Chapter 22

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Miaseakuu laughed and attacked Kristen again. Kristen blocked her attack and glared at her
"Miaseakuu just stop it with all this nonsense. There is no need to keep fighting. Fighting won't solve anything" Kristen said
"You you think I'll listen to you" Miaseakuu said and growled
"It's not my fault you ended up like this. The one to blame is you..." Kristen said. Miaseakuu clenched her fists tightly and ran up to him giving him a punch but he dodged it. She lifted her leg and kicked him hard. He fell on the ground and stood up holding his side
"We all tried to help you...but you kept pushing us away. This is all your fault..." Kristen said
"Hehe...keep talking shit and I'll kill you..." Miaseakuu said
"Why are you like this?" Yuzik asked
"Like what? A bitch?" Miaseakuu asked and glared at her
"You were never like this..." Yuzik said
"When your a demon...things change...and...the past will always come back and haunt you...for life" Miaseakuu said and covered her face
"My grandparents loved me like their daughter...and I loved them like my own parents...until I lost them..." Miaseakuu mumbled as she shed a tear
"Run! Just run!" Her grandfather said
"B-but grandpa-" Suddenly a demon appeared behind her almost attacking her but her grandfather attacked the demon killing it
"Run Miaseakuu!" Her grandfather said. Miaseakuu trembled and ran away then saw her grandmother
"Come here dear" Her grandmother said and carried her. She began to run away while her grandfather dealed with the demons
"Gr-grandma...?" Miaseakuu asked
"Relax Miaseakuu...we'll make it out alive" Her grandmother said and kept running. Suddenly hell hounds growled and chased after her grandmother. Miaseakuu whimpered and held on her grandmother tightly. Her grandmother ran into a forest and dodged the rocks and branches. The hounds barked and growled as they were getting closer and closer. Her grandmother gasped as she tripped and rolled down on the rocky ground. The hounds barked and kept running up to them. Her grandmother panted heavily and handed Miaseakuu a necklace
" Run no matter what just get out of here" Her grandmother said
"B-but grandma I can't leave you! I can help you get back up! Please grandma! Please! Don't leave me!" Miaseakuu cried. The hounds got closer and her grandmother attacked them making them whimper
"I love you Miaseakuu...please take care of your little brother and make it out alive" Her grandmother said
"Br-brother?" Miaseakuu asked
"I can't explain just run! Miaseakuu get out of here!" Her grandmother said. Miaseakuu held the necklace and ran away as tears rolled down her cheeks. She ran through the forest panting heavily and crying. After a couple of minutes she stopped and saw a couple of lights up ahead. She sat down panting heavily and her lips trembled as she cried
"Gr-grandpa...grandma...I-I miss you s-so much...I miss you both...wh-why? Why did you have to leave me!? I hate being alone! Why!? Why!? I SHOULD'VE BEEN DEAD EITH YOU BOTH! WHY DID YOU SAVE ME!? WHY DID YOU RISK YOUR LIVES TO SAVE ME?! WHY!? I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE! GRANDMA! GRANDPA! PLEASE COME BACK! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!" Miaseakuu shouted and cried as she grabbed her head. She curled up into a ball and cried loudly not caring who heard her. She was in pain. She was broken. She was...
'I'm alone....'
End Of Flashback
Miaseakuu was on her knees as more tears rolled down her cheeks
"They...risk their damn lives to save me...and I don't get why...I wanted to die...I hate my life...I hate that I was alone...why...why...why..." Miaseakuu mumbled and cried softly as her scar she had on her chest slowly grew larger in size. She clenched her chest tightly and cried
"I wish...I could see them again...just one last time..." Miaseakuu whimpered. Hamalie walked up to her then kneeled down. She touched her cheek and Miaseakuu lifted her head up to meet Hamalie's hazel eyes. Miaseakuu held her hand that was on her cheek and cried softly
"I'm sorry..." Miaseakuu mumbled and leaned against her chest and cried. Hamalie wrapped her arms around her and smiled softly. Miaseakuu felt her body go numb and she slowly fell asleep. Hamalie carried her bridal style and a portal appeared
"Let's go sis..." Hamalie said and Malori walked up to her
"Huh? Where are you taking her!?" Nitski exclaimed
"I'll be taking care of her from here on out...I won't leave her alone. Not ever again..." Harumin said as she took control over her body
"Wh-what!? No! Give her back!" Nitski said running up to her but Harumin and Mitsuko jumped into the portal then vanished
"What the hell!? Why did you just stood there!?" Nitski exclaimed
"Look we know you're worried about her but maybe it's best for her to take care of her" Yuzu said
"You think I trust the Taniguchis!" Nitski said
"Nitski I think you should calm down" Shai said
"N-no...Matsuri is in trouble with those bitches" Nitski said and growled
"Just leave her alone...besides...their father is planning to kill her. Harumin is only protecting her..." Kori said
"Protecting her!? Protecting her!? You think taking her to someplace is called protecting her!? I was the one protecting her!" Nitski said
"But you left her alone. Didn't you?" Mei asked
"I-I did..." Nitski mumbled
"Then you weren't protecting her at all" Kori said
"Shut up asshole!" Nitski said and suddenly she attacked him. Nitski's eyes widen and looked at her palm
"Wh-what did I do just now?" Nitski asked
'Are you that dumb?'
Are you my d-demon?
'Yep! Now...what do you want?'
What do you mean?
'I can give you what you desire'
"Nitski? You alright?" Shai asked
"Wh-why does she keep talking to m-me?" Nitski asked
"She's a demon. Demon give you power to give you what you desire the most..." Kori said
"You shouldn't listen to her..." Shai said
"This whole angel and demon thing is fucked up. But what about the Taniguchi's father? Why does he want her?" Nitski asked
"He wants to kill her and if he does...then history will repeat itself and we will all die. Because of that Mizusawa..." Kori said
"And is it safe for her to be with that Taniguchi?" Nitski asked
"You have to trust her..." Kori said
"Trust her? There is no way I'm fucking trusting a slutty bitch like her" Nitski said
"Don't call her that" Kori growled
"Or what Pretty Boy? She doesn't notice you at all because she prefers Matsuri than you..." Nitski said. Kori just glared at her and looked away
"Harumi will never love you no matter how hot or sexy you are...give it up asshole. You got no chance...even Matsuri has a dick that Harumin enjoys to be fucked with" Nitski said and laughed as memories came back. Her body glowed as she turned herself into a succubus
"Hehe...and now I remember what were the one who tried to fuckin kill me" Nitski said and growled
"I was doing that to save you...I was getting rid of your demon.." Kori said
"My demon did no shit to you...and you killed her...or tried to" Nitski said
"She was dangerous for you..." Kori said
"Whatever Pretty Boy...besides...that slut will never fall for you as long as Matsuri is around. Why aren't you jealous?" Nitski asked
"I have no intention in killing just because of love..." Kori said
" don't love her at all..." Nitski said and turned around
"Nitski where are you going?" Shai asked
"Just going to visit a fellow friend..." Nitski said and flew away. She flew through the air and looked down at the house. She dived down and stood on top of the roof. She entered through the window and found a crying Lina
"Hey bitch" Nitski said. Lina's eyes widen and backed up
"What the hell!? N-nitski!?" Lina exclaimed
"Hehe hey there Lina..." Nitski said
"Wh-what do you want?" Lina asked
"Just came here to talk" Nitski said
"About?" Lina asked
"Matsuri..." Nitski whispered

"S-sir...ugh...sir..." Lee groaned in pain and walked up to Hojo
"What the hell? What happened?" Hojo asked
"Y-your" Lee groaned and fell on the ground
"My own daughters...betrayed me..." Hojo growled and slammed his fist on the desk breaking it in half
"Do you know where they are now?" Hojo asked
"N-no sir...I don't. I-I lost them...they beat me up pretty badly...I'm sorry sir...I-I failed you.." Lee said
"'s not your fault anyways..." Hojo said
"R-really?" Lee asked
"Yes...IT'S EVERYONE'S FAULT!" Hojo growled as he kicked him hard. Lee coughed blood and groaned. The other demons whimpered and got on their knees
"You idiots let her get away! How could you!? How were you not able to catch her! You idiots! Now my daughters turned their own back on could they? How could they betray their own father? Grrrr...all of you. Go and catch that brat" Hojo said
"B-but sir...your daughters"
"Yeah they won't allow is to get near her"
"They are fuckin beasts"
"They'll beat us up if we get anywhere near her"
The demons protest which only pissed Hojo off even more
"Shut the hell up! I order you all to fuckin catch that brat! I don't care if you have to kill my daughters just get me that brat! Now!" Hojo shouted as his dark aura surrounded him and his eyes glowed red. The demons whimpered and trembled
"Y-yes sir! We'll get her right away!" The demon said and left running
"Except for you have a much more important mission" Hojo said
"S-sir?" Lee asked
"I need you to deal with that brat's gang. And what I mean by that is her friends...they'll probably do some shit" Hojo said
"B-but that...never happened" Lee said
"I don't care if we can't make history repeat itself. Guess we can make a few changes..." Hojo said
"But sir-"
"Shut up Lee and do your damn job. You'll go after the girls while the gang goes after the brat" Hojo said
"O-okay sir" Lee whimpered and trembled in fear
"And don't better not fail this mission. Unless you want to fuckin die..." Hojo growled
"Sir yes sir. I won't fail you this time" Lee said
"You better or else you're dead..." Hojo said
"I understand sir" Lee said and left. Hojo sighed and growled lowly
"That brat won't escape...we wonder let her escape...right Hirsh?" Hojo asked
"Yes...we won't let Miaseakuu escape...hehehe" Hirsh chuckled

Matsuri groaned softly and slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling and stared at it for a moment
Ugh my head hurts so body feels exhausted...guess everything was a dream?
Matsuri sat up and looked around. She took the covers off of her body and clenched her chest tightly hurts so bad..
She lifted her shirt up and touched the scar. She groaned a bit and whimpered softly. She heard footsteps and a couple of voices outside the door
Huh? Who's there?
Matsuri stood up and walked up to the door. She opened the door a bit and took a peek outside
"What should we prepare?" Harumin asked
"We have you plan on stealing stuff?" Mitsuko asked
"Well duh we have to survive and take care of her" Harumin said
"Oh not me because it was your idea and your job to take care of her" Mitsuko said
"Yeah yeah I know" Harumin said and looked at the door meeting Matsuri's eyes. Matsuri gasped and backed away. The door opened and Harumin looked down at Matsuri
"A-ah sorry..." Matsuri mumbled
"There is no need to be sorry about baby. Mama Harumin will take care of you..." Harumin said and smiled softly. Matsuri's eyes widen and blushed deeply
M-mama Harumin?

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