[00 ¤ with love, from mina]

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MUSIC PUMPED FROM the speakers on the ship and Mina could faintly recognize the old 70's song

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MUSIC PUMPED FROM the speakers on the ship and Mina could faintly recognize the old 70's song. She wasn't sure of the name of the song but she knew some lyrics and she mouthed along to it.

Her attention was drawn back to what was happening in front of her, to Tony and Nebula playing a game of finger football. Well, more like Tony trying to teach her and Nebula getting angry. And aggressive.

Mina wasn't quite sure what to make of the blue robot just yet, despite them all being stranded on the same ship for almost a month. She supposed Nebula was okay, a little scary and way too violent, but harmless as long as Mina stayed on her good side.

As for Tony, well, Tony just loved Nebula. He found her blunt, no patience, no tolerance hilarious and loved to annoy her. He seemed to do that a lot these days, and it seemed to Mina that the more hopeless their situation looked, the more outlandish, annoying Tony got.

It might've been a defense mechanism or just his way of grieving, try to tire out people who cared about him and force them out so he could mourn by himself but Mina wouldn't let that happen. She knew that type because she was that type and she knew it wasn't healthy.

It was better to just ignore the feelings and push them down where they couldn't hurt you.

Back to her shipmates, Nebula now had the little paper football Tony had fashioned out of silver wrapping paper and she was lining up her shot. Mina could tell it would hit Tony square in the face but she said nothing, as it would also amuse her.

Nebula flicked it and it soared past Tony's outstretched fingers and smacked into his shocked face. At his expression, Mina burst into laughter as Nebula looked at him, eyes confused and slightly concerned.

"I didn't mean to hit you." Nebula said, her expression void and her tone emotionless, her way of apologizing. Tony brushed it off, waving his hand.

"Hey, Galactica, it's fine. But I do get to flick you back."

Nebula stared at him, unsure of how to process his words, then she turned to Mina. Mina grinned, shaking her head.

"He gets to aim the paper at you and flick it." She explained and Nebula nodded, then turned back to Tony, opening her mouth.

"No." She said firmly, expressionless. "If you flick one at my head, I will stab you and throw you out of the airlock and let you suffocate in space."

As Tony blinked in surprise, his mouth open in surprise, Mina laughed loudly, shaking her head. She came to the conclusion that she did indeed like Nebula.


MINA'S HANDS SHOOK as she rifled through the drawer full of miscellaneous papers, books and folders, searching for the one thing she needed. Her mask.

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