Chapter 25

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"Oh how rude of me. Where are my manners. Please come in" Hamalie said as she opened the door for her
"Thanks..." Lea said. Hamalie just kept her warm and sweet smile
"Hey sis we have a guest. I think you know her" Hamalie said. Malori turned around and looked at her
"Welcome Lea" Malori said
"Hey there Malori" Lea said and looked at the room where Miaseakuu was kept in. She walked up to the room but Hamalie grabbed her wrist
"Excuse me but you said you only wanted to have a word with me so why not join us for dinner" Hamalie said
"S-sure" Lea said
"You may take a seat on the couch" Hamalie said as she let go of her wrist. Lea nodded and walked up to the couch then sat down while Hamalie and Malori were both working on dinner. Lea looked at the girls and looked at the door
Miaseakuu is definitely in there but I won't be able to get close to her. How the hell am I suppose to get in there?
After a couple of minutes dinner was ready
"Lea dinner is ready" Hamalie said. Lea stood up and walked up to the table then took a seat. Malori served their meals and took a seat
"So you've been these past 100 years?" Hamalie asked
"I've been living the same life over and over again..." Lea said
"Hmm? Sounds fun..." Hamalie said
"And you? How does it feel like to be back in hell?" Lea asked
"Hehe it reminds me of the good memories I had..." Hamalie said
"Seriously?" Lea asked
"Yes I'm serious..." Hamalie said
"So how's the human been doing?" Lea asked
"You mean Harumi...hehe she's doing great like me but better. I have to admit she may be like me but she's much more better..." Hamalie said
"In what way?" Lea asked
"Hehe I rather not say..." Hamalie said. Lea glared at her and clenched her fists tightly
"Hamalie...why are you after her?" Lea asked
"Why do you want to know?" Hamalie asked
"Because I still care about her..." Lea said
"Well if you want to know...I still love her" Hamalie said
"But you rejected her and none of this would've happened if it weren't for you!" Lea said
"Please don't yell. My baby is asleep" Hamalie said
"You never deserved her! I don't understand why God made you two together! It doesn't make sense!" Lea said
"Still jealous that she chose me over you?" Hamalie asked
"No...but you rejected her and she went berserk. Everyone died because of you..." Lea said
"So? I asked Miaseakuu if she wanted me to help her but...she pushed me away. That's her fault..." Hamalie said
"But you're the one who broke her making her do all that shit..." Lea said
"Say whatever you's still not my fault" Hamalie said
"You know it would be easier if you stayed with Kristen and I stay with Miaseakuu" Lea said
"Hehehehe your so fuckin dumb..." Hamalie said
"Let her go. You shouldn't keep her here" Lea said
"I'm only protecting her" Hamalie said
"By keeping her in a room and doing who knows what with her" Lea growled. Meanwhile Matsuri groaned and woke up from her small nap. She opened her eyes and looked away the ceiling
Huh? What happened?
'You passed out after having sex...'
O-oh yeah...
Matsuri sat up in bed with her shirt still on but her lower body was naked. She looked down grabbing her clothes then started putting them on
"She was meant to be with me!"
"Just shut up!"
Matsuri walked up to the door and opened it slightly. Her eyes widen seeing Harumin and Lina
Wh-what's going on?
'Lea and Hamalie are fighting...'
Well aren't you going to do something
'Oh hell no. Those bitches will be yelling and kicking me'
You have to do something...
'Oh like what just walk in and say "Hey bitch what up?" If I walk out they'll come for me...'
Oh come on it's not that hard
'Hehe yeah that's what you think'
So...want me to walk out?
'Uh no because you're dead'
But if we don't stop them then they'll fight
'Fine do what you want'
Matsuri took a deep breath and opened the door
"E-excuse me...Mommy" Matsuri said and blushed. Miaseakuu just face palmed herself and groaned
"Why did you call her Mommy?" Miaseakuu asked
"Uh because she told me to call her that" Matsuri said
"But you shouldn't have taken it seriously" Miaseakuu said
"Well I decide what the fuck I want. Besides you chickened out when I told you to stop them from fighting" Matsuri said
"Because they'll kick my ass" Miaseakuu said
"More like fuck your ass" Hamalie said
"Yeah...uh no..." Miaseakuu said
"Miaseakuu you need to leave" Lea said
"Look uhm...I can't leave" Miaseakuu said
"What? Why not? You rather be stuck with this big tit slut?" Lea asked
"Don't call her that" Miaseakuu said
"Miaseakuu don't you know that it's her fault you're stuck like this forever?" Lea asked
"Yeah yeah I know but this Mizusawa is the key to make everything turn back to normal" Miaseakuu said
"But she's following the same steps as you" Lea said
"Jeez calm down. Just believe in her" Hamalie said
"Shut up big tits" Lea said
"Can all of you shut up" Malori said and glared at them
"Lea...maybe it would be best if you left...I'm staying here for a while until he finds me" Miaseakuu said
"I came all the way here to save you" Lea said
"But right now you're not helping..." Miaseakuu said
"Miaseakuu I just don't get it. Why are you still attached to her?" Lea asked
"Hehe I like to know why too" Miaseakuu said
"But...I don't trust her" Lea said
"Just trust me. I know what I'm doing..." Miaseakuu said
"But this bitch-"
"Okay I had enough! Be respectful okay!?" Hamalie said
"Shut up! You shouldn't interrupt someone when they're talking!" Lea said
"And you shouldn't call someone names!" Hamalie said. Matsuri just watched them argue and yell at each other which made her get a headache. Many memories came flooding by quickly which made her headache even more painful
"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!! SHUT UP!!!" Matsuri shouted and a dark aura wrapped around her body. She fell on her knees and trembled
Damnit...wh-what's going on? E-everything hurts...especially my chest...
Harumin got control over her body and ran up to Matsuri wrapping her arms around her. Matsuri trembled and leaned against her body panting heavily
"M-mommy..." Matsuri mumbled and whimpered softly. Harumin carried her bridal style and took her to the room again
"M-matsuri-chan!" Lina said running to the room but Mitsuko grabbed her
"Just leave her here. I know you're worried about her but if you try anything...she'll kill you" Mitsuko said. Lina clenched her fists tightly and turned around
"I'll leave but I'm going to come back to check up on her..." Lina said and walked to the door. Lea gritted her teeth and glared at Miaseakuu
"You forgot about me..." Lea said
"I don't want to talk about it..." Miaseakuu said looking away and vanished. Lea growled and vanish. Lina stepped outside and walked away leaving the house. Harumin placed Matsuri in bed and Matsuri looked at her
"I-I'm hungry..." Matsuri whimpered
"I'll get you food" Harumin said and kissed her forehead softly. Matsuri nodded and Harumin walked out the room to get the food. Matsuri blushed and felt her heart race
This really is not so bad...I like being here

"Do you think they'll find out we killed him?" Estella asked
There is no evidence that we killed him so there is no chance for anyone to find out that we killed him. Besides I bet no one cared for him..." Henrik said
"But what about their relatives?" Estella asked
"You're worrying too much...just calm down" Henrik said and pulled put a cigarette
"Well it's just that I never thought I was going to kill anyone" Estella said
"Whatever..." Henrik mumbled and lit his cigarette as he started to smoke
"Hey have you tried contacting Harumi or Mitsuko?" Estella asked
"No why?" Henrik asked
"Well it's just that I visited them and they weren't there" Estella said
"What do you mean they weren't there?" Henrik asked
"They weren't there. They're gone. They left some other place" Estella said
"Did you ask the old man where they are?" Henrik asked
"Well I tried contacting him but he didn't answer since he was busy I guess" Estella said
"He's a busy man so I guess he is working" Henrik said
"But he should at least pay attention to his daughters. They could be in danger or something" Estella said
"Stop worrying...they're fine. I don't think they're hurt" Henrik said
"But still they're out there alone by themselves. We should look for them" Estella said
"Stop worrying about them..." Henrik said
"Guess I'll be going out to look for them" Estella said as she walked upstairs to grab her jacket
"Good luck with that!" Henrik said and sighed deeply
"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!!" Estella shouted and ran downstairs
"Woah Estella what the hell?" Henrik asked as he stood up from his seat
"I saw a monster or a wierd thing in the room!" Estella said
"Are you seeing things again?" Henrik asked
"No! I'm serious!" Estella said. Henrik rolled his eyes and walked upstairs to check her room. He walked to her room and looked around
"There's nothing here" Henrik said and walked downstairs again
"I swear I saw something!" Estella said
"Ugh for the last time Estella I saw nothing" Henrik growled feeling annoyed. Suddenly something dripped from the ceiling and they all looked up seeing some human person. That person had demonic wings and smirked
"Hey there guys~" Nitski said and smiled
"N-nitski!?" They exclaimed
"Wow you guys remember me!" Nitski said and giggled. Henrik and Estella back up a bit but Nitski teleported behind them
"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation" Nitski said and smirked
"Y-you heard everything?" Henrik asked
"Mhm...every single word" Nitski said and growled. She stepped back as her claws came out and walked around them
" two killed him right?" Nitski asked and glared at them
"I-it was his idea! Not mine! I swear!" Estella said
"Wh-what!? But you agreed!" Henrik said
"That's because you convinced me!" Estella said
"It's not my fault!" Henrik said
"It wasn't my idea in the first place!" Estella said. Nitski groaned and ran up to them kicking them both hard knocking them down
"You two sons of bitches are fuckin fucked with me and my family" Nitski said and glared at them. The two coughed and held their stomach tightly
" killed him and now it's time for all of you to die" Nitski said
"N-no! It was him! Please mercy!" Estella cried. Nitski smirked and ran up to her kicking her hard then grabbed her by her hair
"I don't show mercy" Nitski said and kissed Estella softly before cutting her chest open pulling out her heart out. Henrik's eyes widen seeing his sister die right in front of him and trembled
"Sis..." He mumbled as he teared up. He then clenched his fists tightly and ran up to Nitski to punch her but Nitski grabbed his fist then twisted his arm breaking it
"Aaaaarrrrrggghhh!" He yelled in pain then fell on his knees holding his arm. Nitski kicked his head knocking him down. She stepped between his legs and stepped down on his dick hard
"St-stop! Please!" Henrik said
"Are you enjoying it?~" Nitski asked and licked her lips seductively
"S-stop! P-please!" He cried. Nitski laughed and kicked his dick hard
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He shouted and cried. Nitski pulled out her bloody claw then stabbed his stomach creating a hole where blood was gushing out from his wound. She kicked his side hard then punch him hard across his face
"Die! Asshole!" Nitski said and cut open his chest destroying his heart. She licked the blood off of her claws and giggled softly
My job here is done...hehehehehehe

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