[01 ¤ jackpot!]

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MINA WOKE TO a fierce, glowing brightness

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MINA WOKE TO a fierce, glowing brightness.

She squinted against the bright light, holding her hand out to block it out. As her eyes desperately tried to adjust to the brightness, she noticed that the light was dimming.

Dropping her hand, Mina followed the black dots bouncing in front of her eyes before her vision focused and returned to normal. She looked around, now able to see the surroundings of the grim spaceship, then to the source of the dimmed light coming from outside.

It was a woman.

A glowing, floating woman who was unmasked and breathing. In space. Without a helmet.

Mina's eyes widened and she quirked her eyebrow. In her starved, exhausted state, this was simply weird and she supposed if she was in a good mental state, she would have been losing her mind. She kind of was.

She must've been hallucinating. She had to be.

Mina blamed it on low oxygen.

She was convinced she was hallucinating. Then the woman knocked on the bay window, waving at her to get her attention. Mina rose up, unsteady on her weak legs, but walked up to the other side of the window.

Woman and girl observed each other and the woman outside made a motion to Mina, moving her hands downward. Mina guessed that meant she should sit down, so she did.

As Tony and Nebula stumbled out, noticing the woman and gaping at her, the woman braced herself and began pushing the small ship. Fast.

Mina was astonished.

Here this woman was, all by her lonesome and in space without a helmet, pushing their little shuttle with no effort, like it was nothing. Who was she?

Her attention was drawn away from the wondrous woman when Tony plopped down beside her. After a small coughing fit, he turned to Mina and gave her a tired grin.

She couldn't hold back her questions that had been brimming since the woman appeared. And had increased one said woman started pushing the ship.

"Where do you think she's taking us?"

Tony shrugged, scratching his thin cheek with a shaking hand before answering. "Could be anywhere. Best case scenario: We get back to Earth."


"We get sold as slaves." Tony said and Mina scoffed, smiling and gently nudging him. He smiled back, laughing but that soon turned to coughing and he fought against the violent fit for a few minutes.

Mina could only look on in concern, because there was nothing she could do to help him. After the coughing was over, she looked over at him with worry.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly and Tony nodded, looking worse than ever.

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