The End

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8 years later

As the years passed by Harumin and Matsuri were very happy together. There love for each other has grown strong and they've been making love 24/7 that they ended up having a child. The 5 year old girl was in day care and drawing while the other kids were only doing there own thing. The young Hasura doodled and colored
"Hasura-chan...what are you drawing?" Her young friend Ditsy asked
"I'm drawing my mommies" Hasura said
"You really love them. Do they work at a building?" Ditsy asked
"Mhm! It's a huge building! Mama works at the top floor and it's so huge!" Hasura said and laughed
"Isn't it scary?" Ditsy asked
"Kinda but I got used to it" Hasura said
"You really admire your parents. They seem so cool" Ditsy said
"Haha! They are! I mostly want to be like mom. My mom can boss anyone around! Hehe" Hasura giggled. Suddenly a boy came up to her and looked at her
"Hey why do you have two moms?" The guy asked
"Because they love each other and I love them too" Hasura said
"But it's wrong to have to moms" He said
"Just mind your own business" Hasura said and went back to her drawing
"That's an ugly drawing. It looks as ugly as you" He said
"Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately asshole" Hasura said
"Well th-then you're adopted because two womens can't make babies" The guy said. Hasura put her crayon down and looked up at him
"Listen asshole you better shut the fuck up or else I'll fucking kick your tiny dick and break it so that you won't be making babies in the future" Hasura said and glared at him
"I'm telling the teacher on you!" The guy said and ran away. Hasura just sticked her tongue out and kept on drawing
"Aren't you scared of getting in trouble?" Ditsy asked
"My parents will understand okay? I have nothing to worry about" Hasura said and smiled proudly
"You're amazing Hasura. You really aren't scared of getting in trouble" Ditsy said and giggled
"Mizusawa-san come here for a moment" The teacher said
"Ooooooooooooooh" The children said. Hasura just stood up and walked up to the teacher next to the boy
"Hasura you shouldn't be saying that to the children" The woman said
"But he was the one who started it! He made me do it!" Hasura shouted
"Alright alright calm down. I'll talk to his parents about this okay? And you mister shouldn't be talking like that especially to a girl" She said
"I-I'm sorry ma'am..." The guy said and looked down
"Now apologize to Hasura" She said. The guy just glared at her and looked down
"I-I'm sorry Hasura..." He mumbled
"Say it loud so we can all hear" She said
"I'm sorry Hasura" He said
"It's okay" Hasura said and smiled softly
"Good and Hasura please try not to sat any inappropriate words next time" She said
"Why not?" Hasura asked
"Because you're still a young kid and you can't use such foul language" She said
"But my mother says it so why can't I?" Hasura asked
"Because your mother is old enough to say it and it your mother Matsuri who says such things?" She asked
"Yep! She says that especially while playing video games" Hasura said
"Of course she does. Well just don't say stuff like that anymore" She said
"Awwwww but it's fun to say it to people you hate" Hasura said
"Yes but that language isn't allowed here" She said
"Okay ma'am" Hasura said and walked away going back to her seat
"Fuckin bitch..." Hasura mumbled and sat down again
"What happened Hasura?" Ditsy asked
"Hehe just got in trouble for saying bad words" Hasura said
"But you don't care right?" Ditsy asked
"Mhm" Hasura said and went back to coloring
I'm hungry...I want pizza

After hours of being in the daycare, Hasura waited to be picked up by her Aunties. Hasura sat on carpet playing with the blocks and looked at the door
"Auntie Yuzu and Mei!" Hasura squealed and stood up running up to them to give them a hug
"Hey Hasura. Did you behave well?" Yuzu asked
"Of course I did" Hasura said and smiled
"Alright. Let's go to the car now" Mei said patting her head softly
"Okay" Hasura said smiling softly and left with her Aunties heading to the car. She got inside and saw Mokuro
"Hey asshole" Hasura giggled
"When will you stop calling me that?" Mokuro asked
"Hasura we've talked about this" Mei said
"Yeah yeah I know..." Hasura mumbled and put her seatbelt on
"How was your day?" Mokuro asked
"A guy talked bad about me and my family so I told him to fuck off" Hasura said and smiled
"Haha! That's amazing! That asshole better back off" Mokuro said
"Mokuro. Hasura. What did we just say?" Mei asked in her stern voice
"Sorry mama" Mokuro said
"Sorry Auntie Mei" Hasura said. Yuzu and Mei drove towards their house. Hasura and Mokuro got out the car and ran to the house
"I wanna play video games!" Hasura said
"Me too! I call dips on first player!" Mokuro said grabbing the controller
"Hey! I want to be the first player!" Hasura said and tried to grab the remote from him
"I grabbed it first!" Mokuro said
"Bitches first! Assholes last!" Hasura said
"Hey that's enough you two. Mokuro let her have the controller" Yuzu said
"Awww! But mom!" Mokuro whined
"You always play video games during the weekends. Let Hasura have the controller" Yuzu said
"Fine..." Mokuro groaned and allowed Hasura be the first player
"Yay!" Hasura said and took the controller
"Next time I'll be first player" Mokuro said
"Sure sure" Hasura said. The two kids sat in front of the big screen with the controller in their hands and played the game
"I'll kill you!" Mokuro said
"Ha! You think you can defeat the top player!" Hasura said and laughed
"No! I won't let you defeat me!" Mokuro said and kept fighting back but Hasura ended up beating him
"Haha! I did it! I won!" Hasura said and celebrated
"Ugh! Damnit!" Mokuro shouted
"Mokuro!" Mei said which made Mokuro jump
"Sorry mother!" Mokuro said and glared at Hasura
"Hehe don't look at me like that Onii-chan" Hasura giggled
"Don't call me that..." Mokuro groaned. Hasura looked outside seeing the sunset.
Hmmm? Mommies are still working...I want pizza
Hasura stood up and walked over to Yuzu'a phone
"Huh? H-hasura what are you doing?" Yuzu asked
"Calling mom and asking for pizza..." Hasura said and called Matsuri. After a while Matsuri answered
"Yuzu-chan I'm in a me-"
"Mom I want food. Can I get pizza?" Hasura asked
"Eh? Hasura? What are you doing with Yuzu's phone?" Matsuri asked
"She let me borrow it" Hasura said
"What do you need sweetie?" Matsuri asked
"I want pizza and I want to see you and mama" Hasura said
"Swettie we're both in a important meeting okay?" Matsuri asked
"Waaaaaah! I wanna see mama! I want pizza!" Hasura whined. Matsuri flinched as she heard her daughter's high pitch voice. She groaned and sighed deeply
"Alright alright you win" Matsuri said
"Yay!" Hasura said
"I'll be there in a bit to pick you up okay?" Matsuri asked
"Okay mom. Love you" Hasura said and hanged up. Matsuri sighed and she looked at Harumin from outside the door then signaled her that she had to leave. Harumin nodded saying it was okay and Matsuri immediately went out to get her daughter. She got in her car and went to Yuzu's place to pick up her daughter. She got out and walked up to the house knocking on the door
"Hey Matsuri" Yuzu said answering the door
"Hi Yuzu-chan" Matsuri said
"Mom!" Hasura said and ran up to her mother jumping in her arms
"Hehe hey you little devil" Matsuri said as she carried her
"Let's get pizza!" Hasura said
"Yeah yeah we'll get pizza. Sorry Yuzu and Mei for all the trouble she must've caused" Matsuri said
"Oh don't worry she didn't get into trouble" Yuzu said
"Yeah I was a good girl" Hasura said
"Okay then let's get your pizza" Matsuri said
"And we can see mama?" Hasura asked
"Mama is in a meeting" Matsuri said
"I wanna see Mama!" Hasura cried
"Okay okay okay we'll go see her" Matsuri said
"Yay!" Hasura said
"Hehe okay. Bye Yuzu. Bye Mei and bye Mokuro" Matsuri said
"Mokuro say goodbye!" Yuzu said as her son was playing video games
"Uhm bye Auntie Matsuri!" Mokuro said
"Hehe sorry about that" Yuzu said
"Nah it's fine. Bye now we have to get the pizza" Matsuri said
"Bye" Yuzu said waving goodbye
"Bye bye everyone!" Hasura said. Matsuri took Hasura to the car and put her in her seat then got in the driver's seat. The mother and daughter headed to a pizza place then ordered their pizza. After getting their pizza the two headed back to the company to see Harumin
"Mama! I'm gonna see Mama!" Hasura said as she got out of her seat
"Hasura calm down and stay quiet. Mama is in a important meeting
"Is she with Auntie Mitsuko?" Hasura asked
"Obviously yes" Matsuri said
"Okay I'll be quiet..." Hasura said
"Good" Matsuri said and grabbed the pizza then headed for the doors. Hasura gasped and looked impressed by the building
"Cool!" Hasura shouted as her voice echoed
"Hasura I told you to be quiet" Matsuri said
"Sorry..." Hasura said
"Ah hey girls" Nitski said as she worked as the secretary
"Auntie Nitski!" Hasura shouted
"Hasura no shouting" Matsuri said
"Jeez sorry..." Hasura said
"Hm? So you two are going to Harumi's office?" Nitski asked
"Mhm. I wanna see mama" Hasura said
"Okay then and just be careful with the pizza" Nitski said
"Don't worry I know. Come on Hasura let's go already" Matsuri said as she walked up to the elevator. Hasura giggled and headed over to the elevator as well then pressed the button to open it. The doors slid open and the two entered. Matsuri pressed the top button for the top floor and waited patiently to get to the top floor. Once they got to the top the doors slid open and Hasura came out running
"Weeeeeee!" Hasura said
"Hasura!" Matsuri said and chased after her
"Mama! Mama! Mam-"
"Oh sorry about that" A man said
"Sorry about that Kori" Matsuri said
"Nah it's fine" Kori said and smiled warmly. Hasura looked at him and backed up then hid behind Matsuri
"I see that she's still isn't used to me" Kori said
"Yeah she's still a bit shy. Alright I have to head to Harumin's office or else this girl will keep shouting" Matsuri said
"Alright then. Bye" Kori said. Matsuri walked away and Hasura followed her. The two arrived at the office and Hasura squealed as she began to run around the office
"Calm down Hasura" Matsuri said and put the pizza down
"I want pizza" Hasura said
"Here's your pizza" Matsuri said. Hasura walked up to it then opened it
"Mmmm! Pepperoni!" Hasura said and grabbed a slice then walked up to the rolling chair and sat down to eat her pizza. Matsuri chuckled softly and turned on the TV so Hasura could watch whatever child show she wanted. After a while there was a knock on the door and Harumin walked in
"That meeting was extremely boring. You're so lucky you escaped" Harumin said
"Mama!" Hasura said and got out the seat then ran up to Harumin's arms. Harumin smiled and carried her in her arms
"How's my little girl doing?" Harumin asked
"I'm doing great" Hasura said and kissed her mother's forehead
"Awww that's good sweetheart" Harumin said
"Yeah good thing you didn't made a mess like last time" Matsuri said
"That's because you allowed me to bring the doggy" Hasura said
"Now don't put the blame on me" Matsuri said and ruffled her hair. Hasura giggled and looked at the huge window seeing it was night time
"Are we going home and sleeping?" Hasura asked
"Yep! Finally since the meeting is over" Matsuri said
"But first you'll take a bath" Harumin said
"Oh a bubble bath?" Hasura asked
"Yes" Harumin said
"Yay!" Hasura said

It was a peaceful night at the house. The Mizusawa family asleep in their rooms. Hasura hugging her stuff animal while Harumin had to deal with her horny wife. Matsuri kept rubbing against her ass and whined
"Matsuri that's enough" Harumin groaned
"But I'm horny~ I wanna shove my dick inside your tight ass and grope your big ass tits~" Matsuri whispered
"We have a daughter next door. She's going to hear us" Harumin said
"Not if you keep quiet" Matsuri whispered
"Oh shut up and go to sleep" Harumin said
"'re no fun" Matsuri said
"I can sleep in the couch if you want" Harumin said
"No!" Matsuri said and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind
"Don't leave..." Matsuri said
"That's what I thought" Harumin said. Matsuri just groaned and cuddled up against her wife. Suddenly there was a cry and Hasura came running into their room and jumped into their bed
"Huh? What happened sweetie?" Harumin asked
"N-nightmares" Hasura cried as tears rolled down her cheeks
"Awwww come here. You can sleep with us" Harumin said. Hasura laid down between Matsuri and Harumin. She snuggled up and felt protected
"Night mommies. I love you both" Hasura whispered as she slowly fell asleep
"Night sweetie. We love you too" Harumin and Matsuri said at the same time. Harumin and Matsuri stared at each other then blushed. Harumin reached to her hand and held it. She smiled warmly and Matsuri stared at her beautiful hazel eyes
"I love you" Harumin whispered. Matsuri blushed deeply and felt her heart skip a beat. She smiled back and held her hand as well
"I love you too" Matsuri whispered back. The two slept with their daughter between them as they held hands. The Mizusawa family were all happy and with sweet dreams being protected by their guardian angels

Well that's the end for this story. I hope you all enjoyed this story. At first it was suppose to be a yandere story but I guess my mind decided to change it. Anyways thank you all for your votes and comments. I really appreciate it them. You all support me and cheer me to create more stories and chapters. Thank you. Love you all and I hope you're having a good day or night. 😊😊😊

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