'Laffe sips tea'

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Notes: writing this from my phone rn- hope you like it! Kissing scenes are kinda tough and awkward for me sometimes, but oh well, Alex is one thirsty bich- also- sorry this chapter isn't anything, some stuff got deleted from docs and I AM NOT REWRITING sorry, I'm on a roll over here at chapter 16 sooo

Chapter 7

We finish the pasta and serve it, and while Alex is talking with the heartfelt jerk of a roommate that I have, laffe and I talked some more.
"So are you guys y'know- official?" Laffe asked.
"No! Laffe we're just friends," I say, almost completely frantic.
"Oh so zat vas a friendship keess, eh?" Laffe sips tea.
"Laffe!" I cry.
"Am I wrong?" Laffe pulls a stray hair behind his ear sleekly. We finish our pasta and Laffe, Alex, and I go back to Laffe's dorm. We talk for a while until I decide to head back to my dorm.

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