[08 ¤ hey you!]

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She really did and she could say it with total ease because she truly despised the plan. No lie.

As Banner stood in the middle of the room, the gauntlet that glittered with stones tiny and small in his large hands, the others made a circle around him. It was a safety precaution Tony said they had to take but it escaped Mina's mind how they could help Banner in case their foolproof plan went wrong somewhere along the way.

Mina stood by herself, her good old Kitsune suit encasing her body from whatever might occur and her mask guarding her downcast face from prying eyes. Her katanas were strapped to her waist and she fiddled with the black leather handles as she waited.

Finally, Tony spoke.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y." Tony said. "Do me a favor and activate Iron Door protocol."

"Yes boss." The female voice answered back and immediately, metal shieldings covered the walls and the exposed glass window above them. Soon enough, they were in encased in a metal box and Mina was sure they were all getting carted out in a wooden box.

And that was if there was anything to even put in a box.

Stop, she told herself. Calm down. Be nice. Think positive.

But where was the fun in that? Mina thought and turned back into the situation at hand.

Banner put his hand in the gauntlet, which seemed to be readjusting itself to fit his huge hands and let out a huff of air. He shook his head, obviously anxious but he seemed to shake it off.

"Everybody comes back." Banner whispered, more to himself than anyone else and then he put the glove on completely.

Within an instant, the glove sent out what looked like an electric spark, or sparks, and they glowed a vast array of colors. Banner groaned in pain, dropping to his knees as the stones outpowered him and he fought to contain it.

Mina bit her lip, her stomach a combination of different emotions. She watched as her friend shuddered and struggled with it.

As the man sunk further to the ground and the gauntlet emitted a high pitched sound, Mina's stomach somersaulted. And not in a pleasant way.

"Take it off! Take it off!" Thor shouted but Steve shouted in protest.

"No, wait!" The captain said, holding his shielded arm out. "Bruce, are you okay?"

Banner replied with an agonizing yell, then controlled himself. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

Mina didn't believe him one bit but she let out a breath she didn't know she'd been holding. She winced as Banner let out a pained scream and refrained from running to Tony.

bite me!  ¤  endgameWhere stories live. Discover now