Part 19 / Day 6

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     Hey guys. So I am here writing yet another chapter because well. I don't care about myself and I care about you more. Haha. Anyway please be warned that this chapter is in Sarah's POV. Love you all. ~IZZY

"Ms.Paulson please calm down." The doctor said to me. "She was having a mental breakdown. We needed to move her. She kept talking about monsters in the dark." He said. I stopped trying to get into (Y/N)'s room. "What do you mean monsters in the dark?" I asked him. He gave me a confused look. Like he was surprised I hadn't heard this before. "The floor lost power for a few minutes a couple of hours ago. When we got the power back on there was screaming coming from her room. One of the nurses went into her room and saw that she had ripped her bandages and basically attacked herself. She dug her nails into her skin and tore down her back." I walked over and looked into the window. (Y/N) was the most beautiful person in the world. Why is this happening? I asked myself. She doesn't deserve this. "We are leaving. I am not keeping her here. I won't do that." I opened the door to the room. "I can't let you do that Ms.Paulson." The doctor said. "You don't have a choice. I am aloud to take my girlfriend out of the hospital. You can't keep her here." I started to dress her and the doctor turned around as to not look. I saw the scratches going up her leg. They were so deep. She didn't do this to herself. There is no way. I though. I got her pants on the I moved to get her shirt and coat on. She was still unconscious so that made it difficult.

     The doctor had left the room to get the papers so we could leave. I finished getting her shirt on as she started waking up. Just a little. She opened her eyes. "Hey baby." I said she wasn't really with me and her eyes closed again. The doctor walked back into the room. "What sedative did you give her?" I asked him. "I have the papers and I don't know I wasn't the doctor in the room." He said. "I also brought you a wheelchair to take her out." He handed you everything and helped you get her into the chiar. He even put a blanket on her. "Oh and before I forget here is some cream for her scratches so they heal without scars." He handed you a huge tube of medicine. "Thank you doctor." I said as I wheeled her out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. "Oh baby. We will figure this out." I said to her kissing her hand as the elevator doors opened. I waited for the person in there to walk out before getting in. Why does she look so familiar? I asked myself. Must be my mind. No wait isn't that Billie? I asked myself. Yes it is! Billie walked down the hallway towards the doctors office.

The doors shut just as Billie realized who we were. I pushed the button for the lobby and waiting for the elevator to move. "I hate hospitals." I said out loud. "So do I." I heard (Y/N) say. "Holy shit balls you're awake." I said squatting in front of her. "Yeah just don't scream. What happened?" She asked. "The power went out and the doctor said you had a mental break down. He said you screamed something about monsters." I said. "I am not making it up. I wouldn't do this myself." She said. "I know you wouldn't." I said kissing the top of her head. "We are going to the set. Everyone wants to see how you are doing. Is that okay?" I asked her. "Yeah that's fine. Do I have any lines to do today?" She asked since it was day two on the set. "I don't think so. We will check with Ryan." I told her as the elevator doors opened and I pushed her out and into the lobby.

     "Give me a minute I have to turn these in." I told her walking over to the front desk. I gave the nurse the papers and went back to (Y/N). "Ready?" I asked. She shook her head yes. I rolled her out of the building and into the car. I helped her in and buckled the seat belt. "Oh shit." I said. I threw the wheelchair in the trunk and got into the car as fast as I could. "What's wrong?" She asked. I pointed. There were four black vans filled with paparazzi sitting on the curb. "I know a way to go that we won't get seen." (Y/N) said. "Back out and go right not left. There is an exit out back that will take us to the same place. Just takes a little longer." She said turning on the seat warmer and leaning back into the seat. I hit a button the laid the chair back. "Whoa! I didn't know this could do that!" She said as she laid down on her good shoulder. "Get some rest we have around two hours until we get to set so." I said turning on the heat. "It's getting cold out." She said as she drifted off into sleep.

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