Chapter 27

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"Why do you want us to help her!?" Shiz exclaimed
"I know it's bad but come on..." Yuzik said
"She won't ever change Yuzik. Even if we help that brat get back up she's going to fuck things up" Shiz said
"Give her a chance Shiz. Second chances always work. Maybe this time she won't fuck things up" Yuzik said
"Shut up. How would you know?" Shiz asked
"Just calm the fuck down. It's not your fault" Yuzik said
"Ha! So now you're saying it's not my fault!" Shiz said
"Look let's just go to Miaseakuu and try talking to her. We can fix this" Yuzik said. Shiz just glared at her and gritted her teeth
"Fuck off..." Shiz growled
"Ugh! Come on! Just stop!" Yuzik said. Meanwhile the others were just standing and watching
"How long do you think they'll argue?" Yuzu asked
"I have no clue..." Shai said and groaned
"Can't you two just agree and go already?" Himeko asked
"Let them speak for a while" Hime said
"They've already argued for about 30 minutes!" Himeko said
"Alright alright! Just agree and let's go!" Yuzu said
"Why the hell should I go!?" Shiz exclaimed
"Just come with us!" Shai said
"You don't get what it feels like to be used and turned into a demon..." Shiz mumbled
"You fucker!" Nita said coming in and kicked Shiz
"Sh-shit! Where the hell did you came from!?" Shiz exclaimed
"Just forget the past dumbass! We all make mistakes and end up in pain!" Nita said
"You and your brat fucked my life up" Shiz said
"We fucked everyone's life up okay? Get over it. You still have a chance on getting back up. Just help us all out and we can help you" Nita said
"Hehe...since when were you this kind?" Shiz asked
"Ever since I realized it was pretty stupid to break you and Hime apart..." Nita said and reached her hand out
"Why should I trust you?" Shiz asked
"If you want..." Nita said
"Don't make me regret it" Shiz mumbled and grabbed her hand then got up. Nita just smiled and hugged her
"H-hey don't hug me!" Shiz said
"Jeez sorry it was just a hug..." Nita said pulling away. Shiz just sighed and felt a pair of arms around her waist from behind. Hime held her closely and blushed a bit. Shiz trembled a bit and blushed deeply
"I still love you..." Hime mumbled. Shiz looked down and smiled weakly
"Heh...I love you too" Shiz said
"Okay lovebirds you two can do your lovey dovey thing later but right now we need to know where Miaseakuu is" Yuzik said
"Leave it to me...I think I have an idea where she could be..." Nita said stretching her arms out
" we have to fight?" Yuzu asked
"Leave the fighting to us..." Yuzik said
"But won't it be difficult to fight those demons?" Yuzu asked
"Listen...yes it will be hard but just leave it to us. We've experienced those demons before so we'll handle them..." Yuzik said. Yuzu looked outside and saw the clouds darken's gonna rain again
"Yuzu-chan! Look it's raining!" Matsuri said pointing outside
"Yeah and it's going to rain hard" Yuzu said
"Let's go outside! Please!" Matsuri pleaded
"But we need our rainja-Matsuri!" Yuzu exclaimed as the small girl ran outside and stepped out on the rain
"Matsuri come back! You'll catch a cold!" Yuzu said
"Hehehehehehe! Come on Onee-chan! It's fun!" Matsuri said and felt the raindrops hit her face and her body. She smiled softly and soaked herself. She opened her eyes and saw the lightning struck. A smile formed on her lips and giggled
"I love the rain so much!" Matsuri said. Yuzu looked at her and ran up to her
"Are you crazy!?" Yuzu exclaimed and grabbed her dragging her back home
"We need to dry you up quick!" Yuzu said. Matsuri just pouted and looked out the window
"I love you rain..." Matsuri mumbled
End of Flashback
"Yuzu? You okay?" Mei asked snapping Yuzu back to reality
"Huh? Oh hey...hehehe yeah I'm okay. I'm just worried about Matsuri..." Yuzu said

Matsuri panted heavily as many memories flooded back
"It hurts doesn't?" She asked
"Sh-shut up..." Matsuri mumbled
"So you won't accept the past? Intresting..." She said
"'re the original me?" Matsuri asked
"Yep!" She said
"Why are you here?" Matsuri asked
"I just came here to come back and take my body back. I had enough of sitting and watching..." She said. Matsuri looked down and looked at herself
"Did I really do that?" Matsuri asked
"Do what?" She asked
"Did I rape her?" Matsuri asked
"What kind of question is that? Of course. Besides with a body like hers she was definitely going to get raped by someone" She said
"That's not a good thing..." Matsuri said. Her bad side glared at her and laughed
"Good? Haha! Of course it was good! We both felt pleasure" She said
"But you forced can't force someone to love you" Matsuri said
"So was it okay for our parents to beat us up?" She asked. Matsuri's eyes widen seeing her past
"Pathetic idiot!"
"You're better off dead..."
"Go to your room! Unless you want to die!"
"You're so pathetic. Why did we end up with a daughter like you? We rather have a son..."
"Haha! Crybaby freak!"
"Go to hell!"
"You're such a little bitch..."
"You'll always be alone..."
"Just die..."
Matsuri growled and trembled
"AAAAAAAAAAH! SHUT UP!!!" Matsuri shouted and squirmed. Her bad side chuckled and grabbed her by her hair
"Now you see why I changed...this world is filled with idiots. Suffering and pain is all we've been through...just accept it. Accept the past. Accept everything. Accept me" She whispered. Matsuri teared up and growled
"THEY DESERVE TO DIE!" Matsuri shouted. Suddenly darkness surrounded her whole body and Matsuri woke up panting heavily. She looked around and growled getting the ropes off from her wrists. She gasped realizing she wasn't alone and looked up
"Mitsuko-senpai! Mitsuko-senpai! Senpai! Help me!" Matsuri shouted. Mitsuko groaned and walked to the room
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"Get me out of here!" Matsuri said
"Why should I? Harumi will be pissed at me..." Mitsuko said
"Listen bitch just get me the fuck out and I won't cause trouble" Matsuri said
"I'm not letting you go" Mitsuko said. Matsuri growled and stood up but Mitsuko stinged her with her holy powers. Matsuri fell onto the floor and trembled. Mitsuko walked up to her and grabbed her by her hair pulling her up on her feet. Matsuri trembled and smiled softly looking at Mitsuko's eyes.
"You're so hot~" Matsuri giggled. Mitsuko attacked her with her holy powers and Matsuri fell on her knees
"St-stop!" Matsuri said and trembled. Mitsuko kneeled down and glared at her
"You're staying here like a good little girl okay or else I'll hurt you even more" Mitsuko said sternly
"H-hurt me mommy hehehe" Matsuri giggled
"Disgusting pervert..." Mitsuko mumbled and grabbed Matsuri then put her in bed
"Says the one who fell for me and fucked me" Matsuri giggled
"Shut up" Mitsuko said
"What? You don't want to admit that you fucked and lost your virginity with a 14 year old?" Matsuri asked and sticked her tongue out
"I'm going to fuckin kill you if you don't shut up this instant" Mitsuko growled
"Jeez calm the fuck down..." Matsuri said
"I don't get what Harumi sees in you" Mitsuko said
"And what did you see in me?" Matsuri asked. Mitsuko blushed slightly and looked away
"Listen Harumi has gone mad for you and she's heading towards Lina's place..." Mitsuko said
"Huh? Lina?" Matsuri asked
"Yes and by Harumi's expression...she didn't seem happy one bit" Mitsuko said
"That bitch is going to get herself killed!" Matsuri said
"Just leave her..." Mitsuko said
"Those two bitches will end up killing each other" Matsuri said
"And whose fault do you think it is?" Mitsuko asked
"Uh...mine?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Mitsuko said
"Well bitch it's not my fault. I never meant to hurt them but they fell for me so..." Matsuri just shrugged and struggled to get rid of the ropes. Mitsuko tapped her chest and used her holy powers
"GAAAAAAH!!! ST-STOP!" Matsuri said and trembled. She panted heavily and clenched her fists tightly
"I-I swear when I set myself free...I-I'll shove my dick inside your ass" Matsuri growled
"Pfft...I like to see you try" Mitsuko said and left. Matsuri stared at her ass and blushed
"You have a sexy ass" Matsuri said. Mitsuko stopped then glared at her and attacked her with her holy powers once more
"GAAAAAAAH!!! AAAAAAAH! STOP!" Matsuri said and trembled. Mitsuko left shutting the door. Matsuri panted heavily and groaned. She rolled around the bed and fell onto the floor
"Miaseakuu" Matsuri called as she sat up
"What do you need now?" Miaseakuu asked
"I need you to help my fuckin ass and get rid of these ropes" Matsuri said
"It seems the real Mizusawa is back" Miaseakuu chuckled
"Yeah now help me you little shit" Matsuri said
"Wow...and hear I thought I was the mean one" Miaseakuu said
"Aren't you going to help?" Matsuri asked
"I guess...but why do I have a feeling you want to fuck Mitsuko?" Miaseakuu asked
"Fine I'll look for her sister..." Matsuri said
" look for a way to escape the ropes" Miaseakuu said
" you're not going to help me at all!?" Matsuri exclaimed
"No what do you think I am? Some sort of angel? No. I'm still half demon..." Miaseakuu said
"Ah thanks a lot" Matsuri said and stood up looking for something
Ugh! What the hell can I use?
Matsuri's eyes widen knowing what to use
I'm a dumbass...
Matsuri summoned her weapon she used to cut herself that inflicts wounds to others. Matsuri held the knife and began cutting the ropes
"Aha! Freedom!" Matsuri shouted. Suddenly the door opened and Mitsuko came in
"Oh shiiiiiiiit...." Matsuri mumbled and whined. Mitsuko just glared at her and used her holy powers. Matsuri just dodged her attack and hit under the bed
"Bitch stop! Please! I beg you!" Matsuri pleaded
"How should I trust you?" Mitsuko asked
"Because you love me?" Matsuri said
"Stop playing games Mizusawa" Mitsuko said
"L-look you should trust me okay? I won't do shit..." Matsuri said and slowly got herself out of her hiding spot. She trembled a bit and had her hands up
"There see?" Matsuri asked
"Still don't trust you. Just stay and wait for Harumi to come back" Mitsuko said
"Fine..." Matsuri said and laid down on the bed. Mitsuko walked up to the bed and laid down beside her
"What are you doing?" Matsuri asked
"I have to keep an eye on you...or else Harumi will just go crazy" Mitsuko said
"That doesn't mean lay in bed with me" Matsuri said
"I'm exhausted okay?" Mitsuko said
"Okay..." Matsuri said. It was quiet between the two. All they could hear was there heartbeats
"Hey Mitsuko-senpai..." Matsuri said
"What?" Mitsuko replied
"Have you ever been beaten up by your parents?" Matsuri asked
"Why do you want to know?" Mitsuko asked
"Just curious..." Matsuri said
"...yes. My father beat me up one day when I discovered his true side...he said if I didn't kept it a secret then Harumi would get hurt and as her big sister...I had to protect her" Mitsuko said
"'re a great sister. Just like Yuzu-chan...who always protected me when we were kids. Must be nice having siblings..." Matsuri mumbled the last part
"And annoying..." Mitsuko added. Matsuri reached towards her hand and held it then intertwined their fingers together
"What the hell are you doing?" Mitsuko asked
"Just...let me hold your hand...please. I'm about to talk about my past and...well I just need to hold your reminds me of my grandmother...who I always held hands with and hugged for comfort" Matsuri said and teared up. Mitsuko looked at her and nodded
"Okay...well the first day I was born my parents despised me. They wanted to abandon me but my grandparents threatened them. During my childhood I lived with my grandparents for a while until my grandfather left me. It was a tragic day. My grandmother was the only one I had left to keep me safe but she wasn't around very often so my mother would slap me and grab me by my hair. My father would slam my head against anything until I bleed. What was worse was when he was drunk...he used anything nearby as a weapon and attack me. He has cut me before with knives and broken beer bottles. I couldn't take the pain anymore and lock myself in the room to cry. Each day was torture for me. I wake up and get hit or beaten up. Little by little I was being broken into pieces. I was slowly breaking and becoming insane. My mother thought I was a psychopath when she saw me laughing as I was cutting myself. Sometimes I enjoyed the blood and pain which drove me crazy. My grandmother would see me and cry. The sight of her crying made me snap out of it and cry with her. Hehehe...but that wasn't enough to keep me from cutting. I was mostly stuck in my room. I would just look outside in the rainy and stormy days...for some reason the rain and lightning were relaxing. It relaxes me. It calms me. I usually play outside in the rain not caring if I catch a cold. It was fun to play and feel the cold water hit your skin. After an incident I went to the hospital and met Miaseakuu. I made a deal with her and never saw her again. My grandmother kept taking care of me but she was sick. Sometimes she had to stay at the hospital for some check ups or medications. While she was away to be taken care of my parents beat the shit out of me. Most of my childhood life was only beatings. I kept getting crazier and crazier. I always said I would kill them each day and laugh at the idea. Of course during school I got beaten up for having a dick but in middle school it was different because I made friends. They were the best...and what's better is that I met Yuzu-chan again. And that's how I met Harumin...seeing her made me feel safe and happy inside for some reason. I kept thinking of her and turned into an obsession. That's my whole story..." Matsuri said as she finished her whole story. Mitsuko tighten her grip and out of nowhere she wrapped her arms around Matsuri giving her a hug. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed. She teared up and hugged her back
"I'm sorry you had to go through all that..." Mitsuko whispered
"I-I don't want...t-to be alone..." Matsuri whimpered in her chest. Mitsuko stroked her hair softly comforting her and held her closely
"You're not alone...big sis is here for you" Mitsuko whispered. Matsuri smiled a bit and nuzzled her
"Thanks Onee-chan...and where is Harumin now?" Matsuri asked pulling away from the hug
"Remember? She went to Lina's place..." Mitsuko said. Matsuri's eyes widen and gulped
"Yep...I know what you're thinking.." Mitsuko said. Matsuri looked at her and nodded
"That bitch is dead..." They both said

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