Mullete gays

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Notes: me, two seconds after uploading the last chapter: UGH I DONT WANNA EDIT ANOTHER CHAPTER. Anyway here's a large, 1,566 word piece of trash.

Chapter 17

Laffe's POV

I'm about to meet up with John, Alex, and Herc at the coffee shop, so I'm getting ready. I decide on my outfit after 30 minutes of thinking. We're going on a double date, which always gives me major anxiety since Herc loves fashion and clothes so much. As I said, I had decided. I was wearing a cute, silk, dark turquoise button-up and black pants, as well as a long black blazer, and some simple blue eyeliner that matched my button up. I took a deep breath and walked out to Herc.
He wore a black button up and a burgundy suit. Merde, he looked good.
"Putain, tu as l'air bien," I mutter.
"English?" he pleaded, laughing a bit.
"I said you look hot, you dork," I say.
"Aww, thanks, you're hot too," he said, spinning me around and dipping me over. "I love you."
"I love you, mi amour," I whisper.
"What does that mean?" he asks.
"My love," I reply.
"Wow, French makes everything sound better," he smirks, to which I blush thoughtfully and lead him out and to Alex and John's dorm.
"Bonjour, mes amis gays!" I exclaim, hugging John while Alexander hysterically laughed from the kitchen.
"ENGLISH?" John and Herc both say, hands on their hips.
"Oh, nothing, mi amour, let's go," I say. We're going to a fancy place all the way in Philly, so we decided to take a train. I've never been on one, though, sounds weird. Herc drove
me over on his motorcycle, which, frankly, is very hot.

Time skip to the train station brought to you by STEERED STRAIGHT


As we finally arrive at the train station and as we buy the tickets I get stuck in the twisty gate.
"AIDE MOI MON AMOUR!" I say half falling out of the gate.
"I don't know what you just said but I'll help you anyways," Herc laughs.
After a lot of pulling and shrieks and my French muttering, Herc finally pulled me out.
"Thank you mi amour." I say genuinely happy.
"I love you so much I would do it every time if I had to," he says.
With that Herc pulled me into a tight kiss. I smiled as we boarded the train. As I looked around or John and Alex I found them seated at the front of the train with John staring off into space while Alex was asleep on him.
"Alex je vois que tu es très à l'aise," I smirked. He shot up right away embarrassed as his cheeks flushed a bright red.
"Oh Laffe I didn't see you there." Alex replied groggily.
I sat on the opposite side of the bus staring at John and Alex. I was fascinated by the way the train moved, the gentle sway was easy to fall asleep to. I could see how Alex fell asleep so easily, he needed it. I started to get comfortable on Herc and cuddled with him as I dreamed about how Philly was going to be.


"Laffe baby wake up," I hear Herc say.
"mphmpOKpmh" I mumble some shit.
"Réveillez-vous," I hear from Alex.
"Where are we going?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"You'll see soon." Herc replied.

Another time skip i know i know i just wanted to wright that sksksksk

I look up in admiration at the beautiful city that's Philadelphia. I wonder what it would be like living here all the time. I see the light of a thousand buildings. I look straight ahead and see a restaurant that had noodles in the window. I saw Hercules's eyes light up with happiness.
"Noodles, eh?" I say jokingly to Herc.
"Well this is actually a five-star restaurant that Alex and I worked hard to reserve so-" I cut him off with a peck on his lips that earned a mad yet happy look from Herc.
I opened the door to the smell of ramen, seafood, and meat. As we walked to our reserved table all of our mouths were watering.
"merde sainte cet endroit sent bon" I say amazed.
"C'est ce que je pensais" Alex says with awe.
"You guys know I don't like it when I can't understand you." Herc says obviously upset.
"I'm sorry baby, we were talking about how we love the smell." I say in pity.
I take my seat next to John across from Herc as I look into his beautiful chocolate eyes, when all of a sudden I hear,
"Do you know what you what you want to drink sir?" a skinny little waiter asked me.
"U-um er I'll have a Coconut La Croix," I say unsteadily.
"The waiter reminds me of Alex!" I whisper to John which makes us burst out laughing and causes a commotion.
We look up and see a confused Herc and Alex and eyes all on us. My cheeks feel hot as I excuse myself and run to the bathroom my vision blurry. I stumble into a corner stall and feel myself slide down the back wall. All these little things seem to matter so much. I'm losing feeling and I ask myself if I'm going to ruin this date that took forever to plan. I sit in the stall for a few more minutes then I get a text from Hercules, it read.

Yo it's me again, parker, thanks madeline I'm in love with ur writing! If u love madeline comment 'hi maddie u da kween' or something idk
FROM: baby hercules TO: me
laffy r u ok? u seemed a little out of it when u left
FROM: me TO: baby hercules
I think I am having a panic attack hercules
FROM: baby hercules TO: me
Take a look inside your phone case :) text me again if u need me
FROM: me TO: baby hercules
I take off my case and see a small polaroid of him kissing my cheek while I'm beaming in front of the eiffel tower. Also, there's a bandaid. I always keep bandaids because all of my friends and I cut, or at least used to. I begin to cry again. This time, not just because of the panic attack, but also because I missed Herc.
FROM: me TO: baby hercules
C'mere you lemon I miss u
FROM: baby hercules TO: me
I laughed at his use of all caps and opened the door to see a shy-looking Hercules, who then hugged me and walked in the door. We sat on the floor, holding hands and talking for a little while until heading back to see John and Alex with their hands in each others back pockets, sucking on a ramen noodle lady and the tramp style. I stick my head between the unknowing love birds and bite through the middle of the noodle, causing John to choke in reaction.
"DAMMIT WE NEVER GET A ROMANTIC MOMENT DO WE," Alex said angrily, patting John's back protectively.
"Ah, well," Hercules shrugged, high-fiving me, and sitting down at our stools. I blush while eating, realizing something, then realizing something else. I have the wedding ring for Herc in my pocket! Oh crap, I have to propose now don't I?
"JOHN ALEX HERE NOW," I state, marching us each outside. "Imgonnaproposetoherculetonight," I quickly say.
"WHAT," Alex and John basically scream, then just squeal incomprehensibly.
"I think we could go to the Rocky statue after dinner? I could play it off just like one of our making out in front of monument photos," I suggest. You see, Herc and I like to take polaroids of us making out in front of national monuments and such, my favorites being the eiffel tower and the white house.
Since we were so close to the Philadelphia art museum, I think it would be only fitting to have Alex and John take a polaroid of us there. I'm nervous as heck. So we finish our dinner and I (very casually, I might add) suggest that we take a polaroid in front of the Rocky statue. He said yes, thankfully, but that's really not the yes that I'm worried about.


"Putain, tu as l'air bien,"
"Damn, you look good,"

"Bonjour, mes amis gays!"
"Hello, my gay friends!"


"Alex je vois que tu es très à l'aise,"
"Alex, I see you're very comfortable,"

"Fuck," or "Shit,"

"Cet endroit est tellement cool! Je l'aime il Hercules!"
"This place is so cool! I love it Hercules!"

"Oh merde, désolé,"
"Oh, shit, sorry,"

"Parfait, c'est mon préféré, et toi?"
"Perfect, that's me favorite, and you?"

"C'est mon petit ami, Herc. Il ne parle pas français,"
"That's my boyfriend, Herc. He does not speak French,"

"Ha, c'est mon petit ami là-bas, son nom est Adam. Et qu'est-ce que ton copain aura?"
"Ha, this is my boyfriend over there, his name is Adam. And what will your boyfriend have?"

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