[06 ¤ bloodlines]

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AS THE TRIO stepped out of the ship, their eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness that surrounded them

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AS THE TRIO stepped out of the ship, their eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness that surrounded them. Mina squinted in the dark purple light, making out small sand dunes and a huge mountain off in the distance and she groaned to herself.

"Wait, we have to walk up a mountain?" She asked, less than pleased. Natasha shot her an amused smile before she took off running, her steps quiet in the sand and Clint followed behind her.

"No one told me that!" The tired girl called out but she got no answer.

Mina sighed heavily before she followed after the older heroes, wishing she had gone with Thor and Rocket because did they have to run though sand? No, they got to go to a palace full of Norse gods and run on hardwood floors.

After running for what seemed like hours and was probably mere minutes, the trio arrived at the mountain and after painstaking process, made it to the top. They stopped to catch their breath and the two older adults looked around them while the younger woman floundered.

Mina bent over, her hands on her knees as she gasped for breath and felt her hot cheeks burning. She did cardio but running up a mountain? That was just ridiculous.

Suddenly, she felt the air pressure around them change and the tempurature dropped, the already freezing cold growing even icier. Mina shot up, hands poised over her swords, ready to pull them out if need be but nothing happened.

Until, a hooded figure popped out of nowhere and Mina let out an involuntary shriek of surprise and tried to punch thin air. Not a great first impression.

The figure looked at her, and Mina saw a pure red face, noseless and the skin pulled tight over the sharp cheekbones before she saw their eyes. Any jokes melted from her tongue and it was like her heart gripped itself and froze.

Those eyes.

She could have sworn she had seen them before but she couldn't clearly identify them. They felt ageless, like they belonged to something nameless that should have been long dead.

They pierced into her, staring into her very soul and Mina knew he could see through her everything, chilling her to the bone. She squirmed under their fiery intensity before they moved to Clint , though Mina did not relax.

"Welcome Minami, daughter of Freddie. Natasha, daughter of Ivan, and Clint, son of Edith." The figure, a male, spoke and Mina drew her sword, eyes puzzled. How had he known?

Natasha drew her gun and pointed it at him, assessing him coldly. "Who are you?"

"Consider me a guide, to you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone." He spoke, his voice deep and foretelling. Mina hated him, she decided.

"Oh, goodie." She said, still holding her sword out and he trained his eyes back to her, shutting her up once again.

"If you tell us where it is, then we'll be on our way." Natasha said and the man gave her a forlorn look, before drifting closer to them.

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