41 ; camera shy ;

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Y/n sat across from Bakugou at a metal table in a dimly lit room with one large window to their right.

"All we need to know... is where the money is," Bakugou said slowly.

Y/n tisked, their cuffed hands rattling around under the table. "Like I'd tell you where we hid it."

"Oh, so you didn't work alone?"

Y/n let out a tremendous gargle of laughter. "You think that I'm capable of robbing a bank's safe in the most populated city of Japan all on my lonesome?" Their face turned dark. "The answer is no."


Y/n dragged out  a sigh and lifted their hands onto the table. "Thank crow. You guys seriously don't like retakes."

Bakugou scowled. "Not like you don't appreciate the camera action."

Y/n chuckled. "It may be true that I'm not camera shy," they said before walking over to Bakugou and smirking. "But that doesn't mean I like the attention."

I kinda wanted to write a cop short thingy magij but eeh i don't like that ending oof.

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