Three 셋

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Jimin was feeling nervous. He was called into Lara's office for a pressing matter, as soon as he entered it, he realised that Jin was also there. The first thing that popped into his mind was..

"I am dying aren't I?"

He could hear Jin snickering from where he stood. He turned to give the elder male a narrowed eye glance which Jin returned it back with a flying kiss. Jin was really weird. Jimin shook his head, as he looked towards Lara who was seated on her office chair behind her desk.

"No, Jimin. Of course not. Jin-Oppa would not be IN HERE if I were to tell you that, no matter how close he is to you, that kind of conversation should be discussed in confidence." Lara started to twirl a pencil in between her pointer and ring fingers, "I- well I am asking a favour of you.. It was Jin-Oppa's idea really.. W-Would you.. I mean.. C-Can you.. W-Will you be willing to..." Lara started stammering before she accidentally dropped the pencil onto the floor, she bent down and tried to pick it up but banged her head hard against the table when she got up, which caused all of her stationary on that table to topple over.

"Dear GOD! Just GET UP before you kill all of us in this room with your clumsiness. I will tell him for you!" Jin ordered, he had taken solace on Lara's couch AWAY FROM HER. He could not take it any longer. It was like watching a walking abomination whenever she got nervous. "Jimin. She is asking you to be her boyfriend."

"KIM SEOKJIN!" Lara yelled out loud, but Jimin's voice was louder.

"WHAT?!" Jimin yelled. He could not believe it, the person who he was having a crush on was asking him to be HER Boyfriend?! It was like he had just struck the winning lottery.

"Fine. Pretend Boyfriend." Jin enunciated.

"WAIT, WHAT?!" Jimin yelled again.

"KIM SEOKJIN!" Lara shouted out exasperatedly, she eyed the man wearily before she composed herself and spoke, "Jimin. I have.. a history with our two current superiors. It's complicated, but I really do not want to patch things up with either one of them.. so can you.. for the time being.. pretend to be my boyfriend? So that they won't make a move on me?"

Jimin's mouth was left agape. He did not know what to do. Yes, he was obviously being used, but again yes, he could be with Lara, perhaps he could see her smile again. Wait, his mind  was suddenly rewinding what Lara had said, this was JIN'S IDEA?! Jimin shot an electric glare at the unperturbed elder who was seated on her sofa, he bolted towards Jin and whispered in his ear.

"What are you planning?" Jimin hissed icily in Jin's ear.

Jin smirked, "Jimin, baby, this is PERFECT. She fakes this with you, but she will spend time with you and inevitably will figure out that you are a great guy after all. This is the BEST way for you guys to hook up. Don't even try to deny. My idea is brilliant."

"B-but!!" Jimin stammered.

"Didn't you say that NO ONE could resist you? Prove it. Get closer to her. Make her see who you really are. If this works out, hey, maybe YOU will be the one making HISTORY with her. What do you have to lose?" Jin whispered in Jimin's ear.

Jimin moved away from Jin, he looked at Lara before he breathed in and replied, "I am in. When do we start?"


Kim Namjoon stood outside Lara Kaiser's office for over 3 minutes. He had checked his hair, breath, uniform and facial appearance for the past five minutes. He was nervous, it took him 4 crazy years to track her down and he had finally found her. He was so close but naturally, his Best Friend- turned traitor/rival found her as well.

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