The story of last night

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Notes: That chapter end hurt to write ugh D-: anyway I'm so excited- the sketchpad will be important soon(in the next few chapters) so yeah yay! I'm tired and delirious so yea hope u like it oof

Chapter 3

"Hi Laffe," I yawned and walked into Laffe's dorm.
"So how'd it go mon ami?" his kind French accent soothed the pain and awkwardness of my day.
"I'll tell you tomorrow," I say. "Can I sleep here tonight? My roommate sucks."
"Sure, Laureens," I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. Maybe it was because I was tired and delirious, (like me)but Laffe made me feel better. He didn't care that I didn't want to talk about my painfully awkward night. He just let me lay on his couch all night, clutching my big sketchbook as he finished some work. That's why we're such good friends.
"Laureens. Laureens," I hear first thing in the morning.
"Hi, Laffe," I say drow\wsilin3222222222222222222eeeee

Note: I fell asleep on the keyboard but I like this part so I'm keepin it!

"So- ready to tell me now?" he asked.
"Sure, just lemme' wake up first," I said. I woke up and drank some iced coffee, then checked my phone. Then I went to my sketchbook. I remembered something that my friend from high school, Peggy, used to say. 'If you can't say the words that hurt to think, write a letter. You don't have to send it if you don't want. Just let everything out on paper.' So as Laffe was eating breakfast on his computer, I took out my sketchbook and began writing the letter.
'Dear, Alex,' I started jotting down.
'I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm so sorry. But I'm afraid that there's nothing I can do now, is there?' I wrote, sighing. 'I can't even admit it to myself, but I like you. Seeing your beautiful green eyes and your smile and your cute scruff makes my heart flutter. I wish I could just stop. I wish I wasn't who I am. I'm sorry, Alexander, I wish I wasn't like this.' I took a sharp breath and drew a heart. '❤, Laurens,' I concluded and shut my sketchpad. Then, I walked over to the kitchen.
"Okay," I say, "I'm ready."
"Oh yiss!" Laffe exclaims.
"Just a warning, it's not a very happy one, Laffe, so assume the worst," I inform, and Laffe nodded. "So, I stroll over to his house, I give him the flowers, we play video games for a while, talk, just chilling, then we go over to my new dorm room. Met my roommate, he's a jerk, then we went into my room and began to unpack my stuff."
"Oh no, mon ami, I can sense the trouble here," Laffe shivered.
"Yeah, yeah," I said and continued the tale, "So we're unpacking my stuff, and he...ugh, it's so awkward I can't even...he comes across my little gay pride flag from Peggy..."
"Oh, mon ami!" Laffe cringes at the thought of this boy, who I barely know, just came across a gay. Pride. Flag. Even worse, it was mine! But Laffe didn't know the worst of it yet.
"Then, he put the flag in my hair... and leaned in," I said. "And so did I..."
"Oh, I thought zis was a sad story, Laureens!" Laffe exclaimed like a little schoolgirl.
"And then my jErKY ROOMMATE BUSTED THROUGH THE DOOR!" I yelled and Lafayette burst out in oui oui hon hon hon baguette laughter. I have to admit, it was pretty funny.
"Oh, mon ami, that's horrible!" he cried, still laughing hard.
"It's not funny," I denied.
"Oh, oui, it is, Laureens."

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