The Alexander boy

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Notes from the author: Hi hamfam! Hope you like this fanfic! Try to keep up! It's cute, fluffy lams for now, with shy little Laurens and sleepy little five-hour-energy hammy. The setting is a boring ass college lecture on Laurens' first day B) ;)

Chapter 1
Laurens POV

"Alexander...Alexander!" A girl in front of me whisper-screamed to the boy next to her. She's most definitely into whoever that boy is. I can tell it in her eyes.
"Alex!" She said, a little louder.
"Eliza, hush, s'il vous plait." says the boy next to me, Lafayette, my best friend who began at this college a year ago.
"He isn't waking up, Laffe!" Eliza piped up frantically.
"Eh, leave im'. He vas up all night." Lafayette reasoned.
"How do you know, huh, Laffe?" The girl, Eliza I suppose, asked.
"He's in ze dorm next to mine. Thin walls, y'know," said Laffe, shrugging. "And ze boy isn't you say...quiet."
"Hey...I'm not that...loud..." The boy in front of Laffe and I continued sleeping and lazily denied Lafayette's statement. Eliza let out a 'hmph' and crossed her arms, leaning back on her chair.
I looked over my seat at the boy, Alexander.
He had cute, dark scruff and a shoulder-length low ponytail. Eliza, arms still crossed, snarl still on her face, looked over at me. I blushed and looked away, knowing that I shouldn't have been looking at the cute boy, no John, don't say that!
Eliza noticed me, apparently, and tried to make small talk.
"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Schuyler. And that's Alexander, but I guess you already knew that."
"Yeah, ha, sorry. I'm kind of a snoop. John Laurens." I shook her sweaty hand. Oh, yeah, she's into that Alexander guy.
"Heh, me too." She laughed and continued listening to the professor.
"Who is that?" I whispered to Laffe, especially quiet since Eliza's a snoop, apparently.
"Who, Alex? Oh, e's my neighbor. Why, you got a crush?" Laffe teased, getting louder as the sentence went on.
"Shhh!" I laughed, completely dead inside.
"Someone haz a crush on Alexander!" He whispered playfully.
"No!" I retorted.
"Vatever," he said, "too bad for you, he's kinda cute!" I took the sketchbook out of my bag and began to draw Alexander. Lafayette's right, I sigh, he is kinda cute, I think as I peek out from his seat, looking at his sleepy face. I draw him, and something inside me urges me to draw hearts all around his face. But I know better, that's weird. Just because, I draw one small over his head. I began thinking about where my dorm would be. That's when Lafayette looked over at my sketchpad. Oh no.
"Ooh, so you do have a crush on the Alexander boy!" he grinned. I flipped to a different page quickly.
"Do NoT!" I fire back, knowing that I totally do. Oops, I just admitted that to myself, didn't I? No, I don't like this boy. I look back over the chair at him, and suddenly, he opens his eyes. *sharp inhale* I hate myself.
"...Hi..." he says, tiredly. Luckily, he seems just as embarrassed as me.
"Oh, hi," I say, pretending that I wasn't just gayly staring at him. I lean back and quickly notice his emerald eyes, then look down at my sketchbook. I grab the green colored pencil out from my bag and color in his eyes with green. The boy turned around in his seat and gave me a kind smile. I blush furiously and scramble to put away my sketchpad. The bell rings, ending the class.
"What's your name?" he asked, suddenly being very peppy.
"John, uh, ha, John Laurens. Y-you can call me Laurens... I-if you wanna..." Lafayette looked over at me and gave me a smug-ass little smile.
"Oh, I-I'm Alexander...H-hamilton, if you were wondering..." he says, still pulling a kind smile and trying to make it seem like he doesn't sense my awkwardness.
Lafayette leaned in and whispered, "Told ya, mon ami." I snarled at him and pushed his face away with my hand.
"Hey, Laurens," Laffe says, casually.
"Yes, Laffe?" I say, giving him the bitch no don't you do it look.
"Wanna study for the quiz tonight?" he asks innocently.
"Sure, why not? Anyway-" I begin to speak to Alexander again.
"Alexander, do you want to come as vell?" Lafayette asks. I knew this was coming.
"Uh, sure," he says.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot, I can't come. But you guys should totally do it! And you should just hang out! Studying is boring," I glared at him and he smiled smugly.
"O-okay," Alexander and I both say.
"Meet me at my dorm later?" Alexander says and begins writing down his dorm address.
"S-sure. How's six?" I ask.
"Yeah, sounds good," he says.
"Okay, see you then!" I attempt to pull a smile and walk out with Lafayette.
"What. The. Fuck." I say as soon as we get out of the auditorium.
"You're welcome, mon ami," he says, strutting. "Come over to mi dorm, Imma give you a makeover."
"It's not like it's a date, Laffe!" I cry.
"Oh, mon ami, you von't be there to 'study.'"

"H-how's this?" I come out of the bathroom in one of Laffe's button-ups.
"Wow, mon ami. You're a hottie," he says with stars in his eyes.
"Is it...too dressy?" I ask.
"No, mon ami. Alex is extra. He's up till four o'clock each night," explains Laffe.
"Well, okay, fine," I shrug.
" for ze hair.."

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