Seventeen 열일곱

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1 Month Later

Jimin walked quietly to the uneven ground that had little flowers resting just below the headstone that had Lara's fake name engraved on it, Lara Kaiser

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Jimin walked quietly to the uneven ground that had little flowers resting just below the headstone that had Lara's fake name engraved on it, Lara Kaiser. Yoongi and Namjoon insisted to have it engraved instead of her given name, they believed she would have preferred that.

Jimin took quite a while to reach to the burial site; it rained last night, which made the ground all muddy. He was not surprised to see his superior already there.

Yoongi had solemn look on his face as he read something from a book to the grave before him.

"20th September, I kissed Yoongi to cure him. It felt divine. I wanted it to last, I wanted to confess what I have been hiding deep within me.. Before he called out his Jae-In's name. I held myself back because, how could I? He was never mine in the first place. I realised I was being selfish, so I lied. I lied to him.. I told him what we had was platonic. When all I wanted was to tell him that my heart raced every single time I see his smile. That I felt at total bliss whenever we spent time together. I yearned so much to have kids with him, even though I am against my kind having children. Imagine what other scientists would do to my children when they find out that my DNA runs within their blood? They will take advantage of my child, send them to the nearest laboratory for further tests.." Yoongi halted when he heard Jimin's footsteps shifting closer towards him.

"How Long have you been standing there?" Yoongi asked the younger agent without looking back.

"Long enough." Jimin replied when he had finally stopped slightly behind Yoongi, Jimin paused wondering if he should continue with what he wanted to say, he bit his lower lip and proceeded, "That's why she had a soft spot for children. The first time I saw her smile was when she saw a child."

Instead of ignoring Jimin, the elder male smirked he nodded and continued, "She used to console random children in the clinic that we were both coincidentally attached to as interns. I didn't know it then either. In fact, I did not know much about her without this." Yoongi showed Jimin the small book Yoongi was holding.

Jimin chuckled lowly as he looked at a mildly surprised looking Yoongi.

"What's so funny?" Yoongi asked the younger male, placidly.

"You are an idiot, Senior Supervisor Min." Jimin revealed, which earned him an eyebrow raise from the elder, "She was totally into you. Even before I tried to get her to like me. Her heart belonged to you. You don't need a BOOK to tell you that."

Yoongi was now chuckling mirthlessly, "You need to listen to this then. 30th March, Jimin agreed to be my pretend boyfriend. He is very different from Yoongi. Yoongi was always scowling, rarely spoke to anyone other than Namjoon and I, but Park Jimin, he spoke to, just about anyone. He was ruthless in getting attention even through stupid pranks. It wasn't until the water sprinklers started to  drench me entirely was when I realised, maybe, just maybe I could start anew. I could forget about my first love,
through Jimin. He did not change into it when I was in contact with water.."

Yoongi paused and looked up to see Jimin giving him a sad look, the elder's forehead were furrowed together when he saw the look on the younger agent's face.

"Even if she did try to develop feelings for me, it was you in the beginning and you in the end. She managed to say 'goodbye' to you. She gave you that book; her prized possession. Sure she might like me, but I don't think it will ever level up to yours." Jimin explained gently.

It took Yoongi a while to process what Park Jimin was saying. Lara had always been a piece of work, rough around the edges, she never was an easy person to understand.

"Why are you here?" Yoongi asked Jimin after a few moments of silence.

"For you." Jimin exclaimed. "Namjoon-Hyung, Jin-Hyung, Tae Hyung, Jungkook and Hoseok-Hyung have all spoken to you and it did nothing to bring you back to work. They thought asking me to talk to you might work- not by a long shot. But, heck, I promised Lara that I would be nicer to you. So here I am."

"Really now? Even though I have not been at work for a while, Namjoon does update me from time to time; you sure this isn't about you trying to escape from being tranquilized? Your appointment was today wasn't it?" Yoongi sneered the younger Agent who kept quiet as he held onto the nape of his neck.

"About that.." Jimin started as Yoongi snorted and commented him being a pathetic man who was afraid of brown needles. Jimin gave the elder a hard glare , "Namjoon-Hyung and you spent much longer time with her, had great memories of each other. I have always envied that. Before Lara left, Namjoon-Hyung and her managed to create the antidote that works, she gave you that book and perhaps her heart before she left but me.. She only left me with, her life. The blood that is flowing down my veins, that's all I am left with. So please, at least let me have this, something to remember her by.  The antidote within my body will alter what she had given me, so I sincerely wish for everyone to respect my decision. I do not see the need for me to be neutralised anyways, she's long gone. Let her live within me. I will do everything that she has always wanted to do, I won't let death stop her from doing so."

Yoongi stared at Park Jimin with hooded eyes before he nodded. That was all it took for Yoongi to make a resolution within himself. He was not the only one who was hurting, Lara had helped many others and it made quite an impact, even if it was only for a little while; Park Jimin was proof of that.  Instead of shutting himself from the world, Jimin was facing the world bravely in her shoes. Leading life to the fullest and not waste what she had given him; her life. Yoongi saw Jimin placing a single white rose on her grave before he gave Yoongi a curt nod and started to walk away.

"Mountain climbing." Yoongi said abruptly.

"Huh?" Jimin exclaimed quizzically, as he turned to face the older agent.

Yoongi pointed to the book that he was holding and repeated, "Since you want to honour what she had always wanted to do, why not start from the 1st one in her bucket list? According to this book, she wrote that down as her first choice.. So, can those short legs of yours hike up a mountain?" Yoongi teased as he smiled at the younger agent warmly.

Jimin's eyes widened, did Yoongi just smile at him? He pinched himself hard to verify if this was real, he asked a question to acknowledge this further, "Why are you smiling? Are you thinking of hiking to the mountains with me, Senior Supervisor Min?"

Yoongi frowned as he spoke, "Address me as Yoongi-Hyung as of now, Jimin. As for that question, Since Lara's blood is within you, you will need ME to be around you. Lara was susceptible to danger. Her clumsy nature encourages life threatening events to befall onto her.."

The duo bickered on but walked back together with smiles on their faces.

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