Chapter 17

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"Damn it started raining real hard!" Rin said
"Ugh I know...I don't know why it started raining just like that" Juhin said
"The weather is just fucked up. It may say it's sunny but suddenly it begins to rain. It's just plain fucked up" Rin said
"Yeah I guess you're right. Wonder how the girls are doing?" Juhin said as he pulled out his phone and dialed Nitski's phone number
"What the fuck? She isn't answering" Juhin said and hanged up
"She's probably busy with business stuff" Rin said
"Yeah she is. Hmmm? What about Little Strawberry?" Juhin said and called the home phone
"That's odd she's home and she's suppose to answer. Why isn't she answering?" Juhin asked
"Maybe she's asleep. Dude calm down you're worrying too much" Rin said
"I treat my family like my siblings alright? This isn't right. We have to check up on her" Juhin said
"Dude it's raining like crazy. We're gonna catch a cold" Rin said
"I don't care. I have to see if she's okay. I lost her once and I'm not planning to lose her again" Juhin said and ran out of his house
"Juhin! Wait for me!" Rin said and followed him. Juhin ran outside and headed to the place Matsuri was staying
She better be okay! I don't want to lose my youngest sister! She's the most important in our Mizusawa family! I swear if those Taniguchi did something...I'm going to kill them myself!
Juhin stopped almost slipping and gasped seeing the door open. He entered inside all soaked and wet. He looked around the house seeing it trashed. He ran up to the dead man and gasped
"U-uncle?" He asked then saw the huge wound he got in his chest. It was slightly open and a bunch of slightly dried blood was on the floor
"Juhin! Juhin! Juh-" Rin paused and trembled as he saw the dead body. He walked inside closing the door and turned on the lights but the lights went off. He looked around seeing some things in the house trashed. He walked up to Juhin who held his uncle's body
"J-juhin? Are you alright?" Rin asked. Juhin looked up at with and he was extremely pissed off. He let go of the body and stood up clenching his fists tightly
"Those Taniguchis...they...they are the reason for all this. For all this...and..." Juhin immediately ran up stairs and went to the room. His eyes widen seeing the room trashed as well
Was she kidnapped? Did they take her? Little her...
Juhin grabbed his phone and dailed Nitski
Pick up you fuckin bitch!
"Ugh! Juhin I told you-"
"Nitski this is important! They killed your father and Matsuri is gone!" Juhin said. Nitski's eyes widen and stood up from her desk
"W-wait what!?" Nitski exclaimed
"Your house is trashed! I found the door halfway opened! I saw your father's dead body and I tried to look for Matsuri but she's gone!" Juhin said
"I'm on my way! Call the police to start investigating!" Nitski said and hanged up. Juhin began dialing 911 and answered
"911 what's your emergency?" They asked
"YeshellomyunclewaskilledandmycousinMatsurihasgonemissing!" Juhin said
"Woah sir I need you to calm down first and explain" The lady said. Juhin breathed heavily and sighed deeply. He explained what happened and face the lady the address. Meanwhile Nitski spread the news to the other Mizusawas. She grabbed her stuff and got inside a car
"Drive" Nitski ordered
"Yes ma'am" The driver said and started driving through the tough stormy weather. Suddenly a car came in almost crashing against the car
"Woah! Watch it!" Nitski said
"S-sorry ma'am!" The driver said and tried to control the car but they ended up crashing. Nitski groaned and shook her head
"S-sorry Miss Nitski..." The driver said
"Ugh! I don't have time for this!" Nitski said and got out of the car. She ran up to her place panting heavily and getting all wet by the rain. She saw police men and the ambulance
"Ma'am please stay back" The officer said
"M-matsuri! Matsuri!" Nitski shouted
"Ma'am please stay back. Let the investigators do their job" The officer said. Nitski teared up and clenched her fists tightly
"Nitski..." Juhin said
"Juhin! What happened?! Tell me what the fuck happened?" Nitski asked grabbing his shoulders
"I have no clue. I just saw uncle on the ground dead and I tried looking for Matsuri's gone...again" Juhin said and teared up
"We'll find her. I know we will okay?" Nitski asked
"Why the hell did you leave her alone?" Juhin asked glaring at her
"Are you blaming this on me?" Nitski asked
"No but why did you leave her?" Juhin asked
"Listen I was just protecting her by keeping her safe from them" Nitski said
"But leaving her alone!? Are you serious!?" Juhin exclaimed
"Don't blame this on me! Besides I don't know who would attack them!" Nitski said
"The Taniguchis! They must've done this!" Juhin said
"But Juhin how did they know she lived here?" Nitski asked
"I don't know but those bastards are not getting away with this. I'm going to fuckin kill them" Juhin growled as he clenched his fists tightly
"But there is no way for them to know...unless if what Lina said is true" Nitski said
"What do you mean?" Juhin asked
"Lina said Matsuri brought in a Taniguchi or to be more specific she brought in Harumi" Nitski said
"Did you asked her about it?" Juhin asked
"I did and she only said that she didn't. She was just asleep and had a nightmare" Nitski said
"And you believed her?" Juhin asked
"I did okay? You know she always had nightmares when she was little" Nitski said
"Right...ugh we need to do something. We're just wasting our time" Juhin said and walked away
"Where are you going?" Nitski asked
"What do you think!? I'm going to find Matsuri!" Juhin said and kept walking. He gritted his teeth and growled
I have a feeling who to ask...

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