84; yo, i, uh,,, made cake

703 51 23

happy birthday sato skdskhs

&& i think its so cute how midoriya and mirio have the same birthday


Y/n hummed happily as they stirred the batter, Hawks beside them rolling out dough on sweet flower. "So this is for a classmate?" He asked. "Anyone special to you?"

"Hmm." Y/n shrugged. "I'm in a good mood."

Hawks chuckled. "Im really glad i got the chance to come over and visit. I was missing you."

Y/n stuck their tongue out. "You know im adopted." They turned back to the batter, a small smile on their face. "But, yeah. I missed you too.., i guess."

He smiled and rubbed his fist on y/n'a head while putting them in a one-armed headlock. "Aww you know you love me"

"Shut! The up!"

makes me want to write stories with reader siblings because you can make them be the younger siblings and i think sibling relationships are super cute when theyre like best friends. (I dont have siblings, okay-)

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