Ouch, that hurted

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Notes: don't worry, it only gets sadder! Ur welcome sksksks \(-_-)/

Chapter 9

Alex POV

I awake with a hurting jaw and a painfully stomach. A nurse is over me in just a moment.
"Hello, yes. Alexander is awake. Okay, see you soon," the nurse says on the phone.
"Where's...Laurens..." I breathe heavily.
"He's coming over now," says the nurse. I was so right to make him my emergency contact.
"I'll give you some privacy." Laurens runs in a minute later with flowers gripped in his hand. He runs up and hugs me tight.
"Owww, hi, hello, hi," I say, tightly hugging him back.
"Oh, sorry, I just...missed you..." he said.
I sighed he got off of me and straightened up. Laurens missed me. I wonder what happened when I was gone.

Laurens POV

(The time is after Alex went away to the hospital)

I was in my dorm with Laffe and his boyfriend, Hercules. They're talking and laughing, while I'm laying on the couch. I take in a deep sigh. I miss Alexander.
"Man, he's really hung up on that guy, huh?" Hercules asked Laffe.
"Yes, he is!" Laffe said, more directing it at me.
"Shut up, Laffe..." I say. They're kinda right though.
"C'mon, Laureens, we're taking a field trip," Laffe declares. We walk down the hall to Alex's dorm. Ha! Laffe's trying to show me his letters. I've already seen them.
"Here, look," he says and hands me a great big journal. "Let's go back to the dorm at we can read it."
We get back to the dorm and I pull out the journal. Written on the inside cover is "Dear Laurens."
I begin to read. 'September 12' it read. The day we met. 'My heart melted when I saw you looking down at me. You probably thought I was some lazy ass weirdo, and that's why you looked away. I'm sorry, cute boy.' I sighed, and wished that I could reach through the notebook and tell him to stop being crazy. But alas, I cannot. 'I think I'm in love with you. Love, Alexander.' Wait...did he write love? I wasn't meant to read that letter. I hurry back to Alex's dorm and place the notebook neatly and quickly on the desk. I sigh sadly and go to the nurse's office.
"Hi Alexander," I say, knowing that he can't reply. "I hope you know that I love you. I really meant it." I slowly flop over his chest and begin to bawl like a baby. Ugh, I am hung up on this boy. Suddenly, there's someone in the doorway. I look up, tears in my eyes. Of course. Thomas Jefferson.
"Hey, it's John Laurens, what'd ya know?" He says smugly.
"What are you doing here?" I spit.
"Just payin' a visit to little Alexander Hamilton, cause his whore mum sure won't."
"What do you mean, Jefferson?" I growl.
"Oh, nothing. I'll leave you to it." I get back to sobbing, for there isn't much else I can do. Eventually, I decided to go back to my dorm.
"What took you so long, mon ami?" Laffe asked, then saw the crying lines on my face. "Oh. Nevermind."
"Mhm," I said tiredly.
"We were just talkin about how zey are switching our roommates," Laffe said, inviting me in the conversation.
"Oh?" I asked.
"Yea, they're giving the new dorms out tomorrow." That means that I could have Alex as a roommate...but that's just wishful thinking.

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