Six 여섯

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Lyrics taken from BOY IN LUV (BTS)


Jimin woke up to the smell of something burning. His military training instincts immediately picked up as he rolled off the bed, fell onto the floor with a thud and ran towards the source of the smell, he covered his nose with one hand and covered his eyes with the other hand. He could make out the back of a lady through the thick smoke, before he could grab her from behind, she turned and looked at him.

"Jimin?" Lara asked through a fit of coughs.

"Lara?! Why are you so calm?! Your house is on fire!! Let's get the hell out.." Jimin started but realised that the source of smoke and smell was coming from the frying pan that Lara was holding onto.

"Wh-what's happening?!" Jimin yelled before the smoke detector quickly released bursts of water from the ceiling sprinklers. Jimin looked worriedly at Lara before averting his eyes towards her frying pan, his eyes slowly gazed back at her.

Amidst the chaos, noisy blaring sound of the smoke detector and getting their bodies entirely soaked up. Jimin saw that a small smile had crept up on Lara's face, it was like watching everything in slow motion. The song of a famous boy band was playing in his mind :

I'm getting nervous, I'm getting nervous
Who are you? Are you that great?
Why do you keep teasing me?
Just stop now, hold up, hold up

The water that was soaking up her face seemed to sparkle, she looked like she was drenched in silver glitters. Her entire face lit up, the smile that was now prominently etched on her face reached all the way to her eyes. Her wet hair was now crashing down carelessly against her shoulders. If that was not enough, she started laughing. It was the most intoxicating laughter that Jimin had ever heard. It sounded like little bells, innocent and pure- just like the lady who own this laughter. Her laughter felt like an electric current had just coursed through Jimin's veins.

Jimin was certain that he was having, what he could only describe as a cardiac arrest. His heart was skipping several beats at the same time, his heart beat became erratic but he could not move a muscle. His eyes widened at her face- she looked extremely beautiful right then.

I want to be your oppa
Why don't you know that my heart yearns for you?
Even if you ignore me
Even if you act cold
I can't push you out of my mind
I want to be your oppa
I will be your man, just watch
So that my heart can touch yours
I will run to you right now

"Jimin." Her voice shook him out of his weird trance.

"Y-Yes?" Jimin stammered, he realised that the sprinklers had stopped working and the entire house looked like someone had just drowned the entire seabed within the apartment's limited confines.

"Are you okay? You didn't answer me the first five times I called out your name." Lara asked worriedly.

"I-I- I am fine.." Jimin answered. He was soaked wet and the worst part- So was she. He could see EVERYTHING that she was wearing underneath her wet clothes. His eyes darted from her body, back to her face. If that was not bad enough, Jimin could feel tension on his pants. The cold was not helping either.

Lara walked closer towards him but he quickly moved a few paces backwards and he extended his arm out as he said, "Stop. Right there. I am fine, Lara. I just need the.." He did not managed to finish his sentence, the door burst open revealing two very cross men standing firmly at the doorway; Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi.

The two men were met with an odd sight, Lara was holding onto a frying pan which had something that they assumed might be charred toast or was it bacon? Her entire white oversized shirt that reached up to her thighs were soaked- leaving nothing to the imagination, they could see every single thing that she was wearing underneath the shirt. Their eyes slowly trailed down towards the rest of the house- it looked like a tsunami just swept past Lara's apartment alone. The next sight they saw was Park Jimin standing a few paces away from Lara with his arm extended out.

"You cooked." Namjoon and Yoongi said out simultaneously in a placid tone.

Lara was trembling in fright as she looked towards the duo, "Y-You g-guys k-know where I live."

Jimin noticed that there was a sudden change within Namjoon's eyes as he eyed Lara. It looked slightly feral. The same look was also present onto Yoongi's eyes but it was not as obvious as Namjoon's. Jimin did not like what he saw and stood in front of Lara protectively. "Sirs? Are you both okay?"

What happened next shocked Jimin to the core. Namjoon pushed himself in and almost lunged himself towards Lara but he was caught by the foot, Yoongi's hands were clamped onto Namjoon's right foot, he pulled Namjoon towards him and shut Lara's door firmly.

"Agent Park!" Yoongi yelled out, "Listen to me, get her AWAY from US. Do WHATEVER YOU CAN to protect her from US. Do you UNDERSTAND?! This will take a few hours to wear off. GET THE HELL OUT OF THE APARTMENT NOW!"

Jimin looked aghast but nodded through the door. He held onto a trembling Lara and ran to the nearest window, pushed it open, picked Lara up by the waist before jumping out of the window, it was just their luck that she was living on the second floor. They managed to break their fall when they fell onto some old mattress that was discarded and left there on the hard ground. Jimin had been hugging Lara the entire time, he looked at her to check if she was okay, when she gave him a nod, they scrambled on their feet as they heard yelling from above. Jimin looked up to see Namjoon and Yoongi having similar dazed look whilst yelling out for Lara.

"Jimin! We need to run! Now!" Lara pleaded as she grabbed his hand and led him the way. She ran all the way to her car, pressed a single button on the handle and entered while Jimin entered from
the passenger side door. She started her car by pushing on the keyless ignition button; as soon as the car sprang to life, she drove at an alarming speed away from the scene.

Lara was crying as she drove on, her entire face was red and puffy but she continued to drive at a dangerous speed. Jimin had no idea what was going, as much as he wanted to find out the answer from her, he needed her to calm down first before he could strike a proper conversation with her.

"Safe house." Lara exclaimed through sobs after a few minutes of silence. "Secret agents are equipped with safe houses when the time calls for it. Do you have one? A safe house that is NOT provided by the agency?"

Jimin scratched his head, there were plenty of safe houses truth be told, but they were all assigned by the agency. They could not get back to HIS house, the agency knew where he resides, Namjoon and Yoongi would track them down almost immediately.

"Safe house.. Safe house... house.. house.. Think Jimin... Wait! That's it! Beach house! Jin-Hyung's beach house! We went there over the summer, just Jungkook, Tae Hyung, Hoseok, Jin and I. No one knew of its existence. It's a well kept secret because Jin doesn't want anyone in the agency apart from us, to know of his family background..."

"Guide me there." Lara ordered as Jimin told her to pull over so that he could drive them there.

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