[07 ¤ lovely.]

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AS HER ARMS circled around him, Mina's mind was blank and it remained that way until she let go of him, almost as if her brain was too shocked to form any thoughts

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AS HER ARMS circled around him, Mina's mind was blank and it remained that way until she let go of him, almost as if her brain was too shocked to form any thoughts.

Mina stared at her old sensei, her eyes drinking in every detail of him and she was again hit with that sense of nostalgia. He looked the same as he did when he was alive, before Carnage had taken him from her.

"It's so good to see you." Matt said, smiling down at her with his million-dollar grin and Mina nearly started crying again.

"Is it you?" She asked, almost breathless. She hoped it was because she missed him so much it hurt and she had always hoped that some part of him was still around.

"A part of me." Matt answered, staring down at his hands. "It's strange, when you die, your soul sort of scatters into a million tiny pieces and they all go somewhere different. Some of me went to another realm but most of me came here and I've been stuck in this moment, almost like I was waiting for something. Now I realize what for."

She searched his eyes, puzzled, but he grinned down at her knowingly. When it seemed like she would never get it, he told her gently.

"I was waiting for you, Mina."

Mina stayed quiet, maybe for a moment, maybe for hours, and then she spoke, staring at Matt as she did. "Am I dead?"

He threw his head back, laughing and Mina felt foolish before she realized he was not laughing at her. She playfully glared at him, wishing he would be serious but happy to see him again.

He stopped, after a while, and wiped his eyes. Mina's heart stung once again as he smiled at her, that smile too familiar and too lost in her memories to leave her at peace.

"No, you're not dead, you're very much alive. You're needed too much to die just yet." Matt said and Mina was again confused. "Fate has a big destiny planned for you, Mina. You'll soon play a big part in not just saving the world, but the universe, and you are too valuable to lose just yet."

Matt began walking to a sudden sunset, as Mina hadn't even noticed there was a sun, but she followed him nonetheless. He stopped and turned to her, gently grabbing her hand and holding it in his. She stared at him, perplexed.

"It wasn't your fault." He said, staring at her and Mina choked on her words, millions of thoughts swirling in her mind but none making sense. "Natasha's death, Peter, Diana. Mine."

"But I-I should have saved them. Saved you." Mina whispered, her soul too tired for tears and Matt shook his head, clucking his tongue.

"It was never on you to save the world Mina. It was never your burden to carry the weight of humanity and billions so close to your heart. But you did." Matt said. "You saved me, and you will save Peter and Diana. Natasha knew she was the greater sacrifice and that was her choice but it is not on you. She would tell you so herself but she's already moved on."

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