Part 26 / Day Unknown

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Don't you just love my lock screen lol. Anyway enjoy the chapter. Only a few more left. I can't believe how fast this went. ~IZZY

    "I think she's waking up." You heard Billie say. You attempted to open your eyes. They felt so heavy. Like paper weights. You squinted attempting to opens your eyes. This time you could see a little bit of light. Some shadows of faces. Then you felt the pain. So much pain. It was horrible.

     Your shoulder felt like it was burning a searing pain. Your foot felt like someone was putting it into boiling water. It hurt so much. You wanted to cry to scream. But moving made it worse. Oh so much worse.

     You laid there. You attempted on last crack at opening your eyes. It worked but your were immediately blinded by light. You squeezed your eyes shut. "She's waking up Holland." You hear billies voice but you didn't know where it was coming from. You felt someone grab your arm. "Oh. Great. More time with her." You heard Holland say sarcastically. "Holland stop. We will find Sarah and you can torture her. But for now be happy that Finns mood will get better." Billie was. You opened your eyes again just in time to see Billie kiss Holland. You looked away. You didn't want to see this. Not after how hard you tried to help Sarah and Holland to be at least friends again.

     You looked at the walls. Still the concrete. It was just a lot brighter, and it was a bigger room. You tried to turn your head, but was met with searing pain. This time not from your shoulder but from the huge gash going down the side of your neck. "Don't move. Finn was pretty upset when Sarah got out. He almost killed you. He cut the side of your throat. It was pretty deep. Also don't try and move your arms. You were Finns ashtray for the last two days." You heard Billie say. He tried to kill me? He burned me while I was unconscious? It's been two days??!! That was the one that stuck in your head the most. "Drink this." She has a cup of water to your face. You heard the door shut as Holland left the room. Probably to go tell Finn that you were awake.

You took a sip of the water the Billie was trying to give to you with a straw. You looked Billie directly in the eyes while she leaned in to help you. "So you want to sit up?" She asked you. You attempted to nod your head. "Okay let's do this. If yes hold out one finger if no hold out two." You held our one finger. She never told you specifically which finger to hold out. You held out your middle finger. She laugh. At least she is still human. You thought as she gently grabbed two pillows and put them behind your head and back so you could sit up and see everything.

      About two minutes later Billie walked over to you. "I forgot we have to change your bandages." She gave you an apologetic look. A look that you took as her softening up. A look that told you she was remembering all of your time together. The football games in high school. The movie theater kisses. Trying on random dresses in random stores at the mall. You watched as a tear escaped your eye. "Don't cry. It will only make this worse." She said as she grabbed your shoulder as gently as she could. You just then noticed that you had been changed again. This time you were in an oversized New York sweatshirt and black leggings. Your eyes looked from your clothes to Billie. "Yes I changed you. No Finn did not." She said as she laid your shoulder back down on the bed. "This is going to hurt. I am sorry." You watched her the entire time. She was right it hurt, and it also looked horrible. It was ten times more painful then your shoulder. And the bullet didn't go in a straight line. It went diagonally through your foot. There were burns and a huge hike through your foot. You almost puked looking at it. It made you sick to your stomach.

     You tried to get the thought out of your head. The pain and the image of your foot. You thought of Sarah and where she could be right now. I hope she found Ryan or Officers, or anyone from set who can help us. Anyone.

      You begged her in your mind to have found someone to come here and save you. You were to weak to fight back. But it doesn't mean you didn't fight back in your own way. Finn walked into the room. "Your awake good. You need to eat." He said as he shoved a nutrition bar in your face. You turned your head the opposite way. You weren't eating anything from any of them. You just wanted to get out of here and be with Sarah. "Now you listen here. I thought about killing you. That is what this is." He presses his thumb to the cut on your neck. You inhaled sharply. "But I didn't because you are the only woman that makes me happy. I don't care if you tried to kill me. You will love me eventually. If you choose not to eat then we have other ways of making you." He said as he walked to the door. "I want you in here 24/7. Understand?" He said pointing to Billie. He didn't even give her a chance to respond before slamming the door closed. Once again it shook the whole room.

Billie looked at you. "You know all I wanted was for you to be happy. But I wanted you to be happy with me. No one else. Just me. Then I met Holland and completely forgot about you. Holland was cheating on Sarah with me, but I didn't care because you were no longer on my mind. Then I saw you at lunch that one day and god did I want to get up and punch you right there." She looked at her. Her face was starting to get red. It scared you how fast she could change emotions. You always knew she had some problems but never like this. You never thought it would be taken this far. "I was happy with Holland. You had to ruin it. Then Holland introduced me to Finn. He told me his idea." She walked to the right side of the bed and sat down. Her sitting down moved your foot and your shoulder causing you to hiss in pain. "I thought about it. A day at most. And I told him yes. I wanted you to suffer for leaving me. For just dropping what we had." I still want you to suffer. I want you to feel the same pain. I want you to feel worse than I did. I wanted you to die. But now that I see you laying here in this bed. It makes me so happy to know....that you are in so...much...pain." She laughed. You were genuinely scared right now.

You hated the way she made you feel. It was a mix between feeling sorry for her and hate for her. You wanted her to be happy but not at the cost of yours and Sarah's lives. Or sanity. You wanted her to get a grip and app being such a coward. She was just being dumb. She wanted all of these things and she could have accomplished them by herself. But bringing other people into it. Bringing the love of your life into it. Was uncalled for.

You let your mind wander as Billie got off the bed and went to sit the the chair in the corner of the room. You just noticed that she had a stack of books next to it. She wasn't leaving anytime soon. You sighed and went back to your thoughts. You were thinking about Sarah. God I miss her lips. Her touch. Her skin against my own. You started thinking about the first night you stayed over her house. How amazing the sex was. You wanted that again. You wanted that forever. If I get out of here I am going to ask her to marry me. You thought as you closed your eyes and drifted off into a not so peaceful sleep.


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