Member' johns dad??

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Notes: yeah, ok so this book is ending soon!! Woohoo! I don't know what imma do next because I stock piled chapters! And now- I'm out of chapters to post!!!!

Chapter 19(finally)

Alex POV

I felt so bad. John's father loved him once. John told me. What happened to his father? He seems...crazy. I break away from my thoughts and look at John on the hospital bed. I squeeze his hand. Currently, the nurses are cleaning up his blood. I flinch seeing the damage underneath all the red. His eye is already black and blue. Dry tears stained his hurt face. His nose was definitely not broken, yet it was gashed pretty good. Not good. But you know what I mean. And there was a cut leading from his upper lip to his cheek, leaving his upper lip turned slightly upwards. I wanted to kiss him. Tell him he's gonna be okay. Tell him no one's gonna hurt him again. But that would just hurt him worse. As for his body- his back was covered with cuts, like the ones I caught that one time, only this time, they were fresh.
"Want me to call Peggy?" I ask calmly.
"Sure, thanks babygirl," he mutters. I smile at his voice, because even when quiet, raspy, and in pain, he still sounded like an angel. I smile at him sweetly, and call up Peggy.
"Wassup, Alex," she says casually.
"Hey pegs. Do you know about John's dad?"

Peggy POV(wow new one)

"Oh fuck. Where's John?" I ask. John and I have been best friends since we were in high school. We dated, trying to hide our extreme gayness. Unfortunately, John told his father that he was gay about a year later. I also told my father, yet received a better outcome.
"It's okay," I take a sigh of relief. "He's okay now."
"NOW? What do you mean NOW?" my heart is now beating fast.
"Come to the hospital on West 57th street. John is awake, just injured, okay Peggy? He's fine," Alexander explains. He sounds more like he's trying to assure himself.
"Okay. Be there in ten."
I grab everything I need and rush out the door, barely bothering to say goodbye to Eliza and Angie.
"Peggy where are you going?" I hear Angie ask.
"Love you too!" I call, closing the door behind me.

John POV

I lay on the crappy hospital bed in searing pain, smiling at Alex, who was laying next to me, his arm carefully around my waist. I feel like shit.
"I'm sorry," I say.
"For what?"
"For ruining your life. My dad was right. I'm nothing. I'm And I suck," I admit.
"First off, my life would be shit without you. Second, your father's a crazy person. Third, you aren't nothing. You are an amazing person that I love. I care about you. Your friends care about you. You deserve to appreciate yourself. It's not your fault that some people suck. Fourth, you might just be 'you' or whatever, but you are an incredible person that I'm happy to have. You don't suck, peaches, I love you," Alex turns to face me, before catching his breath and placing his lips onto my cheek, the one without a cut of course. Then, he pulls me into a careful yet strong hug.
"JOHN," I hear from the doorway. Peggy. She runs to my bedside and grabs my hand tightly.
"Hey Pegs," I let out a small, raspy laugh.
"Holy fuck, you look badass!" Peggy laughs. "How you feelin?"
"Eh, as good as you'd guess. But I do look badass, don't I?" I wiggle my eyebrows.
"Yeah! Hey, what'd ya say to a movie night with some pizza? I could invite Maria and Laffe and Herc," she suggests.
"I dunno, how are yo-" Alex starts, moving a piece of hair out from my eye.
"YES!" I call. I shyly smile at Alex as if to say 'please.' He smiles and laughs, then gives a nod.

itty bitty timeskip brought to you by Vin Diesel's love for elephants

John POV

My face ached, my back burned with pain, yet Alexander's smile seemed to ease the pain more than all of the stupid painkillers that they had put me on. We were watching The Little Mermaid- one of my favorite movies of all time. Alexander hadn't seen it, and every time it made him smile or laugh or make him react in a cute way, it warmed my heart. Oh, also, Herc and Laffe weren't even watching, just making out.
"Why do you have to be so cute?" Alex whispers and kisses me on the cheek.
"I love you so much babygirl." I say staring deeply into his eyes.
"Love you, peaches," he says cutely. I boop his nose.
"Boop," I whisper.
"Kissy attack!" he straddles over top of me, grips my hair, and kisses me all over. I blush hard. Alex is so perfect. And even though my face ached and chest burned hot with pain, Alex soothed me into feeling no pain, and only feeling the passion and love we shared. Luckily, Peggy and Maria were asleep in one of those weird hospital room chairs, and Herc and Laffe were busy, making out, half asleep. Alex kisses me messily on the lips, then he kisses all over my cheeks, and begins kissing my jawline.
"I'm so tired peaches."
"Good night babygirl," he yawns and embraces me, quickly lulling me to sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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