Fifteen 열넷

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Yoongi was back in his dormitory, lifeless and Lara was there again, reviving him, kissing him

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Yoongi was back in his dormitory, lifeless and Lara was there again, reviving him, kissing him. Her kiss was just as how he remembered it, cautious and delicate. Soft and sweet. Then he's heard it, Lara's voice, gentle and trembling, her lips moved lightly against his lips. "I love you."

Yoongi woke up as soon as he heard those words. He fell asleep and he had a dream about her. It wasn't like he never had dreams of the woman he yearned to have, but this dream felt surreal, like it actually JUST happened. His eyes scanned the room and he found Lara leaning against the doorframe of his room with a quizzical look.

"Are you okay?" Lara asked him quietly.

"Y-Yeah.. D-did you by any chance.. I mean were you.." Yoongi stammered as Lara gave him an even more confused look, "You know what, nevermind." Yoongi said curtly and got off of the bed, he decided that the dream should just be a dream, nothing more to it. He missed the way Lara gave a mischievous smile when she left his room.

Yoongi walked slowly towards the kitchen to find a shirtless Jimin, hair tousled with dark eye bags underneath his eyes. He looked like he did not sleep a single wink last night. He was dozing off into space before his eyes followed Lara who had just entered the kitchen. Instead of having a longing look like how Jimin usually displayed whenever he saw Lara, Yoongi noticed that he looked- sad, guilty, as his face slowly contorted into anger. Before Yoongi could even ask, Jimin banged his fists onto the table, earning him an odd look from Lara before he walked away from the kitchen.

"What's shorty's deal?" Yoongi muttered out loud, which earned him a worried glance from Lara who excused herself quietly from the kitchen to join Jimin.

"Thank goodness she's gone!" Jin's obnoxious voice sighed out, "She almost burned down the kitchen AGAIN!"


"Jimin? Are you okay?" Lara asked worriedly, she had finally found the shirtless agent, hiding at the study room.

"When were you planning to tell me, that I have been assigned to KILL you?!" Jimin spat without looking at her.

Lara froze as she stared at Jimin's bare back, "Jimin it's not what you think.."

"I heard you, okay?! I heard you spoke to Deputy Director Kim last night. You wanted me to KILL you? That was the favour you made me swear to? Would you want me to do it now?" Jimin mocked her angrily.

Jimin was expecting her to tremble but all she did was chuckle in an unamused tone, Jimin turned to glare at her but was met with a blank look on her face as she shrugged.

"Is this a joke to you?!" Jimin blasted out loud, he almost stormed out of the room before Lara's tiny voice spoke.

"Jungkook was my 30th patient.." Lara continued when he saw Jimin halted from where he was standing, indicating that he was listening, "Just like every other experiment, the potion in me has its limitations as well. After the 30th patient, my health will deteriorate greatly. The only way out is to... Claim another's life. That's right, apart from reviving, my kiss can also cause death to retain my strength. This happens only after the 30th patient. If I don't do it soon, I will eventually die."

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