Chapter 35

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4 years later

After graduating and getting school out the way, Matsuri's and Harumin's wedding was planned. Invitations were spread all around and their friends were all invited. The friends were obviously very excited and happy for them to get married
"Aaaaaaaaah! Harumin! You look so beautiful!" Yuzu said
"Yes it's beautiful isn't it?" Harumin asked and looked at herself while the lady was helping her with the dress
"I can't believe my two besties are going to get married! Aaaaaaaaah! Yay!" Yuzu cheered
"Jeez Yuzucchi you seem more pumped than I am" Harumin said and giggled
"Well it's because my two besties are getting married! I have everything planned out for the party" Yuzu said
"Thanks for helping us out Yuzucchi" Harumin said
"You can always count on me" Yuzu said smiling softly
"Hopefully I don't show too much cleavage..." Harumin said as she stared at her chest
"Oh relax it's fine" Yuzu said
"There we go dear" The lady said
"Thank you so much Miss" Harumin said. Suddenly Yuzu's phone rung and she answered it
"Yes Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Is the bride ready?" Mei asked
"Yep! She is very ready. We'll head there in a couple of minutes. How's the other bride?" Yuzu asked
"Well...she is a nerve wreck" Mei said. Matsuri was sitting down and trembled a bit
"Relax Matsuri. I know you're nervous but come on. You're exaggerating" Lina said
"Hehe yeah" Matsuri said and sighed deeply
"Come on child. Papa is here to help you" Asher said. Matsuri looked up at him and laughed
"Papa?" Matsuri asked and giggled. While the friends helped Matsuri relax, Mei was still on the phone
"I don't get why I had to accompany the brat" Mei said
"Hey! I'm not a brat no more! I am 18!" Matsuri said
"You're still a brat to me" Mei said
"And you're still a bitch to me" Matsuri said and sticked her tongue out. Mei just rolled her eyes and sighed
"I rather be with Taniguchi-san than be stuck with this brat" Mei said
"Oh Mei. Matsuri isn't so bad anymore. Besides I thought it would help you bond well with her. You know some sister bonding" Yuzu said
"She's not my sister" Mei said
"Hell yeah I am! Because you married Yuzu-chan which makes you my older sister" Matsuri said
"Both of you aren't blood related" Mei said
"Neither are you and Yuzu" Matsuri said and giggled
"Whatever brat..." Mei mumbled
"Anyways we'll be heading to the church in a couple of minutes" Yuzu said
"Okay. Love you" Mei said
"Love you too Mei. Bye!" Yuzu said and hanged up. Mei blushed and put her phone away
"My child looks so beautiful" Asher said and faked cried
"Shut up" Matsuri said
"I think we should go already" Sakira said
"I'll turn on the car" Furto said
"Hehe alright" Matsuri said and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at her black hair and looked at her dress. She sighed deeply and looked down. Mei noticed her and walked up to her
"Are you okay?" Mei asked
"Does it look like I'm okay?" Matsuri asked
"Still nervous?" Mei asked
"Yes..." Matsuri mumbled
"Don't be. You should be happy because you'll be marrying the woman of your dreams" Mei said
"Okay what is this whole sweet talk shit thing? Is it to make me feel better?" Matsuri asked
"Why else would I be talking to you? I'm trying to calm you down" Mei said
"B-but...don't you hate me?" Matsuri asked
"I'll admit the first time I met you. I did hated you but just a little bit" Mei said
"Ha! A little bit?" Matsuri asked looking at her
"Fine. A bunch but that was after getting to know you more" Mei said
"Hehe so you don't hate me" Matsuri said
"Of course not. I know you act all playful and tease us a lot but you're just having fun since you're still a kid" Mei said
"Y-yeah" Matsuri said and took a deep breathe
"Are you ready?" Mei asked
"I-I think? Hehe...I guess I am" Matsuri said
"Alright. We should go" Mei said. Matsuri looked at her and smiled softly
"Yeah" Matsuri said

The guests took their seats and waited for the bride. Matsuri kept fidgeting with her fingers feeling nervous still while Lina and Sakira were her bridesmaids. Matsuri looked down and trembled a bit
'Jeez relax'
'Yep! The one and only!'
I'm so glad and relieved you're here
'I told you I would always be there for you'
I feel much more relaxed now
'Why so nervous? You're marrying the hottest woman ever! You should be excited!'
I know but...our future...I mean what if I mess up or something. I mean...I've screwed around most of my life and fucked around as well. Now...ugh...I'm just nervous and scared
'Wow relax. Remember you're not facing the future alone. You'll be with Harumi for the rest of your life. She will be there to cheer you up and help you out on anything you need help with. You don't need to be scared. You got family and friends. They are all here for you and will help you out...especially Harumi who'll always be by your side'
Hehe thanks Miaseakuu. You truly are an angel
'Don't mention it. Now here comes the bride!'
The doors opened and the bride was revealed. Everyone's jaw dropped I clouding Matsuri's. A huge blush came across Matsuri's face and she held the bouquet closely towards her face
Damn! Harumin looks so fuckin beautiful! Aaaaaaaaah! I'm gonna pass out!
Harumin walked does the aisle and blushed as well like Matsuri. Once she stood in front of Matsuri they both stared deeply into each other's eyes for the whole time until they heard those words
"Matsuri Mizusawa, do you take Harumi Taniguchi to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked. Matsuri blushed and felt her heart skip a beat
"I do" Matsuri said
"Harumi Taniguchi, do you take Matsuri Mizusawa as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked
"I do" Harumin said as she blushed even more
"By the power invested in me I know pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride" He said. Suddenly Harumin grabbed Matsuri's waist pulling her close and crashed her lips against hers. Matsuri blushed deeply and was surprised by Harumin's kiss then she slowly melted into the kiss and kissed her back. The church was filled with cries and cheers
"Woohoo! Matsuri! Go girl!" Sakira said
"Yeeeeessss! That's my child! My baby child is all grown up!" Asher said and bursted into tears feeling happy for Matsuri
"Yay! Harumin! Matsuri!" Yuzu cheered and clapped for them both. Harumin and Matsuri pulled away then walked down the aisle together holding each other's hands. A limousine waited for them outside and the people walked out of the church. They both threw their bouquets at the crowd
"Bitch! Get out of my way!"
"Give it to me!"
The crowd fought for the bouquet while some just recorded the fight. Matsuri and Harumin went inside the limousine then left to head to the party. Matsuri blushed and held her hand. Harumin giggled and kissed her hand softly then leaned towards her lips and kissed her softly. Matsuri blushed and kissed her back softly. During the whole trip Matsuri and Harumin were kissing non stop. Good thing they didn't go any further than kissing or else they'll end up fucking each other in the car and of course the driver would've caught them in the act. Once they arrived at the party there were a couple of people already which were their family members and friends
"Hell yeah! Time to start this fuckin party!" Asher said
"First you need to help out with the food to serve the guests that arrive" Sakira said as she grabbed his arm
"I'll help out with the drinks" Lina said. The small group began to help each other to prepare everything for the party. The guests arrived and the food was served to each one. Drinks were in as well getting most people drunk. Matsuri and Harumin sat in a table with their friends and family
"Cheers for the new married couple!" Yuzu cheered. The group raised their drinks and cheered with Yuzu then gulped it down
"Hey Lina thanks for helping out on the party" Matsuri said
"Oh no need to thank me. It was an honor" Lina said
"Hey maybe you can help us out with our wedding right Himeko?" Shai asked. Himeko blushed deeply and looked away
"Wh-who said anything about m-marriage..." Himeko said blushing deeply
"Hehe you did last night remember? We were talking about it" Shai said
"Sh-shut up" Himeko said. Shai giggled and played with her hair
"Stop touching my hair" Himeko said turning around and blushed as Shai crashed her lips against hers
"Awwwwww! Cute!" Yuzu said and laughed a bit. Himeko pulled away blushing extremely red. Shai smiled while blushing as well
"I still can't believe my child is married. She grew up so fast" Asher said
"Jeez shut up already Asher" Matsuri said as she blushed feeling embarrassed
"But it's true. You've grown so much. Hehe I still remember you were a small little girl" Asher said
"Shut up already" Matsuri said and drinked. Harumin just wrapped her arm around her pulling her close
"She's my little adorable baby" Harumin giggled
"H-harumin!" Matsuri said blushing in embarrassment. Harumin kissed her head softly and smiled softly
"Hey Matsuri-chan!" Nitski said walking up to the table
"Hi Nitski" Matsuri said
"And hello Mrs. Mizusawa" Nitski said and giggled
"Hey Nitski" Harumin said
"Hi everyone. Matsuri come on we have to to dance" Nitski said as she grabbed Matsuri's arm pulling her up from her seat. She took Matsuri to dancefloor
"Hey! Let's dance!" Lina said standing up and left heading to the dancefloor
"Wait for me!" Sakira said and stood up heading to the dancefloor with the girls
"Let's get laid tonight!" Asher said and ran up to the girls
"Let me join too!" Furto said and got up too joining in. Matsuri danced with her friends not caring about the dress she was wearing
"Hey Harumin let's dance" Yuzu said
"Hehe sure" Harumin said
"Come Mei. Let's dance" Yuzu said
"No" Mei replied
"Awwww come on Prez!" Harumin said
"No" Mei said with her serious expression
"Awwww Meiiiii! Please!" Yuzu said
"Yuzu no" Mei said
"Awww but Mei..." Yuzu said
"Come Yuzucchi. Let's dance together with some other girls. They really like you Yuzucchi" Harumin said wrapping an arm around her arm
"Uhm o-oka-"
"I'll go" Mei said as she stood up with her scariest glare ever. Yuzu trembled a bit and Harumin just got out of there before Mei kicked her ass
"U-uhm Mei? You okay?" Yuzu asked
"I'm fine Yuzu" Mei said and forced a smile. Yuzu just smiled nervously and held her hand
"Let's go dance!" Shai said grabbing her hand and pulled her out of her seat
"H-hey!" Himeko said and was dragged into the dancefloor with Shai. After minutes dancing and having fun, the dancefloor was almost empty and the married couple began to dance. Matsuri and Harumin danced together on the dancefloor. They held each other closely and people watched them in 'awwwww'. Matsuri could not stop blushing and hold onto Harumin blushing extremely red
"Hehe Matsuri are you sure you're okay?" Harumin asked as she caressed her cheek softly
"Y-yeah I'm fine. I'm just embarrassed" Matsuri said blushing deeply
"You're so cute when you blush" Harumin giggled softly and leaned in placing her lips against hers. Matsuri kissed her back melting into the kiss. She broke the kiss and held her closely. Harumin held her close and stroked your hair softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and closed her eyes
This is the best day of my life. I'm finally with my beloved senpai and she's finally mine. All mine and no one else's. Thank you for giving me the hottest wife ever
"I love you so much Matsuri" Harumin whispered
"I love you too Harumin" Matsuri whispered back

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