81; yeah, i eat tuna salad sandwiches, but only with salmon

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(its a random title okay- im tired)

"Bakugou, what do you like about me?"

The boy scratched his head as y/n stood before him, munching on fried squid on a skewer.

"I guess... your personality?"

Y/n turned. "Hitoshi, hbu?"

"Um, honestly i just wanna be friends lmao— youre great and all but can u like hook me up with midoriya?"

"Bro, yeah."

Y/n turned again. "Hey, tododoki-"

"I appreciate that you dont belittle others." He muttered, "unless they deserved it."

Y/n scowled "what the frik man"

yeah bakugou won so uh please dont leave just bc you wanted y/n to be with someone else T_T

snatched   crackfic bakugou katsukiWhere stories live. Discover now