Chapter 11

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Shai groaned a bit and woke up. She stared at the ceiling and sat up. She rubbed her eyes and flinched a bit feeling something on her neck. She gasped as she realized she was naked. She shook her head and felt someone beside her. She turned around seeing Himeko naked as well with hickeys on her small body. Shai trembled and tried to remember what happened
Think Shai! Think! What happened? Did we? No...yes? What the hell happened?
Himeko groaned softly and slowly opened her eyes
"Morning Shai" Himeko mumbled. Shai looked at her and blushed deeply
"H-himeko what happened last night?" Shai asked
"Don't you remember?" Himeko asked as she sat up
"N-no" Shai said
" you want me to help you remember?" Himeko asked
"H-huh? Uh...well u-um...y-yes?" Shai said. Himeko sat on her lap and grabbed Shai's hand placing it between her legs
"Wh-what are you doing?" Shai asked nervously as she blushed
"I'm recreating what we did last night~" Himeko said and slid her Shai's fingers inside her. Shai blushed deeply as she felt Himeko's moist and warm pussy. Himeko moaned and started moving her hips. Shai blushed and started moving her fingers in and out slowly. Himeko leaned towards her neck and began sucking long her neck gently. Shai moaned softly and slowly picked up the pace pumping her fingers faster. Himeko bit her neck leaving a new mark and moaned
"A-ahhhh~ Shai~ Mmmm~" Himeko moaned softly and kept moving her hips at the same pace as Shai. Shai shoved her fingers deep inside her and went faster. Himeko gasped and drooled as she felt Shai hit her in the right spot. Shai moaned a bit as Himeko's pussy tighten around her fingers. Shai gasped then grabbed the covers and pulled them around them as her mother walked in. Himeko held onto Shai and trembled
"Morning sweetie!" Shai's mother said opening the door
"M-mom haven't you heard of knocking?" Shai asked as her face turned red
"Hehe sorry Shai. I was just coming up here to tell you that breakfast is ready" Her mother said
"Y-yeah we'll be there" Shai said
"Okay. I'll leave you two love birds alone" Her mother said and shut the door. Shai blushed and felt Himeko's fluids drip from her pussy
"K-keep going Shai~ I'm close~" Himeko moaned and panted softly. Shai nodded and began pumping her fingers inside her deep and hard
"Ahhhhh!~" Himeko moaned loudly and arched her back in pleasure as her hips kept up with Shai's fingers. Shai kissed her shutting her up and pumped her fingers inside deep
"Mmmmm!~ Mmmmmm!~" Himeko moaned loudly inside Shai's mouth. Shai shoved her tongue inside her mouth and wrapped it around her tongue. Himeko moaned and sucked on her tongue gently. Shai moaned softly and kept pumping her fingers in and out. Himeko's body trembled as her climax build up
"MMMMMMM!~ MMMMM!~" Himeko moaned loudly and came all over Shai's fingers covering them in cum. Shai broke the kiss and panted softly. Himeko leaned against her chest and trembled. Shai pulled her fingers out and licked her fingers clean
She tastes so sweet. Sh-she looks so cute with that expression on her face
Shai giggled and wrapped her arms around her
"S-so we're dating...r-right?" Himeko asked. Shai blushed deeply and kissed her forehead softly
"Yes. My little girlfriend" Shai whispered as she stroked her hair softly

After explaining different stories of Soha, Harumin didn't know what to believe anymore. Her father Hojo has always been there for her. She knew her father cared for him but was it true? Did her father lied to her all this time? Harumin trembled and clenched her fists tightly
"Harumin I know the truth hurts but you have to believe us. Your father might be lying to you and your sister" Yuzu said. Harumin gritted her teeth as her eyes darkened slightly. She stood up and looked down
"I-I have to go..." Harumin said and turned to leave. She walked away and walked out the shop
"H-harumin! Hey! Wait!" Yuzu said as she ran out of the shop and grabbed her wrist
"Yuzucchi...let go" Harumin said
"Harumin listen to me. I know it hurts but running away and not talking about it won't help" Yuzu said
"Let me go. I have to go home..." Harumin said
"Harumin..." Yuzu mumbled
"Let. Go" Harumin said pulling her hand away from Yuzu's grip
"O-okay..." Yuzu said looking away. Harumin looked at her and looked away as she started walking away. She didn't understand what she was feeling. Tears built up in her eyes and slowly rolled down her cheeks
"Mama! Look!" Harumin said showing a drawing of her family. Soha looked at her and smiled brightly
"This is so beautiful Harumi" Soha said and carried her
"Do you think so? I-I'm not really sure it looks good..." Harumin said
"It looks perfect" Soha said and booped her nose which made Harumi giggle. The doors opened and Hojo walked in with Mitsuko by his side
"Papa! Sis! You're back!" Harumin said. Soha put her down and let her greet her father and sister
"Hi sis!" Harumin said hugging Mitsuko
"Hey Harumi" Mitsuko said and smiled as she ruffled her hair messing it up. Harumin giggled and looked up at her father. Hojo smiled and carried Harumin
"How's my little girl doing?" Hojo asked
"I'm doing great. Oh! I also made a drawing!" Harumin said
"Really? Let me see" Hojo said putting his small daughter down. Harumin ran up to Soha who had her picture and grabbed then showed it to her father. Hojo took it and smiled
"This is a wonderful picture. Hehe I bet you'll be an artist when you're older" Hojo said
"I-I don't know if I want to be an artist. I want to work at the company like you and sis. I want to work with sis when I grow up" Harumin said
"Don't worry Harumi. You and Mitsuko will work together keeping our family company strong" Hojo said patting her head softly
"Now then...let's make cookies for grandma" Soha said
"Yay! Cookies! Come on sis! Let's make cookies!" Harumin said grabbing Mitsuko's hand and took her to the kitchen
"H-hey! Slow down!" Mitsuko said. Soha walked over to Hojo and kissed him softly. Hojo blushed and kissed her back. They pulled away and smiled
End Of Flashback
Harumin clenched her fists tightly and growled must be a lie right? Father wouldn't lie to me...would he? Ugh...all these thoughts in my head. I'm going to have a fuckin headache...damnit! Stupid...stupid...what the hell is going on? But he did get mad at Matsuri...that he could even-ugh! M-my head...
"I-I love you Taniguchi-senpai. Ever since the first day I met you...I felt something for you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I didn't understand why it was happening but I soon realized that I was in love with you. That's why I've been doing those things to you...s-so...will you go out with me?"
Harumin gasped and stopped on her tracks and stood still. She was standing in the middle of the sidewalk as tears rolled down her cheeks
Wh-who...who said that? I-it sounds...familiar...very similar...that girl.
Harumin started running and headed for Matsuri's place
Right! She must be home! I have to talk to her! It's important! Hopefully this time she'll listen! I'll make her listen!

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