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THE GOLDEN GLOWING circles nearly blinded Mina as they suddenly appeared and she squinted in their brilliance.

Her enlarged eyes stared in wonder as she could make out three silhouettes inside the portal. As they emerged and walked away from the golden light, Mina could see their faces but it didn't help her recognize them.

She opened her mouth to ask Steve who they were but she found herself left speechless as another portal opened up and Doctor Strange floated out. Behind him, Mina could see the sweet face of Mantis and Drax, who had his knives drawn and waiting. Out flew Quill and the person who followed made Mina's whole body shut down.

Peter Parker.

Her heart seemed to freeze and it felt like someone had dunked ice water on her but she didn't mind. Tears filled her eyes, not for the first time that day but again, she didn't find herself caring.

Her gaze was stuck on him and as her heart restarted, it skipped several beats as Peter locked eyes with her. They held each other's gazes before they were forced to look away as a loud rumble came from the ground below them.

Mina looked around her and saw giant Scott, at least 70 feet tall, standing, Rocket and Rhodey in his huge hands. Bits of building fell off him but the suddenly ginormous man didn't seem to notice and Mina once again turned her sight back to Thanos, though she snuck a glance at Peter.

The reappearance of Peter had filled Mina with new hope and she felt light, happy, for the first time in the five years he had been gone. She wanted nothing more than to go and crush him with a hug, hold his hand, even just touch his face, just be near him but she had to hold her position next to Steve.

As the portals stopped opening and the Avengers army was completed, Steve raised his hand up and his hammer immediately launched into his hand. He grasped it tightly, then raised his head to look up at Thanos.

"Avengers," Steve said, his voice loud and booming and Mina held her breath, holding her katanas steady.


And all hell broke loose.

The two armies ran at each other and Mina pounced on one of the creatures that had dropped out of Thanos' ships. She brought her swords over it and sunk them into its head, then flipped it over before it hit the ground, dead.

She repeated this process with the next one and for the third, she did something new. As it launched itself at her, razor sharp teeth dripping with saliva, Mina ran and slid underneath it. As she passed by its underside, she brought her swords up and they passed through the creature cleanly.

Mina jumped to her feet as two more jumped on her and she kicked one off, then slashed its arm off. The second one grabbed her arm and bit down, its teeth sinking deep into her skin.

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