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AS THEY MOVED closer to the useless grape, Mina gripped her swords

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AS THEY MOVED closer to the useless grape, Mina gripped her swords. She envisioned the joy and satisfaction it would bring once they passed through his spine.

Knowing they weren't coming in on friendly terms, Mina decided to save time and drew out one of her swords, swishing it through the air and hearing the sharp slicing sounds it made. That sucked for Thanos.

As they approached Thanos, he looked up at them and his entire face screamed smug bitch. Mina held herself from punching him right then and there and maybe the ballsack sensed it because he grinned at her.

"You could not live with your own failure." He spoke and it took all the strength in Mina not to throw up. Good to see he hadn't stopped being repulsive.

"And where did that bring you?" Thanos continued, shaking his head as he remained sitting. "Back to me."

"Believe me, it wasn't our first choice." Mina said, unable to help herself. Thanos looked right at her and she couldn't keep the look of utter disgust off her face either but he kept going.

"I thought that by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive." Thanos paused, his eyes moving to Thor, who stared him down. "But you've shown me that's impossible."

"And as long as there are those that remember what was, there are always those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep, we're all kinds of stubborn." Tony shot back and Thanos regarded him.

"I'm thankful." Thanos replied and Mina narrowed her eyes. "Because now, I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to it's last atom and then, with the stones you collected for me, create a new one, teaming with life that knows not what it's lost, only what it's been given."

Mina sighed, rolling her eyes. "You talk way too much."

Thanos looked at her before continuing. "A grateful universe, without despondent brats like this one."

"Hey, I like being a brat. It shows personal strength." Mina said and it was his turn to sigh.

"You may be strong, Minami Miyazaki, but your biggest flaw has always been self-restraint." Thanos said and Mina nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I've always been a bit mouthy, I don't mind it." Mina said, shooting him an shit eating grin. "But flattery isn't gonna get you anywhere."

"Oh, I know it won't." Thanos replied, nodding his head knowingly. "Still, it makes a wonderful distraction. Plenty of time to look at your pretty face before I cave it in with my fist."

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