Part 36 / Day 41

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After lunch was over everyone was going to get into busses and go down to the hotel set and check it out. See what everything would be like. Where the first scene would take place. By the time that filming started you would no longer be on crutches, so being the Countess wouldn't be a problem.

By the time everyone started filming for season five you and Sarah would be married your baby girl or boy would be born. The cops would have found Holland and you would be taking her to trial, but most of all you would be happy. So very happy, but filming doesn't start for ten weeks from right now. Ryan pushed back filming a few weeks so you could figure out how to look normal again and be able to shoot the sex scenes and the scenes where you are half naked without a huge baby bump.

When you arrived everyone got out of the vans and stopped to look at the building. It was beautiful. It was also very tall. You hated that. You just now realized that you were scared of heights. It was an very old building. Everyone started walking into it. Sarah walked up next to you and grabbed your hand. "You ready?" She asked. "Totally ready." You said kissing her cheek. She smiled and held open the door for you. Before you walked into the building you kissed her. "Oh you." She said picking you up by the waist. "Ahh." You screeched laughing. Sarah out you down. "Welcome to the Hotel Cortez." She said in a mysterious voice as she gestured to the entire building. You took a look around. It was beautiful. One of the most beautiful buildings you had ever seen.

You walked up the stairs slowly. One hand intertwined with Sarah's, the other was on the railing. Your fingers slowly trailed behind the rest of your body up the railing. "This is amazing." You whispered. "I know." Sarah said looking around. The two of you finally made it to the top of the stairs and went down the hallway to your left. At the end there were stairs. "The elevator isn't running yet." Ryan yelled. "So take the stairs. I forget where they are at." Ryan began to say before you cut him off. "They are at the top to the left of the bar." I yelled. You heard people began to walk towards the two of you. You quickly went into the stairs. "Race you to the second floor." You said to Sarah. "Oh your on." She said. The two of you ran up the stars as fast as you could. You beat Sarah to the top. "Where are your crutches?" Sarah asked. "I don't want to use them. It doesn't really matter anyways." You said walking down the hall.

All of the walls were so old. It smelled musty and old. It was also very cold in the building you just noticed. The rooms were even older looking. You opened one of the doors. The bed sheets, that were once white, are now a yellowish brown color and the walls were green wallpaper. The bathrooms looked like they hadn't been cleaned in ages. "We are going to door some renovating on the place before filming." Ryan said walking up behind you. "This place is cool." You said to him. "Cool wasn't the vibe i was going for, but thanks." He said laughing. You laughed with him. "Creepy things are cool. Old creepy things are even cooler." You told him walking back out into the hallway. "Yes that is very true." She said patting your head. "Your weird." You told him walking into another room. "All the rooms on this floor look the same. Each floor is different, but each room on each floor is exactly the same." Ryan said walking to the stairs at the other end of the hallway. "This way?" You asked him walking past. Sarah was trailing behind the two of you.

As you walked up the stairs you noticed how high you were getting. "Breathe (Y/N)." Sarah said to you as you all walked up the stairs. "I am breathing. We are just really high. I don't like that." You said. Ryan was still behind you. Sarah was behind him. "We are almost to the third floor. Just breath." Ryan commented putting a hand on your back so you wouldn't fall backwards. "And we are there." You said pushing the door to the third floor opened. This floor instead of having white walls like the second floor it had green walls. You looked inside one of the bedrooms. The walls were red and the sheets were yellow-ish blue. You guessed that they had once been a bright blue color. "These are ood." You said feeling the sheets. They were like a mix between silk and cotton it was a very uncomfortable feeling. "Who would sleep in these?" You laughed. Ryan and Sarah laughed with you. You just realized how much you loved Sarah's laugh as well as everything else about her. 

You pulled Sarah into one of the rooms on the third floor after everyone else had gone upstairs to the fourth floor. "I love you." You said kissing her. "I love you too. What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing. I just want you to know how much I love you." You said to her kissing her again. "Okay stop. Seriously, what's up?" She asked. "I honestly don't know. My moods have been all over the place today. One minute I love all of you and I am really happy then I get all sad and stuff, and before you ask no. I am not thinking about Finn and Billie and such. I haven't even thought about that all day." You said. You had gotten everything out of your system at that moment. You didn't want to do that, so you had no idea why you did it. "I am sorry." You said to Sarah resting your head on her shoulder. 

     She wrapped her arms around you. "It's okay baby. I love you and this little tiny monster growing inside of you. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing in the world would ever change how I feel about you. You know this, but you still do this and I love it because you keep telling me how much you love me and it makes me feel great. You are perfect in every way possible (Y/N). You are my world right now. Soon my world is going to be you and this little boy or girl that you have in your stomach." She paused and put her hand on your stomach. "But that doesn't mean that I am going to love you any less. When they find Holland and we have to go to trial I will be by you every step of the way. It won't be just you up on that stand. It will be me and our child. Always remember that you are not alone in this fight (Y/N). You have me and all of our friends and family to cheer you on." She cupped my face bringing our foreheads together. "I love you." She said before kissing you. It wasn't a huge kiss but it was big enough for you to become breathless. 

     A tear rolled down your cheek. "Oh don't cry." Sarah said to you wiping the tear away. "I am not crying tears of sadness. They are happy tears. I promise. I am so happy to have met you. You have met you changed my world so much from what is was. The crap that my world was to what it is now. I couldn't have wished for anything else in the world."

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