Chapter 18

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"Miaseakuu..." Matsuri said. Suddenly Miaseakuu appeared in a small kitten form and she was on Matsuri's shoulder
"Yes?" Miaseakuu answered
"What happens if I stab someone without activating the power?" Matsuri asked
"Then you end up injuring yourself. You must feel pure hatred and I don't mean like 'I hate you' shit. I mean really hate that person like you want to kill them. Like you did back there. It was amazing" Miaseakuu said and giggled
"Hey aren't you bothered?" Matsuri asked
"Eh? What do you mean?" Miaseakuu asked
"It's raining and you're all wet" Matsuri said
"Not all cats hate water you know" Miaseakuu said
"But aren't you cold?" Matsuri asked
"Awww are you gonna take care of me now?" Miaseakuu asked
"Shut up" Matsuri said and kept walking. She looked around trying to find a victim
"I don't know who to kill.." Matsuri mumbled
"What do you mean? You can kill anyone" Miaseakuu said
"I know but killing bad people will help you..." Matsuri said
"What are you talking about?" Miaseakuu asked
"You want to go back to heaven...then I'm going to help you get back up there. We both have been living terrible're helping me and I'll help you back. I'm going to get you home" Matsuri said. Miaseakuu's eyes widen and looked at Matsuri
Why would she help me? That's not like her at all...oh wait...she has a spirit. My little brother...heh... he wants me to come back home. Even though I killed him...he still loves me. Thanks little bro...
Matsuri looked around the rain and shivered a bit
"You cold?" Miaseakuu asked
"Y-yeah...ugh why did it have to rain?" Matsuri asked looking up
"Maybe we should go to a bar" Miaseakuu said
"Hmm? Good idea" Matsuri said and walked inside a small bar. She shivered and shook her head having her hair all wet. She looked up and saw a familiar guy
"Asher?" Matsuri asked. Asher looked up and smiled
"Hey Matsuri-chan. Do you remember now?" Asher asked
"Um n-not really. I'm still recovering a few memories" Matsuri said
"Anyways what brings you here?" Asher asked
"Just came in to take's fuckin raining" Matsuri said
"Hehe yeah. Who knows why it began to rain all the sudden" Asher said. Matsuri sat down and held the kitten closely
"Huh? A kitten? Did you find it outside?" Asher asked
"Uh y-yeah" Matsuri said
"Want a drink?" Asher asked
"Um no thanks. I'm good" Matsuri said
"Suit yourself" Asher said and left to serve someone a drink. Matsuri sighed deeply and gasped softly seeing the TV
"A 14 year old named Matsuri Mizusawa has been reported missing. If you've seen this girl then please call the number below" The news reporter said
"They're looking for me?" Matsuri asked
"Well duh. Of course. I guess your cousin called the police..." Miaseakuu said
"Did they see the dead body?" Matsuri asked
"Of course they've seen it. Now they're gonna investigate who did it" Miaseakuu said
"I didn't leave any clues did I?" Matsuri asked
"Nah don't think-shit!" Miaseakuu said
"What?" Matsuri asked
"Hide! Now! Behind the bar counter!" Miaseakuu said. Matsuri stood up from her seat and jumped over the counter top then hid behind the bar counter
"Huh? Matsuri why are-" Suddenly someone came in opening the door
"Where the hell are you brat!?" The person said and pulled out a gun then pulled the trigger shooting up in the air. Matsuri trembled a bit and growled
Who is he?
'Lee Shanghai...he is a demon. It seems he's possessed his body'
Why is he after me?
'Us...he's one of Hirsh's friends...or should I say Hojo'
Isn't that Hojo man Harumin's father?
'Yes...the one and only. Matsuri you have to trust me if you want to survive. I'm taking over...'
Huh? What do you mean?
'Trust me. I promise that you'll be safe and alive. I promised God to keep you safe anyways...'
"Hey! Brat are you even here!?" Lee asked
"Yeah...I'm here. Hehe it's been a while right?" Miaseakuu asked
"It's been so long. 100 years right? Ah the good old days. I still remember being his assistant" Lee said
"You're still working for him?" Miaseakuu asked
"Of course I am. I'll never fail him. I'm here to finish my job...again" Lee said and smirked
"Again you say? Hehe...who knows...maybe this time will be different" Miaseakuu said and grabbed a rifle that Asher kept hidden. She loaded the gun and growled lowly
"So you think you can defeat me? You know I'm stronger" Lee said
"Yeah...I know. But you know...I've gotten stronger these past years. God has given me a chance to live again...hehe...surely he won't mind if I do some killing" Miaseakuu said as she smirked devilishly
"Do you think you can change destiny?" Lee asked
"Maybe..." Miaseakuu said
"Hehe running away is your destiny. You keep running away from your problems and try to avoid's really pathetic" Lee said
"I know it is..." Miaseakuu said
"So are you gonna come out or what? You scared?" Lee asked
"Scared? Ha! Don't make me laugh asshole. I'm not a small little baby bitch" Miaseakuu said
"Then get the fuck-"
Lee's eyes widen and fell back as the shot got to his chest
"Thanks!" Miaseakuu said and left controlling Matsuri's body. She broke the window and ran away. She panted heavily and noticed him up in the building
"You can't keep running away forever Miaseakuu!" Lee shouted
'Matsuri! Do you think you can handle him?'
Is he that strong?
'Not if we work together...'
Alright! Let's do it!
Matsuri was now in control and growled at him. Lee chuckled and jumped from the roof then stomped the ground hard. Matsuri stood in place and growled as her body transformed into her demon form

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