Two 둘

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The Deputy Director and Senior Supervisor were given a tour around the building by non other than Park Jimin himself. He was tasked to do so as one of his punishments. Despite the fact that he was almost always consistently late, he was a great agent. One of the few commendable ones, it did not surprise him that he had to tour them around. Although on that very day, he wished that he was not the one ushering them around.

Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi seemed to loathe each other. The friction between them was extremely overpowering that Jimin could almost see the angry sparks shooting up from each of their gazes whenever they happened to meet each other's eyes.

"What brings you here, Senior Supervisor Min?" Namjoon asked Yoongi formally.

"I was transferred here, Sir." Yoongi replied flatly.

"THEY transferred you here or was it upon YOUR request, Sergeant Min?" Namjoon persisted on.

Yoongi halted dead in his tracks as he sighed out loud and looked straight into Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon stopped and looked into Yoongi's eyes and they had a staring contest in the middle of the walkway. While Jimin sweat dropped. Things were getting out of hand and Jimin needed to somehow stop his two superiors from acting like two enraged little children.

Just right then, the door to the left opened up, revealing; Lara.

"Oh crap." Lara said out loud as she tried to enter the room that she had exited from.

"Lara?" Namjoon spoke out softly.

"Is that really you?" Yoongi asked quietly.

If it was awkward before, it was currently and officially, weird. Jimin felt like a third wheel, he was the only one who did not know what in the world was going on. Why did the two men hate each other that much? And how did they know Lara?

Lara did not answer, nor did she turn to face them. She simply looked down towards her feet- immobilised.

"Doctor Kaiser? Are you.. Okay?" Jimin walked closer as he prodded her on the arm gently. This sent an eyebrow raise from both of his superior officers.

"Yes." Lara replied as she inhaled and turned herself around to meet the gaze of the two men before her. She bowed her head down out of respect and continued, "Pleased to meet your acquaintance,  Deputy Director Kim and  Senior Supervisor Min. I am Lara Kaiser; one of the few General Practitioner Doctor here. Apologies if I were to sound blunt; but I really need to attend to some personal matters..."

"In the broom cupboard?" Namjoon asked her sceptically.

The door that she came out with was in fact, the cleaning supply room. Jimin gave her an incredulous look while the other two men were looking at her intently.

"Yes. Well what I was trying to do was to.." Lara started but was interrupted by Jin's voice.

"There you are! Great, everyone's here!" Jin gave his two superiors a curt bow of respect before he addressed the only lady there.

"Lara! Your office! It has been burgled! Someone made a mess out of it-! There are broken pieces of ~!" Jin panted, he was running towards them, but he was interjected quickly by Lara.

"KIM SEOKJIN, calm down. There are no burglars. I entered in a haste, banged the door open with a little too much force. I forgot that I left the new shelves filled with beakers behind the door.. Well, everything crashed.. That's why I was in the supply cupboard. But I cannot find any brooms here.." Lara explained thoroughly, she was deep down, grateful to Jin for saving her life.

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