[12 ¤ when will you come home?]

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SHAUN WAS TAKING the news extraordinarily well

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SHAUN WAS TAKING the news extraordinarily well.

Well, as well as one who had just found out their girlfriend was a superhero, that she had just come close to death fighting Thanos and had managed to bring everyone back post Blip back.

After the battle, Mina had reunited with Diana and called Shaun, telling him she would be back in a day or two. And she was on the next flight back home, showing up to his San Francisco apartment at 3:17 AM with close to 3 days of no sleep, still wearing her Kitsune suit but thankfully, showered and fed.

She had kissed him, asked if he was awake and when he sleepily nodded yes, immediately launched into her whole story. He had listened silently, and by the time she had finished, his mouth hung open and no sound escaped him.

Mina looked at him worriedly, afraid she had broken his brain. "Shaun, are you okay?"

He slowly nodded, standing from his sitting position on his bed. She watched as he paced the room.

"My girlfriend...is Kitsune." Shaun whispered, more to himself than anyone else.

"I know it's a lot to take in and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner but it's just because I was worried and scared you would leave me." Mina rambled, before realizing that might make him feel bad. "No, that's-I don't mean to put it on you. I'm really sorry."

"My girlfriend is Kitsune." Shaun repeated, slightly louder this time.

"Shaun, I'm really sorry." Mina continued, feeling herself start to freak out. He was gonna break up with her now, it was inevitable. And why not? She'd more or less lied to him since day one.

"I'm just a shitty person, who makes up shitty lies and I'm so sorry I dragged you into this." Mina said and looked at Shaun, who had landed in the corner of the room, his hand on his chin, an odd expression on his face.

She raised her hands in exasperation, wanting him to say something but also dreading his response. There was no way he would be okay with this, he was a great person and she had originally thought he would be fine with this but now that she was doing it, she was an idiot and she was wrong.

"My girlfriend's an Avenger." Shaun whispered, awestruck.

Mina stared at him, her eyes filling with tears and her throat felt tight, too tight to get words out but still, she would try.

"You're gonna break up with me. I knew it!" She exclaimed, her voice breaking and she blinked past the tears in her eyes. "I ruined it, I always do! I will always find a way to ruin a good thing, I-"

"Mina." Shaun interrupted her rant and Mina locked teary eyes with him, watching as he approached her and took her hands gently in his. He led her back to the bed and lowered her to sit on the mattress, kissing her hands before wiping stray tears from her cheeks.

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