Thirteen 십삼

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"Is-Is he~?" Tae Hyung asked as he eyed Lara wearily.

Lara shook her head as she gave Tae Hyung a gentle smile, "He is going to be fine. Can you move over? I need some space."

Tae Hyung obliged, Jungkook's head was still resting on his lap but he had shifted himself slightly to the left so that Lara could have more space. Lara bent her head down and kissed Jungkook on the mouth.

It was a peculiar sight for most of them, Hoseok was giving Lara an incredulous look, he then shifted his gaze towards Tae Hyung who had a similar expression plastered on his face. Hoseok became even more concerned when he saw that Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon seemed to be okay with her actions. It did not take him long to wonder why, seconds later; Hoseok saw Jungkook's body shifted as he replied her kiss. It looked like he was trying to eat her face up, before Hoseok could respond to that odd behaviour, Yoongi's flat voice tore the awkward silence.


Jungkook halted and opened up his eyes to see Lara's face looking back at him. He gave her a puzzled look before Tae Hyung yelled out, "Thank god you're okay!" before hugging Jungkook, pushing Lara farther away as he did so.

Yoongi took this sudden opportunity to lunge forwards and aimed a quick shot towards Chul's leg which caused him to crash down on his knees and howl out in pain.

"YOONGI WHAT THE HELL?! HIS EXPLOSIVES~!" Namjoon yelled out before Yoongi interjected.

"~is a FAKE! Now stay down before I blow your brains out." Yoongi snarled as he pointed his gun towards Chul.

Chul, who was bleeding profusely, was currently chuckling before he laughed out loud. This action of his puzzled the others who were there.

"What the hell is so funny?" Yoongi snarled as he pushed his gun directly against Chul's head.

Jimin found this man infuriating, he was about to reprimand Chul before he heard the loud vibrations from behind him. All of the men who were injected with Lara's DNA were banging hard against the glass panel. One by one, their banging became stronger by the minute. Jungkook scrambled on his feet as he held out a protective hand over Lara who was trembling behind him. Tae Hyung, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin had already positioned their guns towards the massive number of men who were aggressively banging the glass panel.

In a split second the glass panel crashed down leaving the five men shooting down the undead. Jungkook was still holding Lara behind him as he aimed a few shots towards the undead. Lara heard frustrated groans coming from Tae Hyung and Namjoon. They were down to their last bullets, the number of h dead seemed to be increasing.

"We won't last very long." Hoseok called out, he was officially out of bullets, he threw his gun at the myriad of undead swarming towards them.

"Thanks for being so J freaking HOPEFUL, Hoseok-Hyung." Jimin screamed sarcastically towards his elder, he was about to engage in a fist fight with the undead before a loud explosion was heard and he saw the walls behind the undead burst into debris and big chunk of brick blocks. Jimin pushed Jungkook and Lara to the ground while the rest did the same, thing they took cover by crouching down and covering their heads with their hands.

Jimin could hear the loud revving of a car and an even louder inhuman yelling from the person who was driving the vehicle.

"THAT'S FOR MESSING WITH THE FRIENDS OF THE ONE AND ONLY WORLD WIDE HANDSOME MAN! TAKE THAT BITCHES!" Jin yelled out loud as he popped his head out of the driver's seat.

The 6 men and Lara could only gawk at his sight. His or rather Namjoon's MPV was badly dented. Underneath the MPV were a bloody mess of the undead's body all piled up underneath its weight. The 6 men including Lara snapped out of their trance when Chul yelled out vulgarities towards Jin, Chul tried to move forward but winced in pain and held onto his injured leg.

"Get in the damn MPV NOW!" Yoongi ordered before he knocked Chul into unconsciousness and ran towards the said vehicle.

Tae Hyung helped Jungkook up and both of them ushered a terrified Lara into the MPV, they had to literally push her from the back to get her to walk. Jimin noticed this and strides swiftly towards her and carried her bridal style before depositing her gently into the car.


"Okay." Namjoon breathed out. "First, Lara is being chased by countless number of undead. Second, We didn't get the materials to create an antidote. Third, The agency building is a mess and now my car..." he gave Jin, who was driving the car, a stern look. "Looks like it had just survived a train crash."

Jin scoffed as he replied, "I saved your fine ass okay?! ALL of your asses! Some kind of AGENTS you are."

With that, the mood has been lifted a little, the car was suddenly filled with Tae Hyung and Jungkook's teasing voices towards Jin while Hoseok reminded Jungkook to not over-exert himself after what had just happened. Everything seemed fine but Yoongi and Jimin knew something was not right with Lara. She was seated next to the car door and her head was leaning against the window. She had not uttered a single word since they drove out of the building.

"Chul.. That's the first guy you revived right?" Jimin asked her quietly.

Lara nodded silently as she turned to face Jimin who was seated next to her, she looked sullen and tired- in the brink of falling asleep. Jimin recalled Lara being grumpy if she did not get proper rest. But she was not cranky at all- no, she seemed extremely exhausted.

"Sleep." Jimin ordered her.

"I can't. It's highly uncomfortable and we are packed like sardines in a can." Lara grumbled, right on cue Tae Hyung accidentally elbowed her nose when he tried to move in for space.

"Come here." Yoongi called out to where Lara was seated.

"I.. can't.. move... Yoongi." Lara said out in exasperation.

Before she could even as much as flinch, Yoongi was already pushing his way past the cramped car, knocking onto the heads of those who protested his actions until Lara was seated horizontally. Her head was resting onto Yoongi's lap, her mid section on Jimin's lap while the rest of her lower body was resting onto Hoseok's lap.

"Sleep. If anyone of them wakes you up, I will gladly kill them." Yoongi ordered firmly.

They could hear Tae Hyung and Jungkook gulping at the back seat.

"I am violent in my sleep." Lara mumbled as she looked on guiltily towards Yoongi and Jimin.

"There are seven capable, okay wait scratch that.." Yoongi paused as he shot a glance towards the driver's seat where Jin was seated at, "Six very capable men in the car. We can pretty much subdue a violent sleeper. Besides, I am here, I have first hand experience in handling you at your worst."

Jimin rolled his eyes while Jin screamed out words of annoyance. Namjoon was trying to calm Jin down from the front seat. This went on for a while, but it oddly soothed Lara straight into her slumber.

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