matsuri said smiling softly. Lina smiled back and sat down next to her
"So why did you want to meet up?" Lina asked. Matsuri blushed and sighed deeply
"I wanted to ask you something. I know we've been friends for so long and everything but uh...I've been feeling a bit strange lately" Matsuri said
"Huh? What do you mean?" Lina asked. Matsuri held her hand and looked at her
"L-lina I like you...m-more than just a fr-friend" Matsuri said blushing deeply. Lina blushed and grabbed Matsuri pulling her close and kissed her. Matsuri blushed deeply and kissed her back softly. They wrapped each other's arms around each other pulling their bodies close. They both broke the kiss and giggled softly
"I love you too Matsuri. I really do" Lina said and kissed her nose softly. Matsuri smiled and nuzzled her
"I love you Lina" Matsuri whispered
End Of Flashback
"Ugh! I hate Matsuri so much! But...I can't help but love her at the same time" Lina said
"Lina you need to get over her soon. I don't think you too will always be together forever" Furto said
"I do have to agree with Furto. I mean not all relationships last forever. Getting over her soon will help" Asher said
"It's hard getting over her" Lina said
"But Lina you'll keep hurting yourself if you keep thinking about her. Getting over her isn't such a bad idea" Sakiea said bringing her a cup of tea. Lina sighed and grabbed the cup then took a sip of it
"Hey why not hang out? It could help you get over her" Asher said
"No...actually I want to be alone. Please..." Lina said
"Alright and if you need anything else just call us. We'll come here immediately okay?" Sakira asked
"Yeah okay..." Lina said and sat down in her bed. She rubbed her head and took a sip of tea. She thought about Matsuri which pissed her off and three her cup against the wall smashing it. Lina laid back in bed and clenched her fists tightly
I'll make her pay for this. All for your damn lies...

Matsuri was in bed staring at the ceiling. Nitski left to do some important business and her uncle...well he was just in the couch drinking
"Matsuri! Matsuri come down here this instant!" Her uncle said. Matsuri rolled her eyes and ignored him. She grabbed the covers and covered herself up. After about a few minutes she was asleep. Her uncle walked upstairs heading to the room she was in and smirked
"My pretty little girl...hehe" He said and walked up to her grabbing the covers. Matsuri woke up and gasped as her uncle got on top of her
"G-get off me! Hey!!" Matsuri shouted and tried pushing him. He smirked and kissed her neck softly
"You're pretty just like your mother. Hehehe I remember we both used to fuck but now I'm sad that's she's gone. But you look like her...which turns me on when I see that pretty face of yours" Her uncle said and leaned in to kiss her but Matsuri lifted her head bumping his head with his nose
"Ahh! You fuckin brat!" Her uncle said grabbing her hair and yanked it hard. He sneaked a hand up her shirt to play with her small boobs
"St-stop it!" Matsuri shouted as kicked
"Relax brat. You'll enjoy this~" Her uncle said
"Grrrr! Miaseakuu!" Matsuri shouted and her body activated her demonic powers. Matsuri kicked him off of her and stood up. Her uncle laughed and his eye color changed
"Finally you decided to awaken your powers. I've been waiting to see you again...Miaseakuu" Her uncle said and activated his demonic powers. Matsuri's eyes widen seeing his sharp claws and a really long tentacle
'Watch out!'
Matsuri ducked down as he attacked with his big ass tentacle.
I thought you said you'll protect me!
'Yeah by lending you my powers!'
What!? So I have to fight this dude by myself!?
"Haha! You pathetic brat!" Her uncle said as he wrapped his tentacle around her.Matsuri growled and spread her wings then broke free. She panted heavily and ran up to him. He lifted his leg and kicked her hard. Matsur coughed out blood and trembled
'Your powers only work by feeling hatred. You can also inflict real wounds by stabbing yourself'
What!? Stab myself?! Is that some voodoo shit?!
'Yes but to activate those type of powers you need to feel pure hatred towards the enemy'
Matsuri gasped then ran out the room as the demon attacked once again. Matsuri tripped and fell down the stairs. She groaned and rubbed her head
"Hahaha! You stupid brat!" Her uncle laughed and walked downstairs. Matsuri gasped as her uncle wrapped his tentacle around her. Matsuri groaned and shook her head
"You're really stupid Matsuri. I don't get why your parents didn't abort you...hmmm? Probably because of your grandparents...father is so stupid for letting you live" He said and slammed Matsuri's body against the wall then slammed it down on the floor. Matsuri groaned and felt her whole body in pain. Suddenly her head pounded hard and yelled in pain
Matsuri fell on the ground and covered herself as the kids beated her up. The grabbed her hair lifting her head up
"Haha! Look at her stupid face!"
"She's a little baby bitch!"
They kicked her face hard and Matsuri cried in pain. She cried and trembled
"L-leave me alone! Stop it!" Matsuri cried
"Hahaha! Look at her cry!" The kid said and kicked her stomach hard. Matsuri groaned and cried
"Hey you stupid kids! Get away from her!" An old man shouted running up to them. The kids gasped and ran away from the old man. Matsuri cried and looked up
"Matsuri are you okay?" The old man said and carried her holding her close
"Gr-grandpa..." Matsuri whimpered and cried on his shoulder
"Shhhh everything is okay. I'm here now" He said stroking her hair softly
End Of Flashback
Grandpa...grandma...I remember...them
Matsuri growled as she broke free from his tentacle
"Die!" Matsuri shouted and ran up to him. Her uncle smirked and blocked her attack
This bastard! He's a fuckin asshole! He tried to touch me and I bet he hurt Nitski!
Matsuri's palm glowed making her weapon appear then stabbed her side hard. Her uncle's eyes widen and yelled in pain as his side started bleeding. Matsuri pulled the knife out of her body and it healed. She looked at her uncle as the darkness consumed her eyes said that you'd answer my questions if I kill someone right?
So I can kill anyone right?
Very well...
Matsuri raised the knife towards her head and stabbed her ear
"Gaaaaahhh! Damn brat!" He cried and held his ear. He gasped sensing blood coming out from his ear. Matsuri giggled softly and placed the knife towards her chest
"N-no! I'll leave you alone! O-okay? I-I won't hurt y-you or your cousin no more!" Her uncle said
"Too late" Matsuri said as she looked at him and stabbed her chest multiple times
"Ahhhhhhh! Gaaaaaah!!! Aaaaaaahhhhh!" Her uncle shouted in pain. Matsuri stopped as her body healed and watched her uncle's chest bleed. He fell to the ground and the demon he possessed left his body. Matsuri glared at the demon and the demon left
"There...I killed him" Matsuri said as her weapon vanished. Miaseakuu looked at Matsuri and sighed
"So...what do you want to know?" Miaseakuu asked. Matsuri thought for a moment and looked up at her
"Miaseakuu...this life that I have. This isn't my life right? Because I don't remember anything so tell me...who am I really? Explain to me everything" Matsuri said glaring at her
"Fine. I'll tell you the whole story...your story..." Miaseakuu said

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