[05 ¤ bless my heart!]

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"Y'ALL READY FOR this?" Mina's voice shattered through the silence that had fallen over the facility

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"Y'ALL READY FOR this?" Mina's voice shattered through the silence that had fallen over the facility. "Remember, you never lose. Either you win or you learn. Or whatever it was that Oppenheimer said."

Heads swiveled to her and she was met with blank stares and a sympathetic smile from Banner. She brushed them off, focusing on the gaping hole in the middle of the machine they all stood on.

Mina felt a sudden squeeze of anxiety tear in her heart and she shivered, suddenly aware it was they were doing.

The many days before today, they had done a couple test runs with the guy Mina hadn't been able to recall, who turned out to be named Clint Barton and then Scott Lang, both of which had mixed results. Mina knew that right after Clint did his run, he rushed out of the room and that was all that had been seen of him for the rest of the day.

So that had been fun.

Scott, as it turned out, had been a huge help with the mechanics and design of the machine and Tony and Banner had perfected it from there. Mina did her best to help but her nerves were so jittery that she was effectively useless to the science bros.

So, she stuck to training with Natasha, who wasn't as mean as she looked. Mina had grown very fond of the woman over the past weeks they'd been together, learning more about the redhead than she would've thought possible.

The two women went through multiple training drills, mostly mixed martial arts and acrobatics, both of which Mina was incredibly skilled at. Before she had moved to Queens, Mina had been a natural at the balance beams and Arabian Double Front at her local gymnastics studio.

She and Natasha had been trying to gear themselves up for what might happen when they travelled back in time, though they were unsure what they would be. Natasha had commented on how weird it would be to see their past selves and the two had gotten into telling embarrassing memories.

And now, the two women were standing a few feet away from each other, others standing in between themselves and all were looking down at the machine the billionaire playboy had finished the night before.

The air hung thick with anxiety and tension, as if it was waiting for something big to happen. And something did happen, but in the form of words. From Steve.

"You know what we're doing. We only have one shot at this." Steve said, his voice determined. "So that means no do-overs, no second chances. This is it."

Mina nodded, her face grim and ready. Her stomach was a bundle of nerves and she dug her fingers into her gloved hands.

She would not fuck this up. Not this time.

She owed it to Diana and Peter and to everyone else to try her hardest. If it meant she died, then she died. She owed it to them to try.

"Most of us are going somewhere we already know but that doesn't mean we should get comfortable." Steve continued. "Remember, if you do somehow see yourself or anyone you know in the past, don't draw any attention to yourself. Try and stay as hidden as possible."

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