[alternative ending ¤ guess what?]

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"HEY GRAPE BOY!" Mina shouted, hoping, praying it would grab Thanos' attention

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"HEY GRAPE BOY!" Mina shouted, hoping, praying it would grab Thanos' attention. Grab it did, as the purple Titan immediately stopped punching Tony and turned sharply to her.

"What did you call me?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.

Mina, her heart hammering in her chest, her stomach churning but her face set and unafraid, answered in classic, old Mina Miyazaki way.

"I said, you fucking asshole. Hey, grape boy!" She repeated and waited, hoping with all her worth her plan would work.

Tony, bleeding on the ground, already seemed to think it worked, because he shook his head vigorously. He punched the Titan's torso repeatedly and as hard as his broken hand would let him to get his attention.

Thanos ignored him, seemingly intent upon the girl and he promptly dropped Tony with a loud thunk! Mina decided Tony was correct in assuming her plan worked and unsheathed her katana, readying herself as Thanos charged at her, his beady eyes murderous.

She jumped onto and off his outstretched arm, using it as a springboard to flip and slicing at his chest, managing only to scrape against his chestplate. Mina landed on her feet, rolling as Thanos dived towards her and jabbing at him again, this time aiming for the upper arm and missing.

Unfortunately, he caught her sword with his big hand and pulled it forward, her along with it and threw both the sword and the girl onto the ground.

As she was slammed down, Mina struggled to catch her breath, holding her stomach in pain as she felt her cut rip open and begin bleeding. She looked around and immediately pushed herself up, jumping just as Thanos charged at her, his fist punching into the ground and leaving a dent in the dust.

She rolled underneath him, looking around frantically for her katana and finding it just beside the fist sized hole in the ground.

"Shit." The girl breathed out.

She ducked quickly as Thanos came at her again and yelped in pain as his fist connected with her stomach. Reaching for her belt as she sucked in air, Mina drew out two small daggers and quickly threw one at his hand.

Her spirits lifted slightly as the purple Titan yelled in agony at the six inch knife sticking out of his hand and then Tony appeared, firing his blaster at Thanos.

Despite herself, Mina let out a small laugh of relief. Maybe this was a good sign.

Boosted by her small victory, Mina ran to her fallen and discarded katana, ignoring the screaming pain in her stomach as the earlier cut skin stretched and sang with the punch. Grabbing the sword, she faced her now occupied opponent and made her move.

Using the time Thanos was knelt taking out the knife, Mina charged at him and her katanas ripped through his back, tearing the stretched and worn skin. He roared in pain, even louder so when she roughly pulled out her sword.

bite me!  ¤  endgameWhere stories live. Discover now