[03 ¤ blast from the past!]

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AS THE CAR rolled along the gravel road, Mina stared out the window, daydreaming

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AS THE CAR rolled along the gravel road, Mina stared out the window, daydreaming.

She found it was easier to dream and scheme when she was moving, specifically if she was in a vehicle. Her mind was on many things, some just daydreams and some hopes, trying to fit pieces together to a puzzle she didn't have a full picture of.

When she had left San Francisco the day before, she had called Shaun as she hurriedly packed her bag for the airport. He had picked up, excitedly answering and Mina felt a twinge of guilt, knowing she couldn't tell him the full truth.

That was one of the very few things she hated about their relationship, she had never told him about her full past, about being Kitsune, going to space and losing everyone on Titan, Tony taking her in, any of that. She promised herself it would be one of these days but she knew she would keep putting it off until it was no longer possible.

It was an odd thing. She knew Shaun would be understanding, he was in everything she told him and while he may be worried, she knew he would genuinely supportive. But yet, she couldn't bring herself to tell him. She'd told him about Diana and Ned and...him, how she had lost them in the snap but never the circumstances of how and Shaun had held her while she fell apart.

When she had left this time, she had told Shaun that she had a family emergency in New York and that she would be back in a few weeks. He had worriedly asked if she was okay and if he needed to come with, and Mina bit back sudden tears as she thought of how helpless he would feel if he knew the full extent of the situation.

She told him no, it was just some family stuff and bullshitted some story about her uncle Tony being senile and falling down the stairs. When she had hung up, she realized that the only truthful thing she had told Shaun was that she loved him.

'Someday, someday.' Mina thought to herself now, as she stared out the window as the trees blurred by. 'If someday ever comes.'

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts, she could be forgiven for not noticing they had arrived at Tony's house. The brakes squeaked as the car came to a stop and Natasha shut off the engine.

Mina saw Tony on the porch, grey-bearded and laughing. He was chasing a small, giggling brunette child around, finally catching her and hugging her, then tickling her.

She unbuckled her seatbelt, opening the door and stepping out into the crisp, cold fall air. The breeze ruffled her short locks and she shivered involuntarily, squeezing her arms tightly.

She walked to the big house and as her presence drew the attention of the two Stark's, she smiled as a little girl raced over to her.

"Mina!" Morgan yelled, a huge smile on her face as she nearly mowed down Mina. She hugged the woman tightly and Mina laughed.

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