Spicy sadness chapter

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Notes: welp, still sorry about the last chapter, but here's a chapter??? I'm writing this note while at CHAPTER 19 THE FUCK

Chapter 8

Alex's POV

I begin to walk back to Laffe's dorm from my last class of the day when a boy with a huge Afro, along with a smaller boy with a short haircut walk towards me.
"Hey, Hamilton," the taller one calls.
"Yes?" I ask, my thoughts interrupted.
"So, we heard bout your whore mother and your daddy issues," he smirks annoyingly.
"Mhm, yeah, I got daddy issues, right," I roll my eyes and try to escape from the tall dude in front of me. My past is something I would usually be proud of, but college was supposed to be a new start, and if Lafayette found out, god forbid, Laurens found out, I may as well move back to the Caribbean.
"Haha, yeah, funny, want me to tell your little boyfriend?" I ball up my fist tight, and swiftly pop the annoying tall boy straight in the jaw.
"Don't you dare tell h-" his friend comes flying towards me, fists flying at my face. The world goes blurry. I can't think straight. The tall boy kicks me back and begins to curb stomp me with the help of his friend. Suddenly, I hear something through the blurry world around me.
"Hey! Jefferson!" A familiar voice cries. His friend and him laugh.
"Here comes daddy," says the tall boy, as he continues laughing.
"Alexander! No!" I hear vaguely, along with heavy sobbing. "Please, stay alive, I- I can't, ugh, I'm like in love with you, a-Alex don't go!" Through the blur, I see freckles like constellations in a frantic, upset face. He screams for a professor.
"Laurens, what's going on?!" A man screams. He looks at me and immediately begins dragging me to the nurse. The sobbing boy takes out his phone and calls an ambulance. I feel as though I'm fading.

Laurens POV

He was gone and I saw it happen...I'm watching it happen. Alex's face was almost covered in blood. His face was flushed. His green eyes were blank.
"Hello, 911?" I frantically asked into my phone. "It's really bad, he has blood all over him, please come quick please..."
I continued sobbing over the phone and knew then that I couldn't waste my time anymore... I have to tell Alexander. For real this time. I remember what Laffe said the first day we met. You should make a move- that boy don't fool around. He was right, and I threw away my shot.

Alex POV

The blue was slowly becoming black. For just a moment, I see the sobbing face of John Laurens. God, even when he's sobbing, he's cute. I'm in the nurse's office and every single nurse is fussing over me. The pain hit me hard.
"Alex, no, I need you alive!" I hear. Then, there's only black. All there is is the sounds of the sobbing John Laurens.

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