alexander, who do i need to kill?

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Notes: hai friends! Back to the fluffy lams, sorry, I just wanted to add in some drama welp! Love yall and sorry about that long sad chapter lol (ps that's pheaker up there it's super cute ikr)

Chapter 11

Laurens POV

"So...what are we now?" I ask Alexander.
"What do you mean?" he inquired.
"Like...are we dating?" I asked, looking in the mirror at the marks on my neck.
"I mean...if you want to..." says Alexander, hanging off my shoulders lazily.
"Yeah, sure, we're dating now," I turn around to him and set my hands on his hips.
"Owww..." he mutters.
"Oh don't tell me-" I lift up his shirt. Of course, dark bruises and nicks everywhere. "Alexander, who do I need to kill?"
"Erm...Jefferson...and me, I guess, those cuts are mostly mine-"
"Oh, of course. The Jefferson thingy, and your jerky ass old roommate. Jefferson's gonna be dead after I'm through with him.
"Oh, c'mon, why don't just do couple stuff for today? I'll take you out," he offers.
"Nah, don't waste your money on me. How about we watch a movie?" I suggest.
"Sure." we decided on a movie and cuddled up on the couch. Eventually, Alexander drifts off to sleep. (God knows he needs sleep) I turn off the movie and check my watch. Only 2:00 pm. There's still time to beat up Jefferson.
FROM: me TO: baguette boy(laffe) AND horsefucker herc
Beating down Jefferson soon, behind the school, btw we're dating now
FROM: me TO: fuckassbitch(tjeff)
Cash me behind the school, ur dead
I send the two texts and stroll behind the school, waiting. Jefferson's dying today.

Alexander POV

I wake up in a cold sweat, loud knocks at the door.
"Alexander this isn't funny! John's in trouble!" Laffe screams frantically. "Alexandre...s'il vous plaî a des ennuis."
"Hello?" I question through the door and pull on one of John's big hoodies. I peek through the door hole. Herc and Laffe. I open the door lazily. Their eyes widen at my messy attire and ruffled hair.
"Did you two..." starts Hercules.
"Mon ami not now! John is in trouble. We have to get to ze back of the school now," Laffe explains. I slip on some pants and sleepily run with them to the back of the school. I almost immediately cry. John is going ham on Jefferson. Laurens has Jefferson's hair clenched in hand, slamming his head against a streetlight.
"John!" I cry, running towards them. John keeps banging his head on the post, then all the sudden, Jefferson was freed. Thomas begins charging towards me. I'm in the hurricane again, oh god. I'm frozen and I can't move. Jefferson balls up his fist and raises it to pound me in the face, when John kicks at his chest. Jefferson comes back up and slams into Laurens, punches him right on his cheek. I'm still frozen, when Laffe and Herc come over to help. I'm having a panic attack, and I can't even save who I love the most in the world, Laurens.
"John, please!" I cry, on my knees. Laffe and Herc hold Jefferson back, and John Laurens looks at me, upset. He runs over to me, apologetic yet heroic.
"Are you okay?!" he cries. "I'm so stupid! I'm so sorry!"
"I'm...having a p-panic at-t-tack!" I gasp.
"Oh, god, no, it's all my fault!" he screams, and I wish I could make him think otherwise. But if I can barely breathe, I'll save the convincing for a little later.

John POV

"Stupid hot Alexander. Stupid me. Stupid cute green eyes and cute smile. You're stupid, John," I murmur.
"That's...n-not true you...idiot..."
"No, it's true Alex. I'm so stupid and I don't deserve deserve the world...but I can't do that for can dump me, I fucking deserve it,"
"No..." he breathes.
"Save your strength, I admit it," I say, trying to lighten the mood a little.
"One more?" I ask Laffe.
"Mmm....fine," he says acting reluctant.
"Alex, go ahead," I allow. Alex stands weakly, takes a deep breath and kicks Jefferson right in the nuts.
"Ha! Good one!" I laugh along with everyone except for, y'know...the one being kicked in the balls.
"That...felt..really good," Alex smiled weakly as I pick him up bridal style one again.
"I bet."
Alex and I go back to our dorm after that, I still can't forgive myself. I sit on the bed contemplating while Alex is in the bathroom. He's been in the bathroom for a while now, I should check on him. I walk in to see Alex sitting on the floor with a razor blade in his hand. No blood, no cuts, just the preparation of some.
"Alex no!" I cry.
"God dammit John you scared me!" he yells.
"Put it away or else," I say sternly.
"Fine," he pouted and put it back in the medicine cabinet.
"I can't live without you, okay? I love you," I pick him up and hug him. He cries in my arms.
"I love you too," Alex sighs and wipes his tears away.
"Wanna go out to the bar with Laffe and Herc tonight? Kinda like a double date, yeah?"
"Yeah, sure," Alex leads me to our bed. "Tell them we'll be a little late." He lays back on the bed and pulls me in for a kiss.
"You're strong for such a shortie, y'know?" I whisper. He rolls his eyes.
"No kisses for Laurens, I guess," he turns his back on me.
"Noooooo," I cry. "Fine, sorry, you're not that short."
"Yay, kisses for Laurens!" he smiles and pulls me in for more kisses. I close my eyes contently. I open my eyes and spin the short boy around, pinning him down to the bed. I take off my shirt and pull the back of Alexander's neck in for another long kiss. Alexander flops us both over on our sides and he wraps his legs around me. Our lips and hands stay intertwined for a while before we decide to go out to the bar.

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