C h a p t e r 3.

752 11 6

Rie's POV

"No, it has nothing to do with my injuries." I say flatly.

"Are you sure?~" He asked teasingly.

"Yes! I am sure!" I continued lying to him.

"Hmm...ok then! How was your first day at the Agency?" He quickly and unexpectedly chnged the subject.

"It was fun, I guess." I responded to him.

"..." He stares st me.

"What?"He ckuckels at my response.

"You guess?"

"Oh, just shut up!"

• • • time skip • • •

3rd persons POV

Rie just got home from her very exhausting day. It was 6 p.m. and she just jumped on her bed and fell asleep.

• • • time skip • • •

3rd persons POV

It's been a few weeks and everything has been going pretty well. As Rie was gettung ready to get her keys out, to open her apartment door, she spotted a certain brown-haired, suicide-obsessed, individual.

"What are you doing here? And how did you know where I lived? Have you been following me these past few days?" Rie started interrogating him.

"I was in the area and thought to stop by. And yes, I have been following you." He said with a smirk, the smirk Rie so much dispises.
"I hate you, you know?" She sais to him.

"I know. May I come in?"

Rie sighs, opens the door for him to enter and, after they take off their shoes, she offers him something to drink.

They talk about all kinds of stuff. Rie says how much she enjoyed working at the Agency and Dazai kept talking about how his goal in life was to commit double suicide with a beautiful woman...just the regular.

Rie's POV

'Oh how I'd like to commit double suicide with him....WAIT! Why am I even thinking about it?!'

"Hey Rie?" He started speaking.


"Why do you still keep those badages on? Didn't your injuries heal already?" Dazai starts questioning me.

"Oh...yeah...em. It's a fashion choise! I'm trying out a now look." I responded with a nervous laugh.


"Anyways can show me where the restroom is?" He continued.

'Crap! I forgot to put away the rasor blade last night!'

"Uhm..sure. Go trough the hallway, it's the secont room on the right"

'I hope he doesn't see it...'

Dazai's POV

It's a nice apartmend, and pretty spacious too.

'Would it be weird if I asked her how much she paid for it?... I wander what she would think if I asked her to commit double suicide with me...'

I walk in Rie's restroom and I couldn't help but notice how clean and organised it was. Exept...

'Is that a razor blade? No, no, no...It couldn't be...'

I got closer to inspect it and noticed it had dried up blood on it. My heart started aching and punding, while my lips started to quiver and tears welled up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them off and left the bathroom.

3rd person's POV

Dazai walked out of the bathroom and saw Rie sitting on the couch. He was heartbroken but he redeemed himself and decided to talk to Rie about what he just saw.


"Y-yeah?" She answerd him, fearing of what might come.

"Why was this sitting by the sink covered in blood?" Dazai started asking the girl, as she remained silent.

"Have you.."
"Have you been cutting yourself?" He continued with a concerned look obvious on his face.

Rie just nodded, as a tear rolled down her cheek. Dazai noticed it and, after throwing the blade in the garbage, he walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Can you tell me what happended?" He spoke in such a sweet and caring voice...almost hiding the sorrow in his heart.

"Why do you care?" He didn't know why, but this question broke his heart even more.

'Why do I care?' He thought to himself.

"Because I do. Now, please, explain."

And so Rie started explaining everything that happended.

• • • time skip • • •

3rd person's POV

"Then I bumped into you when I was looking for a job...and I'm pretty sure you know the rest..." Rie finished.

Dazai tightend his grip on Rie, as she cried on his shoulder.
"Shhh.... It's going to be ok, I promise"
"How do you know!?" She said frustated.
"I just know... I'll help you, ok?" He continued.
"Do you wanna go somewhere?" He asked and Rie nodded.

• • • time skip • • •

3rd person's POV

Rie and Dazai were walking through the park while Dazai tried cheering her up and it...kinda worked... They walked for a while until the sun started setting, creating a delightful gradient of colors. When that happended Dazai walked Rie back home.

"Thanks..." Started Rie.
"Huh? For what?" Dazai questioned surprised.
"For everything... For beeing here for me, even though you didn't have to... Thank you..." Rie said and hugged Dazai.
"Oh, you're welcome then." Dazai answeared, returning the hug.
Well, Goodnight Dazai-san." Rie said with a little smile.
"Goodnight Rie-chan." Dazai responded, also with a smile.


Heyy! Another chapter is finally ready...took me long enough...
Anyways hope you enjoyed this boring chapter!

Have an amazing day!!!

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