Chapter 04

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My heart pounded heavily against my ribcage at an almost painful pace as the door opened.

The first person to arrive was Jin, followed by Namjoon who was carrying a large tray of homemade foods.

"For me?" Hoseok asked, popping out from one of the doorways to the kitchen.

"For everyone." Jin stated, taking the tray from Namjoon's hands and setting it on the table.

As the rest of the boys began piling into the house, I looked around at them chatting amongst themselves in the living room. Yoongi hadn't arrived yet, but the boys didn't seem to mind since apparently he wasn't famous for his punctuality.

The door opened again and my attention turned towards it, the boys lost in conversation.

Yoongi closed the door behind him, looking right at me and giving me a warm smile. I didn't know what to do, so I just smiled back at him.

He walked towards me, taking my hand and looking at me expectantly. "Lead the way."

I nodded, walking him to the living room and shrugging Yoongi's hand away. He refused to let mine go and Hoseok noticed, walking over to us and snatching my hand away from Yoongi's.

I smiled at Hoseok who pulled me closer to him in a subtle show of possession.

"Happy Birthday!" Hoseok cheered, gesturing to the pile of presents sitting on the living room table.
Everyone else chirped in, wishing Yoongi a happy birthday as well.

I just stood, fidgeting with my hands while they spoke, until Hoseok pulled me out of my trance.

He kissed my cheek lightly, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Isn't she such a cutie?" He praised, squishing my cheeks. My face turned red as I looked at all the guys, embarrassed.

The boys agreed with Hoseok, nodding and giggling at Hoseok's antics, but Yoongi just sat there, staring me down.

As Hoseok showered me with affection in front of the boys, Yoongi seemed to get a bit more irritable and I couldn't help but be amused.

Hoseok knew he was pushing Yoongi's buttons, and his dark side was hilarious to see in action.

Normally, he'd tease the boys lightheartedly, but sometimes he was quite sadistic. Especially with Jimin and Taehyung.

Throughout the party, Yoongi kept stealing glances at me which I pretended not to notice until all the boys went home and I was left alone with Hoseok again.

"I don't trust him." I frowned.

"I know princess, but trust that I won't let you get taken away from me."

I nodded at his reply.

Everything was going to be fine.

Except that Hoseok was going on a trip with a few of the boys and I wasn't sure how I felt about staying home alone. What if something were to happen to Hoseok on the trip and he was too far away for me to help him? What if they got on a bus and it crashed?

Several irrational thoughts raced through my head that week before he left, I hadn't realized that my anxiety would be justified.

Every Move You Make(Yandere! Yoongi) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now