Fluff and my fave song

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Didn't wanna name this chapter shooter, don't wanna give y'all heart attacks
Notes: gettin' spicy up in here- ik, ik, the sketchpad will be relevant soon, I promise! You probably aren't even reading this bc u don't care :( you meanie- jk love yall I worked hard on this!1!!11!!!!1!!!1! Tell me if u want anything in the comments thxxx

Chapter 5

Alex comes back, and I hurry to sit back down on the couch.
"Y'all wanna play some video games?" he asks and holds up a controller.
"Yeah!" Laffe and I call. I hope he forgot about the awkwardness last time we hung out. Ugh, I keep getting hung up on this. I just wish that it never happened. We played for a while, before Laffe decided to go back to his dorm.
"I'm gonna write, you could stay if you want though," Alex yawned.
"You write a lot, I notice. What do you do with all of it?" I ask, laying next to him as he takes out a pen and paper and begins writing.
"I dunno, I just scatter them," he says tiredly.
"Huh," I sigh, exhausted. I watch his green eyes as he writes. But my eyes wander from his emerald eyes, and peek over at his paper.
'Eliza was annoying today. More than usual, I mean,' I scanned my eyes over, and stopped there. So who was that letter about? I look at his green eyes, then back at the paper. 'A certain someone looked cute today, especially when that certain someone looks so tired.' I was tired of this game of 'yo who the f is this?'
"Who's your 'certain someone?'" I ask drunkenly.
"Ermm...no one," he said as if he was just about to tell me, but backed out.
"Oh...okay." I frown. I speak to Alex drunkenly for a little while before he eventually falls asleep next to me. I grab his paper and read the rest. 'God, I'm done with this anon shit. It's you, Laurens. You're so cute with your freckles like perfectly cute constellations, your smile so adorable. It makes me smile and blush furiously just to see it. This is too awkward. Okay, bye,' I read, not even believing what I was reading. I quickly pulled out my phone and typed out a message.
FROM: me TO: baguette boy(laffe)
Bring over the sketchbook, it's time boye
FROM: baguette boye(laffe) TO: me
I took a deep breath and moved the black hair out from his eyes. Laffe bursted through the dorm room door with my sketchbook.
"Shhhh," I say, trying to be calm. I grip the sketchbook and tear out the letters, as well as the little drawing.I set them in front of Alexander and set a blanket over top of him. Then, I go back to Laffe's dorm.
"It's finally happening! Ahh!" screamed Laffe.
"I dunno, we just both like each other and he deserves to know," I respond. "Imma go back to my dorm I guess," I shrug and leave with my sketchbook.
"Hi, Lee," I say to the annoying boy laying face down on the couch. He says nothing, just sniffles once. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" he yells.
"There's always something," I call, setting my sketchbook down on my bed. He sniffles again. "Spill the tea."
"You wish, Laurens," he said, calling me by my name for once.
"C'mon- you'll feel better, I promise," I say, sensing Lee's vulnerability. I peeked out of my bedroom and looked at the vulnerable boy laying face down on the couch.
"You swear?" said the boy, sitting up slightly.
"I swear."

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