C h a p t e r 11

233 5 2

Chuuya's POV

I handed Rie the gun and the look on her face told me that she wasn't looking forward to this. But even if she wanted to or not, she had to know how to use a gun. She doesn't have an Ability and we can't have her going to battle unarmed.

"I think we should begin with the form. Raise your gun as if you are ready to shoot someone." I told her and she did as I said.

At least she knows how to hold a gun.

"Ok. Your form is actually better that I thought it was going to be. You looked like you've held a gun before."

"I didn't. This is my first time."

"Anyways, we kinda have a little problem here. Don't hold it like it is a precious vase that costs a fortune. Hold it a little more loosely."

"Like this?"

"Yeah. I'm really impressed. Even if this is your first time holding a gun, you did a really good job."


"Should we start with the aiming now?"

She nods. I bring some targets and let her do her work. Her aiming was...ok...Oh, who am I kidding, it was horrible. 

'Looks like it's gonna be a long day.'

Rie's POV

Chuuya and I continued working for some time and, after a while, I started shooting the aim not around it. It wasn't perfect, of course, but hey, it was progress! It was time to go home though, since it took me the whole day to adjust my aiming. As I was handing Chuuya the gun, my sleeve rolled down, revealing the bandages. I mentally cursed and hoped he didn't see it. Unfortunately, he did..

"Hey, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh! I bumped into a tree, hehe..." I quickly, and obviously, lied to him.

"A tree?" 😐

"Yes. You see, I was walking through the park and wasn't looking where I was going. Then, out of nowhere, BOOM! I bumped into a tree."

"Ok...be more careful next time. Anyway, we should get going."

"Yeah, we should."

Chuuya walked me home, again. I told him that it was fine, but after the lie about the tree, he wanted to make sure I didn't to it again today.

• • • Time skip • • •

Rie's POV

A week passes and it was finally time for Chuuya, Akutagawa and I to attack the Agency. I was really agitated about this but, thankfully, Dazai calmed me down a little last night.



Hey, tomorrow is the big day. How are you feeling?

I don't know...I don't wanna do this...

I know you don't and, to be honest, I don't blame you...But it's gonna be fine.

How do you know?... And what will I even do? I don't want to hurt any of you, but I can't just do nothing.

Do you know what Tanizaki-kuns Ability is?

Yeah...it allows him to project illusions in a certain range of area around him.

Correct! Meaning he can make it look like you shot us, when in reality you didn't.

That's true, but-

No 'but'! It's going to work, relax!

Ok, I'll try...Anyways, I'd better go to sleep. Goodnight.

Ok, see you tomorow. Goodnight!


3rd person's POV:

The 3 Mafia members entered the Agency without being noticed and went to the office, where the agency members usually are at. They all hid and Chuuya, using his Ability, opened the door, to reveal only 5 Members: Dazai, Tanizaki, Kunikida, Atsushi and Ranpo.

"Hey! Who opened the door?" Ranpo questioned, making everyone to turn their head towards the now wide opened door.

They all looked at each other, knowing it was time. Dazai and Tanizaki nodded at each other and Kunikida went outside to see who it was, but of course he already knew. Akutaga jumped out of his hiding, ran past Kunikida and went straight for Atsushi. Atshushi, of course, fought back with everything he got, while those two were fighting Chuuya and Rie also made their move.

Chuuya went to Dazai, while keeping an eye on Rie, who looked to be attacking with no mercy. Of course, in reality Tanizaki was using his Ability, but that didn't matter now. 

Even though they were helping Rie, they couldn't lose, so they had to make it look like no one won, but no one lost either.

• • • Time skip • • •

3rd person's POV

After the fight, the 3 members of the Mafia had nothing specific to do, so Rie decided to 'celebrate' their succes.

"Hey, since none of us have anything to do now, do you wanna come to my place to celebrate?"

"Celebrate what? Our attack on an enemy organistion? Tch, pathetic." Akutagawa responded, furious.

"You know, you don't have to come if you don't want to. What about you Chuuya?"

"I think it's a great idea!" Chuuya said, putting his arm on Rie's shoulder and patting her head.

"Tch" was all Akutagawa said, and left right after.

"What's his problem?"

"I don't know. I don't care. Besides, it's probably best if we just ignore him."

"Yeah, good point...Let's goo!!!" Rie said dragging Chuuya away, in the direction of her apartament.


Heyy! I'm sorry for not updating for so long! I'm starting to get back on track little by little, but it will take a little more untill I can write like before. The chapters that will come may be a little shorter than usual, but I will try to make them as good as possible.

(875 Words)

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