Chapter 01

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2 years ago.

The car ride to the hospital gave me plenty of time to think of everything that had happened to me.

Yoongi left a mark on me, literally and figuratively. I hadn't known it, but I was trapped with that asshole for over a month. My mother was actively searching for me. Putting my face on posters, news stories, and bulletins all over Seoul. 

Though I mostly kept to myself, the students at my university all chipped in to contribute to finding me, but in the end, most of them determined I wasn't coming back.

"As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the girl I'd seen all over Seoul." Hoseok said. "They say the last place you were seen was at an art museum with your class."

I nodded. That art museum was the reason I had ever gotten into this mess... but it was over now.

As we pulled up to the hospital, Hoseok carried me inside, finding a wheelchair and setting me down inside it.

He wheeled me up to the desk, looking at the lady behind the computer. "I called in earlier." He began. "Shin Minkyon."

The woman nodded, helping me back to a room. She turned to Hoseok, speaking to him. "Unfortunately, family only back here."

I frowned, looking at her and then at Hoseok. "No please... let him come with me. He saved my life." I begged.

The lady nodded. "Alright, I guess it'd be alright. She have any family you can contact?" She asked, looking at Hoseok. Hoseok nodded, looking up an article on his phone. I glanced over, realizing it was about me. Several numbers were posted at the bottom of the article, one I recognized as my mother's.

The lady smiled at us and closed the door behind us once we got into the room. "A nurse will come in and take your vitals and a doctor will be right with you." She said, leaving us alone again.

Hoseok began typing a number into his phone, waiting for an answer. I could hear a man's voice on the other side, then Hoseok replying.

"Hello, I have information about Shin Minkyon." He said.

He continued talking to the other person on the line, giving them the address of the hospital we were at. After a few moments he hung up, calling the number that belonged to my mother.

"Hello, Mrs. Shin... I'm calling about your daughter Shin Minkyon."

I could hear my mother gasp on the other side.

"Where is she, where's my precious baby?!" She shouted into the phone, making Hoseok hold the phone away from his ear. He began explaining to her the same thing he did to the person he called before her.

"See you soon then, bye." He said, hanging up.

"You're in good hands now, Minkyon." He smiled at me.

"I promise."

After a series of tests and questions, the multitude of doctors, nurses, and police officers disappeared leaving me with Hoseok and my mother.

My mother hugged both Hoseok and I tightly, fussing over me and how broken I looked before praising Hoseok and thanking him for bringing me back to her.

He shook his head. "I was doing the right thing." He explained.

"Where was she? How'd you find her?" My mother began to interrogate Hoseok, making me laugh at how curious she was.

"Apparently she was recovering from a fall, a friend of mine saved her life and kept her from dying apparently." He lied. It was understandable he didn't want to rat out Yoongi, after all, from what he told me on the car ride here, they had been friends since they were teenagers.

He looked at me apologetically and I just shook my head, giving him a smile. It didn't matter what had happened in the past, all that mattered now was that I could have a future.

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