[04 ¤ nice for what.]

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It was obvious from the deep bags of exhaustion under her eyes to her fidgety, flighty energy as she sat in the car.

She was filled with nervous energy and found herself unable to keep her mind off what they were about to do. It was risky and dangerous but Tony said it was possible so Mina was choosing to trust him.

After all, hadn't she been so ready to believe the former Avengers?

Still, that didn't stop the rock in her stomach from budging or the tightening of her throat from loosening. To keep herself occupied, Mina played with her hands and kept cracking her knuckles.

Every couple seconds, she would pull on a finger and a small but noticeable crack would fill the empty space of the car. And then, a few seconds later, it would repeat.

It was annoying Tony to no end. To stop himself from snapping at her, he decided to make conversation. He figured college was a safe option.

"So Mina," He began. "How's your studies going?"

She looked at him, eyebrows raised in confusion. "Fine, I guess."

"Classes going well? You got some friends?"

"Classes are fine. They're not that hard so it's not that easy for me to stay interested but I'm trying. And yeah, I guess I have some.. friends. Mostly Shaun's that I stole but yeah, I've got one in particular, Katy." Mina answered, her tone disinterested.

She had her head rested on her right hand, her arm propped up on the door of the car, gazing at the passing scenery. It wasn't that she was trying to be a bitch, it was just that she was too anxious to properly respond but if she tried to explain that to Tony, it might come out wrong or he might not understand her. And seeing how he was one of the only friends she had left, she really didn't want to snap at him.

Tony chose to move on from the subject. He had heard the same bored tone in Pepper many times before and he had his fair share of women snapping at him for his non-stop questions.

The car fell silent again, the rumble of the road and the small purr of the engine the only sounds to fill the small space. Mina chewed on her lip silently, her body beyond tired for reasons she couldn't explain. She felt so much older than she was, like she had lived longer than her almost twenty one years of life.

She couldn't stop thinking of what would happen. She wanted to have hope, to trust in their plan but hope was so dangerous to have.

The black haired girl was pulled from her dark thoughts when she realized Tony was glancing at her. When he saw her looking at him, his eyes snapped back to the road and Mina felt an sudden rush of sadness for the man. She hadn't even thought about what this was like for him, seeing Cap again, going on a potentially life ending or life ruining mission (which could end up either-or, depending on if they fucked up or not).

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