Part 24 / Day Unknown

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AHHH! Guys I know it's short but beat with me. The next chapter will be longer I promise. A lot of shit is going to go down in the next chapter. Only a few chapters left until the end!! ~IZZY

You woke up. In the same room. The same smell. The same feeling. You hated it. You wanted out. You wanted Sarah. You wanted Finn to suffer. But you had to wait. Wait for the right time. The right moment to make your move.

     The door to the room opened. "I have a surprise." Finn said walking into the room and sitting down on the bed. "But you don't get it till you guess what it is." He jumped like he was in kindergarten at the thought of a game. "I don't want to play a game. Can't we do something else. Please?" You begged him. You were scared about what the surprise was. "Trust me you will like the surprise."

     Something in his eyes told you to trust him on this one and only thing. "Okay. Do I get any hints or anything?" You looked at him. "No." You sighed and back up into the bed so your head was against the wall. "Is it food related?" You asked him. "No. Though that might be coming later." He said laughing the evil menacing laugh you hated. Then a thought accrued to you. What if it is Sarah? You looked at Finn. There wasn't any harm in trying.

     "Is it Sarah?" He looked surprised for a minute. "Why did you guess so soon. I wanted to game to be longer! Ugh. Oh well. Yes it is. We are bringing her soon. She will be a sleep for the first couple of hours but you get to spend a couple of days with her. Then god knows what happens to the two of you." He said as he threw you a package of cigarette and a lighter. "I know they calm you down." He walked out the door slamming it behind him once again.

You laid in the bed. You were going to see Sarah again. You didn't know what to do. You didn't remember the last time you showered or brushed your teeth. You smiled into the pillow. You didn't think smiling was even possible in this situation. You were going to see Sarah and you were going to get her out.

*Sarahs POV*

The door slowly opened to reveal Finn. "Oh my god." I ran up and hugged him. I couldn't believe he had found me. Hopefully us. I was so happy he was here. I pulled out of the hug. Something seemed off. He didn't look like the normal happy Finn I knew. "What's wrong?" I was concerned that he found (Y/N) and that maybe she was hurt.

     "You are what is wrong! You are screaming everything up! She is supposed to love me! Not you! It was never meant to be you! She wasn't supposed to love you!" He screamed at me. I didn't know what to do. I was confused. "Finn what are you talking about? Calm down. Breath." I tried taking a step towards him. "Leave me alone! You ruined everything!" I watched him bring his hand in when I took another step closer. Next thing I knew I felt a sting in my cheek and I was on the cold concrete floor.

     "Finn what are you doing?! What did I do to you?! I thought we were friends?!" I felt blood trickle down my cheek. He hit me hard. It cut the side of my face. I put my hand up to the cut. When I pulled it away it was covered in blood.

     "You were always the problem and I didn't realize that till now. You were the reason she didn't want me. You were always the reason...". He trailed off. I had no idea what he was talking about. He was scaring me.

     "Get up. Your coming with me. We are going to do something that will get me what I want." He grabbed up arm picking me up off the floor. He was being really rough. A tear escaped my eye. Mixing with the blood that was slowly trickling down my face.

     He dragged me out of the room and down the hallway that was here. We walked not even ten feet before he opened another door. (Y/N) was sitting on the bed inside.

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